
110 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

# Created by Alberto Betella
# This is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.
########### Security code, avoids cross-site scripting (Register Globals ON)
if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) OR isset($_REQUEST['absoluteurl']) OR isset($_REQUEST['amilogged']) OR isset($_REQUEST['theme_path'])) { exit; }
########### End
//include ("$absoluteurl"."components/loading_indicator/loading.js"); //include top right loading indicator
// define login form
$loginform ='
<br /><br />
<form id="login" action="?p=admin" method="post">
<label for="user">'._("User").'</label><br />
<input type="text" id="user" name="user" size="20" maxlength="255"><br /><br />
<label for="password">'._("Password").'</label><br />
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" maxlength="255"><br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="'._("Log in").'" class="btn btn-success btn-small" onClick="showNotify(\''._("Logging in...").'\');">';
// logout section
if(isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == "logout" ){
$action = $_GET['action'];
// end logout section
// check if user is already logged in
if(isset($_SESSION["user_session"]) AND $_SESSION["user_session"]==$username AND md5($_SESSION["password_session"])==$userpassword){ //if so, keep displaying the page
if (!useNewThemeEngine($theme_path)) { //if is not new theme engine
//write in the body the login / logout pointers
$PG_mainbody .= '<div class="episode">'._("Hello").' '.$username.' ';
if (isset($_GET['do']) AND $_GET['do'] != NULL) { //if we are in admin area and an action is performed
$PG_mainbody .= '(<a href="?p=admin">'._("Back to Admin").'</a> - <a href="?p=admin&amp;action=logout">'._("Log out").'</a>)';
} else {$PG_mainbody .= '(<a href="?p=admin&amp;action=logout">'._("Log out").'</a>)';}
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /></div>';
if(isset($_POST["user"]) AND $_POST["user"]==$username AND isset($_POST["password"]) AND md5($_POST["password"])==$userpassword){ //if user and pwd are valid
if (!useNewThemeEngine($theme_path)) { //if is not new theme engine
$PG_mainbody .= '<div class="episode">
'._("Hello").' '.$username.' (<a href="?p=admin&amp;action=logout">'._("Log out").'</a>)
<br /><br />
$_SESSION["user_session"] = $_POST["user"];
$_SESSION["password_session"] = $_POST["password"];
if(isset($_POST["user"]) AND isset($_POST["password"])) { //if user and pwd are not correct
//display AGAIN login form if usr/pwd not correct
$PG_mainbody .= '
<div class="topseparator">
<b>'._("Username or password not valid. Please try again...").'</b>
}else {
//display login form
$PG_mainbody .= '
<div class="topseparator">
<b>'._("Log in").'</b>