
1084 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-03-22 01:31:06 +01:00
function format_for_mpd($term) {
$term = str_replace('"','\\"',$term);
return trim($term);
function join_command_string($cmd) {
$c = $cmd[0];
for ($i = 1; $i < count($cmd); $i++) {
$c .= ' "'.format_for_mpd($cmd[$i]).'"';
return $c;
function format_for_disc($filename) {
$filename = str_replace("\\","_",$filename);
$filename = str_replace("/","_",$filename);
$filename = str_replace("'","_",$filename);
$filename = str_replace('"',"_",$filename);
return $filename;
function format_for_url($filename) {
return preg_replace('/#|&|\?|%|@|\+/', '_', $filename);
function format_tracknum($tracknum) {
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^\s*0*(\d+)/', $tracknum, $matches)) {
if (strlen($matches[1]) < 4) {
return $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/0*(\d+) of \d+/i', $tracknum, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
return 0;
function format_text($d) {
$d = preg_replace('/(<a href=.*?)>/', '$1 target="_blank">', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/(<a rel="nofollow" href=.*?)>/', '$1 target="_blank">', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/style\s*=\s*\".*?\"/', '', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/<p>\s*<\/p>/', '', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/<p>&nbsp;<\/p>/', '', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/\n|(\r\n)/', '<br/>', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/(<br\s*\/*>)+/', '<br/>', $d);
$d = preg_replace('/<\/p><br>/', '</p>', $d);
return $d;
class url_downloader {
private $default_options = array(
'useragent' => ROMPR_IDSTRING,
'timeout' => 120,
'connection_timeout' => 60,
'url' => '',
'header' => null,
'postfields' => null,
'cache' => null,
'return_data' => false,
'send_cache_headers' => false
private $ch;
private $headerarray = array();
private $headerlen = 0;
private $content;
private $content_type;
private $info;
private $status;
public function __construct($options) {
global $prefs;
$this->options = array_merge($this->default_options, $options);
$this->ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->options['url']);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
if ($this->options['useragent']) {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->options['useragent']);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->options['timeout']);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->options['connection_timeout']);
if ($prefs['proxy_host'] != "") {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $prefs['proxy_host']);
if ($prefs['proxy_user'] != "" && $prefs['proxy_password'] != "") {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $prefs['proxy_user'].':'.$prefs['proxy_password']);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
if ($this->options['header']) {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->options['header']);
if ($this->options['postfields'] !== null) {
$fields_string = '';
foreach ($this->options['postfields'] as $key => $value) {
$fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&';
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($this->options['postfields']));
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
// WARNING. Don't put the _HEADER stuff in here, for some reason I can't be arsed
// to figure out, it breaks get_data_to_file.
public function get_data_to_string() {
logger::trace("URL_DOWNLOADER", "Downloading ".$this->options['url']);
if ($this->options['send_cache_headers']) {
header("Pragma: Not Cached");
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, function($curl, $header)
$len = strlen($header);
$this->headerlen += $len;
$header = explode(':', $header, 2);
if (count($header) < 2) // ignore invalid headers
return $len;
$name = ($header[0]);
$this->headerarray[$name] = trim($header[1]);
return $len;
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$this->content = curl_exec($this->ch);
