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2020-03-22 01:31:06 +01:00
class romprmetadata {
public static function sanitise_data(&$data) {
foreach (array( 'action',
'reqid') as $key) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $data)) {
$data[$key] = null;
foreach (array( 'trackno', 'duration', 'isaudiobook') as $key) {
if ($data[$key] == null) {
$data[$key] = 0;
$data['albumartist'] = array_key_exists('albumartist', $data) ? $data['albumartist'] : $data['artist'];
$data['date'] = (array_key_exists('date', $data) && $data['date'] != 0) ? getYear($data['date']) : null;
$data['urionly'] = array_key_exists('urionly', $data) ? true : false;
$data['disc'] = array_key_exists('disc', $data) ? $data['disc'] : 1;
$data['domain'] = array_key_exists('domain', $data) ? $data['domain'] : ($data['uri'] === null ? "local" : getDomain($data['uri']));
$data['hidden'] = 0;
$data['searchflag'] = 0;
if (substr($data['image'],0,4) == "http") {
$data['image'] = "getRemoteImage.php?url=".$data['image'];
if ($data['imagekey'] === null) {
$albumimage = new baseAlbumImage(array(
'artist' => artist_for_image($data['type'], $data['albumartist']),
'album' => $data['album']
$data['imagekey'] = $albumimage->get_image_key();
public static function set($data, $keep_wishlist = false) {
global $returninfo;
if ($data['artist'] === null ||
$data['title'] === null ||
$data['attributes'] == null) {
logger::error("USERRATING", "Something is not set", $data);
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
print json_encode(array('error' => 'Artist or Title or Attributes not set'));
switch ($data['artist']) {
case 'geturisfordir':
$ttids = romprmetadata::geturisfordir($data);
case 'geturis':
$ttids = romprmetadata::geturis($data);
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, forcedUriOnly($data['urionly'], getDomain($data['uri'])));
$newttids = array();
foreach ($ttids as $ttid) {
if ($keep_wishlist || !track_is_wishlist($ttid)) {
$newttids[] = $ttid;
$ttids = $newttids;
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
$ttids[0] = create_new_track($data);
logger::log("USERRATINGS", "Created New Track with TTindex ".$ttids[0]);
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
if (romprmetadata::doTheSetting($ttids, $data['attributes'], $data['uri'])) {
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed');
$returninfo['error'] = 'Setting attributes failed';
} else {
logger::fail("USERRATING", "TTID Not Found");
header('HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed');
$returninfo['error'] = 'TTindex not found';
public static function add($data, $urionly = true) {
// This is used for adding specific tracks so we need urionly to be true
// We don't simply call into this using 'set' with urionly set to true
// because that might result in the rating being changed
// The only time we call inot this with $urionly set to false is when we're restoring a metadata
// backup. In that case we might be copying data from one setup to another and we might have
// the track already in local, so we don't want to add duplicates. Neither way is perfect but
// this makes most sense I think.
global $returninfo;
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, $urionly);
// As we check by URI we can only have one result.
$ttid = null;
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
$ttid = $ttids[0];
if (track_is_hidden($ttid) || track_is_searchresult($ttid)) {
logger::mark("USERRATINGS", "Track ".$ttid." being added is a search result or a hidden track");
// Setting attributes (Rating: 0) will unhide/un-searchify it. Ratings of 0 are got rid of
// by remove_cruft at the end, because they're meaningless
if ($data['attributes'] == null) {
$data['attributes'] = array(array('attribute' => 'Rating', 'value'=> 0));
} else {
logger::warn("USERRATINGS", "Track being added already exists");
if ($ttid == null) {
logger::log("USERRATINGS", "Creating Track being added");
$ttid = create_new_track($data);
romprmetadata::doTheSetting(array($ttid), $data['attributes'], $data['uri']);
public static function inc($data) {
global $returninfo;
// NOTE : 'inc' does not do what you might expect.
