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147 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-03-22 01:31:06 +01:00
body {
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content: " :";
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const ss_pp = (ss,...pp)=> ss.map( (s,i)=> s + (pp[i] || '') ).join('')
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search.onkeyup = e=> [...members.children]
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const QR = {
api: "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/",
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"L (low, ~7% destroyed data may be corrected)",
"M (middle, ~15% destroyed data may be corrected)",
"Q (quality, ~25% destroyed data may be corrected)",
"H (high, ~30% destroyed data may be corrected)"
QRform.append( ...
Object.keys( QR.config )
.map( opt=> DOM`<label for="">${opt}</label>${
Array.isArray(QR.config[opt]) ?
`<select name="${opt}">${QR.config[opt].map(item=>`<option value="${item}">${item}</option>`).join('')}</select>`
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`<input type="color" name="${opt}" value="${QR.config[opt]}" />`
: `<input type="text" name="${opt}" value="${QR.config[opt]}" />`
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QRnames.map( n=>
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QRimg.src = QR.api + QRnames.reduce( (s,n)=> s + n.name + "=" + n.value.replace(/^#/,'') + "&", "?")
typeof wot != 'undefined' &&
Promise.resolve( wot.members )
.then( res=> res.json() )
.then( json=> json.results.map(o=>DOM`<li><uid>${o.uid}</uid><pubkey>${o.pubkey}</pubkey></li>`[0]) )
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(li.onclick = e=> {
$`qr [name=data]`[0].value = e.currentTarget.querySelector('pubkey').textContent
$`qr [name=data]`[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
/*$`img`[0].src = `https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?
.replace(/\s* /mg,'')*/
) )
.then( items=> members.append(...items) )