return $this->get_final_info();
public function get_data_to_file($file = null, $binary = false) {
if ($file === null && $this->options['cache'] === null) {
logger::trace("URL_DOWNLOADER", " No file or cache dir for request, returning data as string");
return $this->get_data_to_string();
} else if ($this->options['cache'] !== null) {
$file = 'prefs/jsoncache/'.$this->options['cache'].'/'.md5($this->options['url']);
if ($this->options['cache'] !== null && $this->check_cache($file)) {
logger::log("URL_DOWNLOADER", "Returning cached data ".$file);
$this->content = file_get_contents($file);
return true;
} else {
logger::trace("URL_DOWNLOADER", "Downloading",$this->options['url'],"to",$file);
if (file_exists($file)) {
unlink ($file);
$open_mode = $binary ? 'wb' : 'w';
$fp = fopen($file, $open_mode);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
if ($this->options['return_data']) {
$this->content = file_get_contents($file);
if (curl_getinfo($this->ch,CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE) != '200') {
return $this->get_final_info();
private function check_cache($file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
if ($this->options['send_cache_headers']) {
header("Pragma: From Cache");
return true;
} else {
if ($this->options['send_cache_headers']) {
header("Pragma: Not Cached");
return false;
private function get_final_info() {
$this->status = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
$this->content_type = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);
$this->info = curl_getinfo($this->ch);
if ($this->get_status() == '200') {
logger::trace("URL_DOWNLOADER", " .. Download Success");
return true;
} else {
logger::warn("URL_DOWNLOADER", " .. Download Failed With Status Code",$this->get_status());
return false;
public function get_data() {
return substr($this->content, $this->headerlen);
public function get_headers() {
return $this->headerarray;
public function get_header($h) {
if (array_key_exists($h, $this->headerarray)) {
return $this->headerarray[$h];
} else {
return false;
public function get_status() {
return $this->status;
public function get_info() {
return $this->info;
public function get_content_type() {
return $this->content_type;
function format_time($t,$f=':') {
if (($t/86400) >= 1) {
return sprintf("%d%s%2d%s%02d%s%02d", ($t/86400), " ".get_int_text("label_days")." ",
($t/3600)%24, $f, ($t/60)%60, $f, $t%60);
if (($t/3600) >= 1) {
return sprintf("%2d%s%02d%s%02d", ($t/3600), $f, ($t/60)%60, $f, $t%60);
} else {
return sprintf("%02d%s%02d", ($t/60)%60, $f, $t%60);
function munge_album_name($name) {
$b = preg_replace('/(\(|\[)disc\s*\d+.*?(\)|\])/i', "", $name); // (disc 1) or (disc 1 of 2) or (disc 1-2) etc (or with [ ])
$b = preg_replace('/(\(|\[)*cd\s*\d+.*?(\)|\])*/i', "", $b); // (cd 1) or (cd 1 of 2) etc (or with [ ])
$b = preg_replace('/\sdisc\s*\d+.*?$/i', "", $b); // disc 1 or disc 1 of 2 etc
$b = preg_replace('/\scd\s*\d+.*?$/i', "", $b); // cd 1 or cd 1 of 2 etc
$b = preg_replace('/(\(|\[)\d+\s*of\s*\d+(\)|\])/i', "", $b); // (1 of 2) or (1of2) (or with [ ])
$b = preg_replace('/(\(|\[)\d+\s*-\s*\d+(\)|\])/i', "", $b); // (1 - 2) or (1-2) (or with [ ])
$b = preg_replace('/(\(|\[)Remastered(\)|\])/i', "", $b); // (Remastered) (or with [ ])
$b = preg_replace('/(\(|\[).*?bonus .*(\)|\])/i', "", $b); // (With Bonus Tracks) (or with [ ])
$b = preg_replace('/\s+-\s*$/', "", $b); // Chops any stray - off the end that could have been left by the previous
$b = preg_replace('#\s+$#', '', $b);
$b = preg_replace('#^\s+#', '', $b);
return $b;
function sanitsizeDiscogsResult($name) {
$b = preg_replace('/\* /',' ', $name);
return $b;
function alistheader($nart, $nalb, $ntra, $tim) {
return '<div style="margin-bottom:4px">'.
'<table width="100%" class="playlistitem">'.
'<tr><td align="left">'.$nart.' '.get_int_text("label_artists").
'</td><td align="right">'.$nalb.' '.get_int_text("label_albums").'</td></tr>'.
'<tr><td align="left">'.$ntra.' '.get_int_text("label_tracks").