// This is not an 'increment' function, it still does a SET but it will create a hidden track
// if the track can't be found, compare to SET which creates a new unhidden track.
if ($data['artist'] === null ||
$data['title'] === null ||
$data['attributes'] == null) {
logger::error("USERRATING", "Something is not set",$data);
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
print json_encode(array('error' => 'Artist or Title or Attributes not set'));
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, forcedUriOnly(false,getDomain($data['uri'])));
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
logger::log("USERRATING", "Doing an INCREMENT action - Found NOTHING so creating hidden track");
$data['hidden'] = 1;
$ttids[0] = create_new_track($data);
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
foreach ($ttids as $ttid) {
logger::trace("USERRATING", "Doing an INCREMENT action - Found TTID ",$ttid);
foreach ($data['attributes'] as $pair) {
logger::log("USERRATING", "(Increment) Setting",$pair["attribute"],"to",$pair["value"],"on",$ttid);
romprmetadata::increment_value($ttid, $pair["attribute"], $pair["value"], $data['lastplayed']);
$returninfo['metadata'] = get_all_data($ttid);
return $ttids;
private static function checkLastPlayed(&$data) {
if (array_key_exists('lastplayed', $data)) {
if (is_numeric($data['lastplayed'])) {
// Convert timestamp from LastFM into MySQL TIMESTAMP format
$data['lastplayed'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['lastplayed']);
} else {
$data['lastplayed'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
public static function syncinc($data) {
global $returninfo;
if ($data['artist'] === null ||
$data['title'] === null ||
$data['attributes'] == null) {
logger::error("SYNCINC", "Something is not set", $data);
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
print json_encode(array('error' => 'Artist or Title or Attributes not set'));
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, forcedUriOnly(false,getDomain($data['uri'])));
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
$ttids = romprmetadata::inc($data);
return true;
logger::log("SYNCINC", "LastPlayed is ".$data['lastplayed']);
foreach ($ttids as $ttid) {
logger::log("SYNCINC", "Doing a SYNC action on TTID ".$ttid);
$rowcount = generic_sql_query("UPDATE Playcounttable SET SyncCount = SyncCount - 1, LastPlayed = '".$data['lastplayed']."' WHERE TTindex = ".$ttid." AND SyncCount > 0",
false, null, null, null, true);
if ($rowcount > 0) {
logger::log("SYNCINC", " Decremented sync counter for this track");
} else {
$rowcount = generic_sql_query("UPDATE Playcounttable SET Playcount = Playcount + 1, LastPlayed = '".$data['lastplayed']."' WHERE TTindex = ".$ttid,
false, null, null, null, true);
if ($rowcount > 0) {
logger::log("SYNCINC", " Incremented Playcount for this track");
// At this point, SyncCount must have been zero but the update will have incremented it again,
// because of the trigger. resetSyncCounts takes care of this;
} else {
logger::log("SYNCINC", " Track not found in Playcounttable");
$metadata = get_all_data($ttid);
romprmetadata::increment_value($ttid, 'Playcount', $metadata['Playcount'] + 1, $data['lastplayed']);
// At this point, SyncCount must have been zero but the update will have incremented it again,
// because of the trigger. resetSyncCounts takes care of this;
public static function resetSyncCounts($ttids) {
foreach ($ttids as $ttid) {
generic_sql_query("UPDATE Playcounttable SET SyncCount = 0 WHERE TTindex = ".$ttid, true);
public static function resetallsyncdata() {
generic_sql_query('UPDATE Playcounttable SET SyncCount = 0 WHERE TTindex > 0', true);
public static function remove($data) {
global $returninfo;
if ($data['artist'] === null || $data['title'] === null) {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
print json_encode(array('error' => 'Artist or Title not set'));
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, forcedUriOnly($data['urionly'], getDomain($data['uri'])));
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
foreach ($ttids as $ttid) {
$result = true;
foreach ($data['attributes'] as $pair) {
logger::trace("USERRATING", "Removing",$pair);
$r = romprmetadata::remove_tag($ttid, $pair["value"]);
if ($r == false) {
logger::fail("USERRATING", "FAILED Removing",$pair);
$result = false;
if ($result) {
$returninfo['metadata'] = get_all_data($ttid);
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed');
$returninfo['error'] = 'Removing attributes failed';
} else {
logger::fail("USERRATING", "TTID Not Found");
