Astroport Pic: Moment of Truth


Richard and Dinesh look on as the fruit of our mighty labors, Astroport’s compression platform, is launched! We await the judgment of history!****

(**** and the subsequent launch of subscription-based Astroport premium services for business!)

Comments (5,387)

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  1. Rob Gonsalves says:

    Does your platform use REST APIs or SOAP (yuck) APIs?

  2. Bobbyb says:

    I have an idea for a game that will go viral faster than candy crush…need a programmer to make it happen…who wants in?

  3. Bobbyb says:

    Why does that Chinese guy keep prank calling Ehrlich? That egg foo yung needs a beat down.

  4. John Thomas says:

    Such an epic launch from what I’ve heard, but where do I download the client? I’ve looked everywhere, sent emails…googled this issue. Where is the platform downloaded?!?

  5. F says:

    the size of this picture is too big, why not use middle-out algorithm? which brower is required? 🙂

  6. Oliver Song says:


  7. Pierre Breton says:

    Funny stuff in a geeky king of compressed way!

  8. Димусик says:


  9. Russ Hanneman says:

    How i regret selling my stake in pied piper!
    Maybe, its better to cry in a McLaren than a Maserati

  10. Erlich says:

    Hello Wolrd!

  11. passionberry says:

    Congratulations on launching the Beta!

  12. 水蛮子 says:


  13. Monica says:

    UI could use an upgrade

    1. beaed5000 says:

      You could use an upgrade.

  14. Gavin Belson says:

    I am going to crush you Richard.

    1. Gavin Belson says:

      You should see the End Frame platform, we are nearly done!

    1. Rick H. says:

      I don’t think there is an “E” at the end of the name of the company you work for, dude!

      1. Richard, CEO of Pied piper says:


        1. Prometheus says:

          LOL your LOL

  15. Bobby says:

    Site needs more flare ? overall killer

  16. Can I get a gawdamn invite to the beta already? I’ve got literally TERABYTES of bear porn I need to make accessible from my work phone.

  17. Jeff Bavely says:

    Mike Judge is a genius. From B&B to Office Space, King of the Hill to today!

  18. Harry Lee says:

    La La La

  19. Biggtiggs says:

    Can you please find a way to increase the velocity of propagation on our networks to support your incredible speeds?

  20. Dm5000 says:

    I had a chance to check out the beta. Dudes the interface is just overwhelming. There’s too much going on. Need more user friendly.

  21. Tonya Smith says:

    I LOVE this SHOW and this SITE! I wish more people knew about how awesome this show is! I love me some Gilfoyle and day! The whole cast has found a home in my heart!

  22. More like Pied Pooper.

  23. Jeff says:

    Can I play Pong on here?

  24. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution says:

    Love the new software! Can’t wait to purchase a sub

  25. Maxim says:

    Yeaah! Sosi bolshoi bolt, hooli!

    1. Nik says:

      Парни, я в восторге от вашего творчества! Вы чертовски меня вдохновили!

  26. Martin says:

    I would love to support your startup by flashing your brand new Astroport jacket. Where can a future stockholder get one?

  27. JP says:

    Ohhhhh! Hold the door!!!

    1. Wyllis says:


      1. Javier says:


        1. Prometheus says:


  28. Alex says:

    Great job! Good luck guys!

  29. St. Castle says:


  30. Serge says:

    lol the picture size…. easter eggs everywhere here… I love it !

  31. Lance says:

    I wish I knew what the fuck you guys are talking about but I LOVE IT lmfao .
    Maybe this time they’ll have success at the crashing and burning multiple times.
    Good luck

  32. glenn9ball says:

    That’s a 16MB image file you’re trying to pull down onto the webpage. Middle-out or not, that’s bad coding.

    1. Jonathan Meyers says:

      Yeah, a 16MB image on a website like this is indeed bad coding… not even Big Head would do that.

    2. Thomas says:

      mayhaps a joke

    3. WHAT THE HAY? says:

      16MB is the compressed size. the actual size is 1GB. Very impressive compression.

  33. sfrinx says:


  34. Murphy Dailey says:

    Rumor has it the platform was given high praise amongst the engineering community but poorly received by the only non-engineer who tested it out. Do women be trippin’, or is Astroport really not ready for the common consumer?

  35. Deric Lee says:

    Interface is PP.

  36. Yuxuan Wu says:

    I am a Friend of Jian-Yang. Sorry for his wired behavior,but can I get a invite?


  38. Guy says:


    1. Hey Dinesh says:

      Can I get an invite?

  39. All you need now is a good public service that could possibly benefit from compression. Imagine data runs free of devices. All I need personally, is something that works and stays the same, I am still searching 😉


  40. Jen says:

    Oh my God, my roommate in college dated the guy on the left! She said he was totally obsessed with her even though they only went on like two dates.

  41. Russ Hannemann says:

    This guy fucks.

  42. Paul says:

    Hello- Have you tried parallelism “middle-out” and “outer-middle” resulting in hybrid compression?

  43. Not Dinesh says:

    Can I please get an invite, I am a friend of Dinesh.

    1. Lucas says:

      Hi, I’m also a friend of Dinesh. Can I get an invite? I want to post my photos of snowboarding.

  44. Trish Noble says:

    Woohoo! Don’t have to ask for an invite anymore! Congrats, gentlemen.