'</td><td align="right">'.$tim.'</td></tr>'.
function get_base_url() {
/* First we need to get the protocol the website is using */
$protocol = strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"], 0, 5)) == 'https://' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
/* returns /myproject/index.php */
$path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
* returns an array with:
* Array (
* [dirname] => /myproject/
* [basename] => index.php
* [extension] => php
* [filename] => index
* )
$path_parts = pathinfo($path);
$directory = $path_parts['dirname'];
* If we are visiting a page off the base URL, the dirname would just be a "/",
* If it is, we would want to remove this
$directory = ($directory == "/") ? "" : $directory;
/* Returns localhost OR mysite.com */
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// This handles the case where we're getting http://mypc.local/rompr/utils/something.php
$directory = preg_replace('#/utils$#', '', $directory);
$directory = preg_replace('#/streamplugins$#', '', $directory);
$directory = preg_replace('#/includes$#', '', $directory);
* Returns:
* http://localhost/mysite
* OR
* https://mysite.com
return $protocol . $host . $directory;
function scan_for_images($albumpath) {
logger::log("LOCAL IMAGE SCAN", "Album Path Is ".$albumpath);
$result = array();
if (is_dir("prefs/MusicFolders") && $albumpath != ".") {
$albumpath = munge_filepath($albumpath);
$result = array_merge($result, get_images($albumpath));
// Is the album dir part of a multi-disc set?
if (preg_match('/^CD\s*\d+$|^disc\s*\d+$/i', basename($albumpath))) {
$albumpath = dirname($albumpath);
$result = array_merge($result, get_images($albumpath));
// Are there any subdirectories?
$globpath = preg_replace('/(\*|\?|\[)/', '[$1]', $albumpath);
$lookfor = glob($globpath."/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($lookfor as $i => $f) {
if (is_dir($f)) {
$result = array_merge($result, get_images($f));
return $result;
function get_images($dir_path) {
$funkychicken = array();
$a = basename($dir_path);
logger::log("GET_IMAGES", " Scanning :",$dir_path);
$globpath = preg_replace('/(\*|\?|\[)/', '[$1]', $dir_path);
logger::debug("GET_IMAGES", " Glob Path is",$globpath);
$funkychicken = glob($globpath."/*.{jpg,png,bmp,gif,jpeg,JPEG,JPG,BMP,GIF,PNG}", GLOB_BRACE);
logger::log("GET_IMAGES", " Checking for embedded images");
$files = glob($globpath."/*.{mp3,MP3,mp4,MP4,flac,FLAC,ogg,OGG}", GLOB_BRACE);
$testfile = array_shift($files);
if ($testfile) {
$getID3 = new getID3;
$tags = $getID3->analyze($testfile);
if (array_key_exists('comments', $tags) && array_key_exists('picture', $tags['comments'])) {
foreach ($tags['comments']['picture'] as $picture) {
if (array_key_exists('picturetype', $picture)) {
if ($picture['picturetype'] == 'Cover (front)') {
logger::log("GET_IMAGES", " .. found embedded front cover image");
$filename = 'prefs/temp/'.md5($globpath);
file_put_contents($filename, $picture['data']);
array_unshift($funkychicken, $filename);
return $funkychicken;
function munge_filepath($p) {
global $prefs;
$p = rawurldecode(html_entity_decode($p));
$f = "file://".$prefs['music_directory_albumart'];
if (substr($p, 0, strlen($f)) == $f) {
$p = substr($p, strlen($f), strlen($p));
return "prefs/MusicFolders/".$p;
function find_executable($prog) {
// Test to see if $prog is on the path and then try Homebrew and MacPorts paths until we find it
// returns boolean false if the program is not found
logger::debug("BITS", " Looking for executable program ",$prog);
$paths_to_try = array('', '/usr/local/bin/', '/opt/local/bin/', '/usr/bin/', './');
$retval = false;
foreach ($paths_to_try as $c) {
$r = exec($c.$prog." 2>&1", $o, $a);
if ($a != 127) {
$retval = $c;
if ($retval === false) {
logger::debug("BITS", " Program ".$prog." Not Found!");
} else {
logger::debug("BITS", " program is ".$retval.$prog);
return $retval;
function get_browser_language() {
// TODO - this method is not good enough.