header('HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed');
$returninfo['error'] = 'TTindex not found';
public static function get($data) {
global $returninfo, $nodata;
if ($data['artist'] === null || $data['title'] === null) {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
print json_encode(array('error' => 'Artist or Title not set'));
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, forcedUriOnly(false, getDomain($data['uri'])));
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
$ttid = array_shift($ttids);
$returninfo = get_all_data($ttid);
} else {
$returninfo = $nodata;
public static function setalbummbid($data) {
global $returninfo, $nodata;
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, forcedUriOnly(false, getDomain($data['uri'])));
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
foreach ($ttids as $ttid) {
logger::log("BACKEND", "Updating album MBID ".$data['attributes']." from TTindex ".$ttid);
$albumindex = simple_query('Albumindex', 'Tracktable', 'TTindex', $ttid, null);
logger::trace("BACKEND", " .. album index is ".$albumindex);
sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "UPDATE Albumtable SET mbid = ? WHERE Albumindex = ? AND mbid IS NULL",$data['attributes'],$albumindex);
$returninfo = $nodata;
public static function cleanup($data) {
logger::log("SQL", "Doing Database Cleanup And Stats Update");
public static function amendalbum($data) {
if ($data['albumindex'] !== null && romprmetadata::amend_album($data['albumindex'], $data['albumartist'], $data['date'])) {
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
$returninfo['error'] = 'That just did not work';
public static function deletetag($data) {
if (romprmetadata::remove_tag_from_db($data['value'])) {
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
$returninfo['error'] = 'Well, that went well';
public static function delete($data) {
$ttids = romprmetadata::find_item($data, true);
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
$returninfo['error'] = 'TTindex not found';
} else {
public static function deletewl($data) {
public static function deleteid($data) {
public static function getcharts($data) {
global $returninfo;
$returninfo['Artists'] = get_artist_charts();
$returninfo['Albums'] = get_album_charts();
$returninfo['Tracks'] = get_track_charts();
public static function clearwishlist() {
logger::log("MONKEYS", "Removing Wishlist Tracks");
if (clear_wishlist()) {
logger::log("MONKEYS", " ... Success!");
} else {
logger::warn("MONKEYS", "Failed removing wishlist tracks");
// Private Functions
static function geturisfordir($data) {
global $PLAYER_TYPE;
$player = new $PLAYER_TYPE();
$uris = $player->get_uris_for_directory($data['uri']);
$ttids = array();
foreach ($uris as $uri) {
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null, "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable WHERE Uri = ?", $uri);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
return $ttids;
static function geturis($data) {
$uris = getItemsToAdd($data['uri'], "");
$ttids = array();
foreach ($uris as $uri) {
$uri = trim(substr($uri, strpos($uri, ' ')+1, strlen($uri)), '"');
$r = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null, "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable WHERE Uri = ?", $uri);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
return $ttids;
static function print_debug_ttids($ttids, $s) {
$time = time() - $s;
if (count($ttids) > 0) {
logger::log("TIMINGS", " Found TTindex(es)",$ttids,"in",$time,"seconds");
static function find_item($data,$urionly) {
// romprmetadata::find_item
// Looks for a track in the database based on uri, title, artist, album, and albumartist or
// combinations of those
// Returns: Array of TTindex
// romprmetadata::find_item is used by userRatings to find tracks on which to update or display metadata.
// It is NOT used when the collection is created
// When Setting Metadata we do not use a URI because we might have mutliple versions of the
// track in the database or someone might be rating a track from Spotify that they already have
// in Local. So in this case we check using an increasingly wider check to find the track,
// returning as soon as one of these produces matches.
// First by Title, TrackNo, AlbumArtist and Album
// Third by Track, Album Artist, and Album
// Then by Track, Track Artist, and Album
// Then by Track, Artist, and Album NULL (meaning wishlist)
// We return ALL tracks found, because you might have the same track on multiple backends,
// and set metadata on them all.
