To Every Thing There Is a Season


Well, it has been a season of change here at Astroport. As Sylvia would often say when another couple passed over me for adoption, “When God closes a door, he opens a window.” I finally understand that Sylvia meant something more than a tip to escape through the opening in the attic. The door of my service to Astroport has ended, but the window of PiperChat has opened! Indeed, many PiperChat windows have opened, because our video chat platform has a remarkable hosting capability for multiple simultaneous users. Check it out!

Yes, readers, our pivot to video chat has become a full-blown sprint: we are gaining users by the day, our technology is superior to any other conference platform on the market, and we’ve named Dinesh Chugtai our new CEO. The next stop on this journey is funding. Our brush with fraud — Oh, Jared, did you not think that sin would stain? — has hindered us, to be sure, but we remain undeterred!

Amid the giddy thrill of this new chapter, we must take a moment to honor Richard Hendricks, who has parted ways with PiperChat. He may no longer be our CEO, but he will always be our Founder and our friend. Few captains are so brave as to shed their crew, guided only by the stars and a whiteboard. But you are on your own journey now, Richard, like Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love. You have left the painful past of the platform behind you and are bravely entering a new chapter of spiritual growth and technological adventure.

As for me, I’m off to make Dinesh a cup of tea and work on our burn-down chart!

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