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER)) {
return substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
} else {
return 'en';
function getStreamFolder($url) {
$f = dirname($url);
if ($f == "." || $f == "") $f = $url;
return $f;
function getDummyStation($url) {
$f = getDomain($url);
switch ($f) {
case "http":
case "https":
case "mms":
case "mmsh":
case "mmst":
case "mmsu":
case "gopher":
case "rtp":
case "rtsp":
case "rtmp":
case "rtmpt":
case "rtmps":
return "Radio";
return ucfirst($f);
function sql_init_fail($message) {
global $prefs;
header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/layout-january.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/Darkness.css" />
<h2 align="center" style="font-size:200%">Collection Database Error</h2>
<h4 align="center">It's all gone horribly wrong</h2>
print '<h3 align="center">RompЯ encountered an error while checking your '.
ucfirst($prefs['collection_type']).' database.</h3>';
<h3 align="center">An SQLite or MySQL database is required to run RompЯ</h3>
<h3 align="center">You may find it helpful to <a href="https://fatg3erman.github.io/RompR/" target="_blank">Read The Docs</a></h3>
<h3 align="center">The error message was:</h3><br>
print '<div class="bordered" style="width:75%;margin:auto"><p align="center"><b>'.
$title = "";
function imagePath($image) {
return ($image) ? $image : '';
function concatenate_artist_names($art) {
if (!is_array($art)) {
return $art;
if (count($art) == 0) {
return '';
} else if (count($art) == 1) {
return $art[0];
} else if (count($art) == 2) {
return implode(' & ',$art);
} else {
$f = array_slice($art, 0, count($art) - 1);
return implode($f, ", ")." & ".$art[count($art) - 1];
function unwanted_array($a) {
if (is_array($a)) {
return $a[0];
} else {
return $a;
function getArray($a) {
if ($a === null) {
return array();
} else if (is_array($a)) {
return $a;
} else {
return array($a);
function getYear($date) {
if (preg_match('/(\d\d\d\d)/', $date, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
} else {
return null;
function trim_content_type($filetype) {
$filetype = preg_replace('/;.*/','',$filetype);
$filetype = trim(strtolower($filetype));
return $filetype;
function audioClass($filetype, $domain = '') {
$filetype = trim_content_type($filetype);
switch ($filetype) {
case "mp3":
case "audio/mpeg":
return 'icon-mp3-audio';
case "mp4":
case "m4a":
case "aac":
case "aacplus":
case "aac+":
case "aacp":
case "audio/aac":
case "audio/aacp":
return 'icon-aac-audio';
case "flac":
return 'icon-flac-audio';
case "wma":
case "windows media":
return 'icon-wma-audio';
case "ogg":
case "ogg vorbis":
return 'icon-ogg-audio';
case "cue":
case "pls":
case "m3u":
case "audio/x-mpegurl":
case "audio/x-scpls":
case "video/x-ms-asf":
return "icon-doc-text";
case "?":
case 'text/html':
case '':
case ' ';
return domainCheck('notastream', $domain);
return domainCheck('icon-music', $domain);
function domainCheck($default, $domain) {
if ($domain == '') {
return $default;
switch ($domain) {
case 'soundcloud':
case 'spotify':
case 'gmusic':
case 'vkontakte':
case 'internetarchive':
case 'podcast':
case 'dirble':
case 'youtube':
return 'icon-'.$domain.'-circled';
case 'tunein':
return 'icon-tunein';
return $default;
function getDomain($d) {
if ($d === null || $d == "") {
return "local";
$d = urldecode($d);
$pos = strpos($d, ":");
$a = substr($d,0,$pos);
if ($a == "") {
return "local";
$s = substr($d,$pos+3,15);
if ($s == "api.soundcloud.") {
return "soundcloud";
if ($a == 'http' || $a == 'https') {
if (strpos($d, 'vk.me') !== false) {
return 'vkontakte';
} else if (strpos($d, 'oe1:archive') !== false) {
return 'oe1';
} else if (strpos($d, 'http://leftasrain.com') !== false) {
return 'leftasrain';
} else if (strpos($d, 'archives.bassdrivearchive.com') !== false ||
strpos($d, 'bassdrive.com') !== false) {
return 'bassdrive';
return strtok($a, ' ');
function domainIcon($d, $c) {
$h = '';
switch($d) {
case "spotify":
case "gmusic":
case "youtube":
case "internetarchive":
case "soundcloud":
case "podcast":
case "dirble":
case "tunein":
$h = '<i class="'.domainCheck('icon-music', $d).' '.$c.' fixed"></i>';