// This means that when getting metadata it doesn't matter which one we match on.
// When we Get Metadata we do supply a URI BUT we don't use it if we have one, just because.
// $urionly can be set to force looking up only by URI. This is used by when we need to import a
// specific version of the track - currently from either the Last.FM importer or when we add a
// spotify album to the collection
// If we don't supply an album to this function that's because we're listening to the radio.
// In that case we look for a match where there is something in the album field and then for
// where album is NULL
// FIXME! There is one scenario where the above fails.
// If you tag or rate a track, and then add it to the collection again from another backend
// later on, the rating doesn't get picked up by the new copy.
// Looking everything up by name/album/artist (i.e. ignoring the URI in romprmetadata::find_item)
// doesn't fix this because the collection display still doesn't show the rating as that's
// looked up by TTindex
$start_time = time();
logger::shout("FIND ITEM", "Looking for item ".$data['title']);
$ttids = array();
if ($urionly && $data['uri']) {
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by URI ".$data['uri']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null, "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable WHERE Uri = ?", $data['uri']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
if ($data['artist'] == null || $data['title'] == null || ($urionly && $data['uri'])) {
romprmetadata::print_debug_ttids($ttids, $start_time);
return $ttids;
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
if ($data['album']) {
if ($data['albumartist'] !== null && $data['trackno'] != 0) {
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by albumartist",$data['albumartist'],"album",$data['album'],"title",$data['title'],"track number",$data['trackno']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null,
Tracktable JOIN Albumtable USING (Albumindex)
JOIN Artisttable ON Albumtable.AlbumArtistindex = Artisttable.Artistindex
LOWER(Title) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Albumname) = LOWER(?)
AND TrackNo = ?",
$data['title'], $data['albumartist'], $data['album'], $data['trackno']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
if (count($ttids) == 0 && $data['albumartist'] !== null) {
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by albumartist",$data['albumartist'],"album",$data['album'],"and title",$data['title']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null,
Tracktable JOIN Albumtable USING (Albumindex)
JOIN Artisttable ON Albumtable.AlbumArtistindex = Artisttable.Artistindex
LOWER(Title) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Albumname) = LOWER(?)",
$data['title'], $data['albumartist'], $data['album']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
if (count($ttids) == 0 && ($data['albumartist'] == null || $data['albumartist'] == $data['artist'])) {
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by artist",$data['artist'],",album",$data['album'],"and title",$data['title']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null,
Tracktable JOIN Artisttable USING (Artistindex)
JOIN Albumtable USING (Albumindex)
LOWER(Title) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Albumname) = LOWER(?)", $data['title'], $data['artist'], $data['album']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
// Finally look for Uri NULL which will be a wishlist item added via a radio station
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by (wishlist) artist",$data['artist'],"and title",$data['title']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null,
Tracktable JOIN Artisttable USING (Artistindex)
LOWER(Title) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?)
$data['title'], $data['artist']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
} else {
// No album supplied - ie this is from a radio stream. First look for a match where
// there is something in the album field
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by artist",$data['artist'],"Uri NOT NULL and title",$data['title']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null,
Tracktable JOIN Artisttable USING (Artistindex)
LOWER(Title) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?)
AND Uri IS NOT NULL", $data['title'], $data['artist']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
if (count($ttids) == 0) {
logger::mark("FIND ITEM", " Trying by (wishlist) artist",$data['artist'],"and title",$data['title']);
$t = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'TTindex', null,
Tracktable JOIN Artisttable USING (Artistindex)
LOWER(Title) = LOWER(?)
AND LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?)
