
156 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

# Created by Alberto Betella
# This is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.
########### Security code, avoids cross-site scripting (Register Globals ON)
if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) OR isset($_REQUEST['absoluteurl']) OR isset($_REQUEST['amilogged']) OR isset($_REQUEST['theme_path'])) { exit; }
########### End
if(isUserLogged()) { //if logged
if(strpos(PHP_OS, "WIN") !== false) { //if we are in a windows environment...
$absoluteurl = addslashes($absoluteurl); // double slashes
include ("$absoluteurl"."core/admin/VERSION.php"); //read PodcastGenerator version
// Social networks are handled independently (through array) in the config.php file, so more can be added in future and some can also be excluded in the config file.
$social_networks_active_buttons = NULL;
foreach ($enablesocialnetworks as $singlesocialnetwork) {$social_networks_active_buttons .= $singlesocialnetwork.","; }
//New vars introduced in 2.2 This avoid a notice when upgrade
if (!isset($feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website)) $feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website = "";
if (!isset($feed_URL_replace)) $feed_URL_replace = "";
if (!isset($feed_iTunes_URL_replace)) $feed_iTunes_URL_replace = "";
if (!isset($first_installation)) $first_installation = time();
//If not existing, generate 8 character key for this PG installation
if (!isset($installationKey)) $installationKey = random_str(8);
// Pg cron
if (!isset($cronAutoIndex)) $cronAutoIndex = 1;
if (!isset($cronAutoRegenerateRSS)) $cronAutoRegenerateRSS = 1;
if (!isset($cronAutoRegenerateRSScacheTime)) $cronAutoRegenerateRSScacheTime = 21600;
//Regenerate the config.php file
$configfiletocreate = '<?php
# Podcast Generator
# developed by Alberto Betella
# Config.php file created automatically - v.'.$podcastgen_version.'
$podcastgen_version = "'.$podcastgen_version.'"; // Version
$first_installation = '.$first_installation.';
$installationKey = "'.$installationKey.'";
$scriptlang = "'.$scriptlang.'";
$url = "'.$url.'"; // Complete URL of the script (Trailing slash REQUIRED)
$absoluteurl = "'.$absoluteurl.'"; // Absolute path on the server (Trailing slash REQUIRED)
$theme_path = "'.$theme_path.'";
$username = "'.$username.'";
$userpassword = "'.$userpassword.'";
$max_upload_form_size = "'.$max_upload_form_size.'"; //e.g.: "30000000" (about 30MB)
$upload_dir = "'.$upload_dir.'"; // "media/" the default folder (Trailing slash required). Set chmod 755
$img_dir = "'.$img_dir.'"; // (Trailing slash required). Set chmod 755
$feed_dir = "'.$feed_dir.'"; // Where to create feed.xml (empty value = root directory). Set chmod 755
$max_recent = '.$max_recent.'; // How many file to show in the home page
$recent_episode_in_feed = "'.$recent_episode_in_feed.'"; // How many file to show in the XML feed (1,2,5 etc.. or "All")
$episodeperpage = '.$episodeperpage.';
$enablestreaming = "'.$enablestreaming.'"; // Enable mp3 streaming? ("yes" or "no")
$enablesocialnetworks = array('.$social_networks_active_buttons.'); // Enable social networks integration? value 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each social network. Array order: Facebook, Twitter, G+
$dateformat = "'.$dateformat.'"; // d-m-Y OR m-d-Y OR Y-m-d
$freebox = "'.$freebox.'"; // enable freely customizable box
$enablehelphints = "'.$enablehelphints.'";
$enablepgnewsinadmin = "'.$enablepgnewsinadmin.'";
$strictfilenamepolicy = "'.$strictfilenamepolicy.'"; // strictly rename files (just characters A to Z and numbers)
$categoriesenabled = "'.$categoriesenabled.'";
$cronAutoIndex = '.$cronAutoIndex.'; //Auto Index New Episodes via Cron
$cronAutoRegenerateRSS = '.$cronAutoRegenerateRSS.'; //Auto regenerate RSS via Cron
$cronAutoRegenerateRSScacheTime = '.$cronAutoRegenerateRSScacheTime.'; //Cache (in seconds)
# XML Feed elements
# The followings specifications will be included in your podcast "feed.xml" file.
$feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website = "'.$feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website.'";
$feed_URL_replace = "'.$feed_URL_replace.'";
$feed_iTunes_URL_replace = "'.$feed_iTunes_URL_replace.'";
$podcast_title = "'.$podcast_title.'";
$podcast_subtitle = "'.$podcast_subtitle.'";
$podcast_description = "'.$podcast_description.'";
$author_name = "'.$author_name.'";
$author_email = "'.$author_email.'";
$itunes_category[0] = "'.$itunes_category[0].'"; // iTunes categories (mainCategory:subcategory)
$itunes_category[1] = "'.$itunes_category[1].'";
$itunes_category[2] = "'.$itunes_category[2].'";
$link = $url."?name="; // permalink URL of single episode (appears in the <link> and <guid> tags in the feed)
$feed_language = "'.$feed_language.'"; // Language used in the XML feed (can differ from the script language).
$copyright = "'.$copyright.'"; // Copyright notice
$feed_encoding = "'.$feed_encoding.'"; // Feed Encoding (e.g. "iso-8859-1", "utf-8"). UTF-8 is strongly suggested
$explicit_podcast = "'.$explicit_podcast.'"; //does your podcast contain explicit language? ("yes", "no" or "clean")
$createcf = fopen("$absoluteurl"."config.php",'w'); //open config file
fwrite($createcf,$configfiletocreate); //write content into the config file
// $PG_mainbody .= '<b>'._("Config.php created!").'</b><br />';
} // end if logged