case "radio-de":
case "bassdrive":
$h = '<div class="'.$c.' fixed"><img class="imgfill" src="newimages/'.$d.'-logo.svg" /></div>';
return $h;
function domainHtml($uri) {
$h = domainIcon(getDomain($uri), 'collectionicon');
if ($h == '') {
if (strtolower(pathinfo($uri, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == "cue") {
$h = '<i class="icon-doc-text collectionicon fixed"></i>';
return $h;
function artistNameHtml($obj) {
global $prefs;
$h = '';
if ($prefs['sortcollectionby'] == 'albumbyartist' && $obj['Artistname']) {
$h .= '<div class="expand">'.$obj['Albumname'];
$h .= '<br><span class="notbold">'.$obj['Artistname'].'</span>';
if ($obj['Year'] && $prefs['sortbydate']) {
$h .= ' <span class="notbold">('.$obj['Year'].')</span>';
} else {
$h .= '<div class="expand">'.$obj['Albumname'];
if ($obj['Year'] && $prefs['sortbydate']) {
$h .= ' <span class="notbold">('.$obj['Year'].')</span>';
if ($obj['Artistname']) {
$h .= '<br><span class="notbold">'.$obj['Artistname'].'</span>';
return $h;
function checkComposerGenre($genre, $pref) {
$gl = strtolower($genre);
foreach ($pref as $g) {
if ($gl == strtolower($g)) {
return true;
return false;
function get_player_ip() {
global $prefs;
// SERVER_ADDR reflects the address typed into the browser
logger::log("INIT", "Server Address is ".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);
// REMOTE_ADDR is the address of the machine running the browser
logger::log("INIT", "Remote Address is ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
logger::log("INIT", "Prefs for mpd host is ".$prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->host);
$pip = '';
if ($prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->socket != '') {
$pip = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
} else if ( $prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->host == "localhost" ||
$prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->host == "" ||
$prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->host == '::1') {
$pip = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ':' . $prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->port;
} else {
$pip = $prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->host . ':' . $prefs['multihosts']->{$prefs['currenthost']}->port;
logger::log("INIT", "Displaying Player IP as: ".$pip);
return $pip;
function getCacheData($uri, $cache, $use_cache = true) {
$me = strtoupper($cache);
logger::log("GET CACHE DATA", "Getting",$uri);
if ($use_cache == false) {
logger::trace("GET CACHE DATA", " Not using cache for this request");
$options = array(
'url' => $uri,
'send_cache_headers' => true,
'cache' => $use_cache ? $cache : null,
'return_data' => true
$d = new url_downloader($options);
if ($d->get_data_to_file()) {
print $d->get_data();
} else {
if ($d->get_status() > 0) {
$header = $d->get_status().' '.http_status_code_string($d->get_status());
logger::fail("GET CACHE DATA", "HTTP ERROR",$header);
} else {
$header = '500 '.http_status_code_string(500);
header('HTTP/1.1 '.$header);
if ($d->get_data() != '') {
print $d->get_data();
} else {
print json_encode(array('error' => $header));
function get_user_file($src, $fname, $tmpname) {
global $error;
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Uploading ".$src." ".$fname." ".$tmpname);
$download_file = "prefs/temp/".$fname;
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", "Checking Temp File ".$tmpname);
if (move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $download_file)) {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " File ".$src." is valid, and was successfully uploaded.");
} else {
logger::warn("GETALBUMCOVER", " Possible file upload attack!");
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
return $download_file;
function albumImageBuggery() {
// This was used to update album art to a new format but it's really old now and we've totally refactored the album image code
// In the eventuality that someone is still using a version that old we'll keep the function but just use it to remove all album art
// and start again.