AND Uri IS NULL", $data['title'], $data['artist']);
$ttids = array_merge($ttids, $t);
romprmetadata::print_debug_ttids($ttids, $start_time);
return $ttids;
static function increment_value($ttid, $attribute, $value, $lp) {
// Increment_value doesn't 'increment' as such - it's used for setting values on tracks without
// unhiding them. It's used for Playcount, which was originally an 'increment' type function but
// that changed because multiple rompr instances cause multiple increments
logger::mark("INCREMENT", "Setting",$attribute,"to",$value,"for TTID",$ttid);
if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "REPLACE INTO ".$attribute."table (TTindex, ".$attribute.", LastPlayed) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $ttid, $value, $lp)) {
logger::trace("INCREMENT", " .. success");
} else {
logger::fail("INCREMENT", "FAILED Setting",$attribute,"to",$value,"for TTID",$ttid);
return false;
return true;
static function set_attribute($ttid, $attribute, $value) {
// set_attribute
// Sets an attribute (Rating, Tag etc) on a TTindex.
logger::mark("ATTRIBUTE", "Setting",$attribute,"to",$value,"on",$ttid);
if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "REPLACE INTO ".$attribute."table (TTindex, ".$attribute.") VALUES (?, ?)", $ttid, $value)) {
logger::trace("ATTRIBUTE", " .. success");
} else {
logger::fail("ATTRIBUTE", "FAILED Setting",$attribute,"to",$value,"on",$ttid);
return false;
return true;
static function doTheSetting($ttids, $attributes, $uri) {
global $returninfo;
$result = true;
logger::trace("USERRATING", "Checking For attributes");
if ($attributes !== null) {
logger::trace("USERRATING", "Setting attributes");
foreach($ttids as $ttid) {
logger::debug("USERRATING", "TTid ".$ttid);
foreach ($attributes as $pair) {
logger::log("USERRATING", "Setting",$pair["attribute"],"to",$pair['value'],"on TTindex",$ttid);
switch ($pair['attribute']) {
case 'Tags':
$result = romprmetadata::addTags($ttid, $pair['value']);
$result = romprmetadata::set_attribute($ttid, $pair["attribute"], $pair["value"]);
if (!$result) { break; }
if ($uri) {
$returninfo['metadata'] = get_all_data($ttid);
return $result;
static function addTags($ttid, $tags) {
// addTags
// Add a list of tags to a TTindex
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$t = trim($tag);
if ($t == '') continue;
logger::mark("ADD TAGS", "Adding Tag",$t,"to TTindex",$ttid);
$tagindex = sql_prepare_query(false, null, 'Tagindex', null, "SELECT Tagindex FROM Tagtable WHERE Name=?", $t);
if ($tagindex == null) $tagindex = romprmetadata::create_new_tag($t);
if ($tagindex == null) {
logger::fail("ADD TAGS", " Could not create tag",$t);
return false;
if ($result = generic_sql_query("INSERT INTO TagListtable (TTindex, Tagindex) VALUES ('".$ttid."', '".$tagindex."')", true)) {
logger::trace("ADD TAGS", "Success");
} else {
// Doesn't matter, we have a UNIQUE constraint on both columns to prevent us adding the same tag twice
logger::debug("ADD TAGS", " .. Failed but that's OK if it's because of a duplicate entry or UNQIUE constraint");
return true;
static function create_new_tag($tag) {
// create_new_tags
// Creates a new entry in Tagtable
// Returns: Tagindex
global $mysqlc;
logger::mark("CREATE TAG", "Creating new tag",$tag);
$tagindex = null;
if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "INSERT INTO Tagtable (Name) VALUES (?)", $tag)) {
$tagindex = $mysqlc->lastInsertId();
return $tagindex;
static function remove_tag($ttid, $tag) {
// remove_tags
// Removes a tag relation from a TTindex
logger::mark("REMOVE TAG", "Removing Tag",$tag,"from TTindex",$ttid);
$retval = false;
if ($tagindex = simple_query('Tagindex', 'Tagtable', 'Name', $tag, false)) {
$retval = generic_sql_query("DELETE FROM TagListtable WHERE TTindex = '".$ttid."' AND Tagindex = '".$tagindex."'", true);
} else {
logger::fail("REMOVE TAG", " .. Could not find tag",$tag);
return $retval;
static function remove_tag_from_db($tag) {
logger::mark("REMOVE TAG", "Removing Tag",$tag,",from database");
return sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "DELETE FROM Tagtable WHERE Name=?", $tag);
static function delete_track($ttid) {
if (remove_ttid($ttid)) {
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
static function amend_album($albumindex, $newartist, $date) {
logger::mark("AMEND ALBUM", "Updating Album index",$albumindex,"with new artist",$newartist,"and new date",$date);
$artistindex = ($newartist == null) ? null : check_artist($newartist);
$result = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_OBJ, null, null, "SELECT * FROM Albumtable WHERE Albumindex = ?", $albumindex);
$obj = array_shift($result);
if ($obj) {
$params = array(
'album' => $obj->Albumname,
'albumai' => ($artistindex == null) ? $obj->AlbumArtistindex : $artistindex,
'albumuri' => $obj->AlbumUri,
'image' => $obj->Image,
'date' => ($date == null) ? $obj->Year : $date,
'searched' => $obj->Searched,
'imagekey' => $obj->ImgKey,
'ambid' => $obj->mbid,
'domain' => $obj->Domain);
$newalbumindex = check_album($params);
if ($albumindex != $newalbumindex) {
logger::log("AMEND ALBUM", "Moving all tracks from album",$albumindex,"to album",$newalbumindex);
if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "UPDATE Tracktable SET Albumindex = ? WHERE Albumindex = ?", $newalbumindex, $albumindex)) {
logger::trace("AMEND ALBUM", "...Success");
} else {
logger::fail("AMEND ALBUM", "Track move Failed!");
return false;
} else {
logger::error("AMEND ALBUM", "Failed to find album to update!");
return false;
return true;
function forcedUriOnly($u,$d) {
// Some mopidy backends - YouTube and SoundCloud - can return the same artist/album/track info
// for multiple different tracks.
// This gives us a problem because romprmetadata::find_item will think they're the same.
// So for those backends we always force urionly to be true
logger::debug("USERRATINGS", "Checking domain : ".$d);
if ($u || $d == "youtube" || $d == "soundcloud") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function preparePlaylist() {
generic_sql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pltable", true);
generic_sql_query("CREATE TABLE pltable(TTindex INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE)", true);
function preparePlTrackTable() {
generic_sql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pltracktable", true);
generic_sql_query("CREATE TABLE pltracktable(TTindex INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE)", true);
function doPlaylist($playlist, $limit) {
global $prefs;
logger::blurt("SMARTRADIO", "Loading Playlist",$playlist,'limit',$limit);
$sqlstring = "";
$tags = null;
$random = true;
switch($playlist) {
case "1stars":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN Ratingtable USING (TTindex) WHERE Uri
IS NOT NULL AND Hidden=0 AND isSearchResult < 2 AND Rating > 0";
case "2stars":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN Ratingtable USING (TTindex) WHERE Uri
IS NOT NULL AND Hidden=0 AND isSearchResult < 2 AND Rating > 1";
case "3stars":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN Ratingtable USING (TTindex) WHERE Uri
IS NOT NULL AND Hidden=0 AND isSearchResult < 2 AND Rating > 2";
case "4stars":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN Ratingtable USING (TTindex) WHERE Uri
IS NOT NULL AND Hidden=0 AND isSearchResult < 2 AND Rating > 3";
case "5stars":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN Ratingtable USING (TTindex) WHERE Uri
IS NOT NULL AND Hidden=0 AND isSearchResult < 2 AND Rating > 4";
case "favealbums":
case "recentlyadded_byalbum":
// This is a rather odd SQL query but it needs a WHERE clause and a JOIN with Tracktable
// in order to work with the generic track dumping functions
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM pltracktable JOIN Tracktable USING (TTindex) WHERE TTindex > 0";
$random = false;
case "recentlyadded_random":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM pltracktable JOIN Tracktable USING (TTindex) WHERE TTindex > 0";
case "mostplayed":
// Used to be tracks with above average playcount, now also includes any rated tracks.