mkdir('albumart/small', 0755);
mkdir('albumart/asdownloaded', 0755);
generic_sql_query("UPDATE Albumtable SET Searched = 0, Image = ''");
function rejig_wishlist_tracks() {
global $mysqlc;
generic_sql_query("DELETE FROM Playcounttable WHERE TTindex IN (SELECT TTindex FROM Tracktable WHERE Hidden = 1 AND Uri IS NULL)", true);
generic_sql_query("DELETE FROM Tracktable WHERE Hidden = 1 AND Uri IS NULL", true);
$result = generic_sql_query("SELECT * FROM Tracktable WHERE Uri IS NULL");
foreach ($result as $obj) {
if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null,
(Albumname, AlbumArtistindex, AlbumUri, Year, Searched, ImgKey, mbid, Domain, Image)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
'rompr_wishlist_'.microtime(true), $obj['Artistindex'], null, 0, 0, null, null, 'local', null)) {
$albumindex = $mysqlc->lastInsertId();
logger::log("MYSQL", " Created Album with Albumindex ".$albumindex);
generic_sql_query("UPDATE Tracktable SET Albumindex = ".$albumindex." WHERE TTindex = ".$obj['TTindex'], true);
function emptyCollectionDisplay() {
print '<div id="emptycollection" class="pref textcentre">
<p>Your Music Collection Is Empty</p>
<p>You can add files to it by tagging and rating them, or you can build a collection of all your music</p>';
print '</div>';
function emptySearchDisplay() {
print '<div class="pref textcentre">
<p>No Results</p>
function format_bytes($size, $precision = 1)
$base = log($size, 1024);
$suffixes = array('', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T');
return round(pow(1024, $base - floor($base)), $precision) .' '. $suffixes[floor($base)];
function fixup_links($s) {
return preg_replace('/(^|\s+|\n|[^\s+"])(https*:\/\/.*?)(<|\n|\r|\s|\)|$|[<|\n|\r|\s|\)|$])/', '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3', $s);
function set_version_string() {
global $version_string, $prefs;
if ($prefs['dev_mode']) {
// This adds an extra parameter to the version number - the short
// hash of the most recent git commit, or a timestamp. It's for use in testing,
// to make sure the browser pulls in the latest version of all the files.
if ($prefs['live_mode']) {
$version_string = ROMPR_VERSION.".".time();
} else {
$git_ver = exec("git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1", $output);
if (count($output) == 1) {
$version_string = ROMPR_VERSION.".".$output[0];
} else {
$version_string = ROMPR_VERSION.".".time();
} else {
$version_string = ROMPR_VERSION;
function update_stream_images($schemaver) {
switch ($schemaver) {
case 43:
$stations = generic_sql_query("SELECT Stationindex, StationName, Image FROM RadioStationtable WHERE Image LIKE 'prefs/userstreams/STREAM_%'");
foreach ($stations as $station) {
logger::log("BACKEND", " Updating Image For Station ".$station['StationName']);
if (file_exists($station['Image'])) {
logger::log("BACKEND", " Image is ".$station['StationName']);
$src = get_base_url().'/'.$station['Image'];
$albumimage = new albumImage(array('artist' => "STREAM", 'album' => $station['StationName'], 'source' => $src));
if ($albumimage->download_image()) {
// Can't call $albumimage->update_image_database because the functions that requires are in the backend
$images = $albumimage->get_images();
sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "UPDATE RadioStationtable SET Image = ? WHERE StationName = ?",$images['small'],$station['StationName']);
sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "UPDATE WishlistSourcetable SET Image = ? WHERE Image = ?",$images['small'],$station['Image']);
} else {
logger::warn("BACKEND", " Image Upgrade Failed!");
} else {
generic_sql_query("UPDATE RadioStationtable SET IMAGE = NULL WHERE Stationindex = ".$station['Stationindex']);
function empty_modified_cache_dirs($schemaver) {
switch ($schemaver) {
case 44:
foreach(array('allmusic', 'lyrics', 'lastfm') as $d) {
mkdir('prefs/jsoncache/'.$d, 0755);
function getRemoteFilesize($url, $default) {
$def_options = stream_context_get_options(stream_context_get_default());
stream_context_set_default(array('http' => array('method' => 'HEAD')));
$head = array_change_key_case(get_headers($url, 1));
// content-length of download (in bytes), read from Content-Length: field
$clen = isset($head['content-length']) ? $head['content-length'] : 0;
$cstring = $clen;
if (is_array($clen)) {
logger::log("REMOTEFILESIZE", "Content Length is an array ", $clen);
$cstring = 0;
foreach ($clen as $l) {
if ($l > $cstring) {
$cstring = $l;
if ($cstring !== 0) {
logger::log("REMOTEFILESIZE", " Read file size remotely as ".$cstring);
return $cstring;
} else {
logger::log("FUNCTIONS", " Couldn't read filesize remotely. Using default value of ".$default);
return $default;
function rrmdir($path) {
$i = new DirectoryIterator($path);
foreach ($i as $f) {
if($f->isFile()) {
} else if (!$f->isDot() && $f->isDir()) {
function collectionButtons() {
print '<div id="collectionbuttons" class="invisible">';
print '<div class="pref styledinputs">';
print '<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="sortcollectionby" value="artist" id="sortbyartist">
<label for="sortbyartist">'.ucfirst(get_int_text('label_artists')).'</label><br/>
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="sortcollectionby" value="album" id="sortbyalbum">
<label for="sortbyalbum">'.ucfirst(get_int_text('label_albums')).'</label><br/>
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="sortcollectionby" value="albumbyartist" id="sortbyalbumbyartist">
<label for="sortbyalbumbyartist">'.ucfirst(get_int_text('label_albumsbyartist')).'</label>
<div class="pref">
<input class="autoset toggle" type="checkbox" id="showartistbanners">
<label for="showartistbanners">'.get_int_text('config_showartistbanners').'</label>
<div class="pref styledinputs">
<input class="autoset toggle" type="checkbox" id="sortbydate">
<label for="sortbydate">'.get_int_text('config_sortbydate').'</label>
<div class="pref">
<input class="autoset toggle" type="checkbox" id="notvabydate">
<label for="notvabydate">'.get_int_text('config_notvabydate').'</label>
<div class="pref styledinputs">
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="collectionrange" value="'.ADDED_ALL_TIME.'" id="collalltime">
<label for="collalltime">'.get_int_text('label_all_time').'</label><br/>
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="collectionrange" value="'.ADDED_TODAY.'" id="colltoday">
<label for="colltoday">'.get_int_text('label_today').'</label><br/>
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="collectionrange" value="'.ADDED_THIS_WEEK.'" id="collweek">
<label for="collweek">'.get_int_text('label_thisweek').'</label><br/>
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="collectionrange" value="'.ADDED_THIS_MONTH.'" id="collmonth">
<label for="collmonth">'.get_int_text('label_thismonth').'</label><br/>
<input type="radio" class="topcheck savulon" name="collectionrange" value="'.ADDED_THIS_YEAR.'" id="collyear">
<label for="collyear">'.get_int_text('label_thisyear').'</label><br/>
<div class="pref textcentre">
<button name="donkeykong">'.get_int_text('config_updatenow').'</button>
print '</div>';
function http_status_code_string($code)
// Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
switch( $code )
// 1xx Informational
case 100: $string = 'Continue'; break;
case 101: $string = 'Switching Protocols'; break;
case 102: $string = 'Processing'; break; // WebDAV
case 122: $string = 'Request-URI too long'; break; // Microsoft
// 2xx Success
case 200: $string = 'OK'; break;
case 201: $string = 'Created'; break;
case 202: $string = 'Accepted'; break;