// Still called mostplayed :)
$avgplays = getAveragePlays();
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN Playcounttable USING (TTindex)
LEFT JOIN Ratingtable USING (TTindex) WHERE Uri IS NOT NULL AND Hidden = 0 AND
isSearchResult < 2 AND (Playcount > ".$avgplays." OR Rating IS NOT NULL)";
case "allrandom":
$sqlstring = "SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable WHERE Uri IS NOT NULL AND Hidden=0 AND
isSearchResult < 2";
case "neverplayed":
// LEFT JOIN (used here and above) means that the right-hand side of the JOIN will be
// NULL if TTindex doesn't exist on that side. Very handy.
$sqlstring = "SELECT Tracktable.TTindex FROM Tracktable LEFT JOIN Playcounttable ON
Tracktable.TTindex = Playcounttable.TTindex WHERE Playcounttable.TTindex IS NULL";
case "recentlyplayed":
$sqlstring = recently_played_playlist();
if (preg_match('/tag\+(.*)/', $playlist, $matches)) {
$taglist = explode(',', $matches[1]);
$sqlstring = 'SELECT DISTINCT TTindex FROM Tracktable JOIN TagListtable USING (TTindex) JOIN Tagtable USING (Tagindex) WHERE ';
// Concatenate this bracket here otherwise Atom's syntax colouring goes haywire
$sqlstring .= '(';
$tags = array();
foreach ($taglist as $i => $tag) {
logger::mark("SMART RADIO", "Getting tag playlist for",$tag);
$tags[] = trim($tag);
if ($i > 0) {
$sqlstring .= " OR ";
$sqlstring .= "Tagtable.Name = ?";
$sqlstring .= ") AND Tracktable.Uri IS NOT NULL AND Tracktable.Hidden = 0 AND
Tracktable.isSearchResult < 2 ";
} else {
logger::fail("SMART RADIO", "Unrecognised playlist",$playlist);
$sqlstring .= ' AND (LinkChecked = 0 OR LinkChecked = 2) AND isAudiobook = 0';
if ($prefs['collection_player'] == 'mopidy' && $prefs['player_backend'] == 'mpd') {
$sqlstring .= ' AND Uri LIKE "local:%"';
$uris = getAllURIs($sqlstring, $limit, $tags, $random);
$json = array();
foreach ($uris as $u) {
$json[] = array( 'type' => 'uri', 'name' => $u);
return $json;
function getAllURIs($sqlstring, $limit, $tags, $random = true) {
// Get all track URIs using a supplied SQL string. For playlist generators
$uris = array();
$tries = 0;
do {
if ($tries == 1) {
logger::log("SMART PLAYLIST", "No URIs found. Resetting history table");
generic_sql_query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pltemptable(TTindex INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE)", true);
theBabyDumper($sqlstring, $limit, $tags, $random);
$uris = sql_get_column("SELECT Uri FROM Tracktable WHERE TTindex IN (SELECT TTindex FROM pltemptable)", 0);
} while (count($uris) == 0 && $tries < 2);
generic_sql_query("INSERT INTO pltable (TTindex) SELECT TTindex FROM pltemptable", true);
return $uris;
function theBabyDumper($sqlstring, $limit, $tags, $random) {
logger::trace("SMART PLAYLIST", "Selector is ".$sqlstring);
$rndstr = $random ? " ORDER BY ".SQL_RANDOM_SORT : " ORDER BY Albumindex, TrackNo";
if ($tags) {
sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null,
"INSERT INTO pltemptable(TTindex) ".$sqlstring.
" AND NOT Tracktable.TTindex IN (SELECT TTindex FROM pltable)".$rndstr." LIMIT ".$limit, $tags);
} else {
"INSERT INTO pltemptable(TTindex) ".$sqlstring.
" AND NOT Tracktable.TTindex IN (SELECT TTindex FROM pltable)".$rndstr." LIMIT ".$limit, true);
function getAveragePlays() {
$avgplays = simple_query('avg(Playcount)', 'Playcounttable', null, null, 0);
return round($avgplays, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);