case 203: $string = 'Non-Authoritative Information'; break; // HTTP/1.1
case 204: $string = 'No Content'; break;
case 205: $string = 'Reset Content'; break;
case 206: $string = 'Partial Content'; break;
case 207: $string = 'Multi-Status'; break; // WebDAV
// 3xx Redirection
case 300: $string = 'Multiple Choices'; break;
case 301: $string = 'Moved Permanently'; break;
case 302: $string = 'Found'; break;
case 303: $string = 'See Other'; break; //HTTP/1.1
case 304: $string = 'Not Modified'; break;
case 305: $string = 'Use Proxy'; break; // HTTP/1.1
case 306: $string = 'Switch Proxy'; break; // Depreciated
case 307: $string = 'Temporary Redirect'; break; // HTTP/1.1
// 4xx Client Error
case 400: $string = 'Bad Request'; break;
case 401: $string = 'Unauthorized'; break;
case 402: $string = 'Payment Required'; break;
case 403: $string = 'Forbidden'; break;
case 404: $string = 'Not Found'; break;
case 405: $string = 'Method Not Allowed'; break;
case 406: $string = 'Not Acceptable'; break;
case 407: $string = 'Proxy Authentication Required'; break;
case 408: $string = 'Request Timeout'; break;
case 409: $string = 'Conflict'; break;
case 410: $string = 'Gone'; break;
case 411: $string = 'Length Required'; break;
case 412: $string = 'Precondition Failed'; break;
case 413: $string = 'Request Entity Too Large'; break;
case 414: $string = 'Request-URI Too Long'; break;
case 415: $string = 'Unsupported Media Type'; break;
case 416: $string = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'; break;
case 417: $string = 'Expectation Failed'; break;
case 422: $string = 'Unprocessable Entity'; break; // WebDAV
case 423: $string = 'Locked'; break; // WebDAV
case 424: $string = 'Failed Dependency'; break; // WebDAV
case 425: $string = 'Unordered Collection'; break; // WebDAV
case 426: $string = 'Upgrade Required'; break;
case 449: $string = 'Retry With'; break; // Microsoft
case 450: $string = 'Blocked'; break; // Microsoft
// 5xx Server Error
case 500: $string = 'Internal Server Error'; break;
case 501: $string = 'Not Implemented'; break;
case 502: $string = 'Bad Gateway'; break;
case 503: $string = 'Service Unavailable'; break;
case 504: $string = 'Gateway Timeout'; break;
case 505: $string = 'HTTP Version Not Supported'; break;
case 506: $string = 'Variant Also Negotiates'; break;
case 507: $string = 'Insufficient Storage'; break; // WebDAV
case 509: $string = 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'; break; // Apache
case 510: $string = 'Not Extended'; break;
// Unknown code:
default: $string = 'Unknown'; break;
return $string;
function format_artist($artist, $empty = null) {
$a = concatenate_artist_names($artist);
if ($a != '.' && $a != "") {
return $a;
} else {
return $empty;
function format_sortartist($tags, $return_albumartist = false) {
global $prefs;
$sortartist = null;
if ($prefs['sortbycomposer'] && $tags['Composer'] !== null) {
if ($prefs['composergenre'] && $tags['Genre'] &&
checkComposerGenre($tags['Genre'], $prefs['composergenrename'])) {
$sortartist = $tags['Composer'];
} else if (!$prefs['composergenre']) {
$sortartist = $tags['Composer'];
if ($sortartist == null) {
if ($return_albumartist || $tags['AlbumArtist'] != null) {
$sortartist = $tags['AlbumArtist'];
} else if ($tags['Artist'] != null) {
$sortartist = $tags['Artist'];
} else if ($tags['station'] != null) {
$sortartist = $tags['station'];
$sortartist = concatenate_artist_names($sortartist);
//Some discogs tags have 'Various' instead of 'Various Artists'
if ($sortartist == "Various") {
$sortartist = "Various Artists";
return $sortartist;
function sort_playlists($a, $b) {
if ($a == "Discover Weekly (by spotify)") {
return -1;
if ($b == "Discover Weekly (by spotify)") {
return 1;
return (strtolower($a) < strtolower($b)) ? -1 : 1;