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2020-03-18 02:15:12 +01:00
# License Ğ1 - v0.2.9
translated from french version with https://deepl.com translator
:date: 2017-04-04 12:59 :modified: 2019-07-14 12:00
### Currency license and liability.
Any operation of certification of a new member of Ğ1 must beforehand be accompanied by the transmission of this license of the currency Ğ1 which the certifier must make sure that it has been studied, understood and accepted by the person who will be certified.
Any meeting event concerning Ğ1 should be accompanied by the transmission of this licence, which can be read aloud and transmitted by any means.
# Trusted Web Ğ1 (TdC Ğ1)
**Warning:** Certifying is not only making sure that you have met the person, it is assuring the Ğ1 community that you know the certified person well enough to be able to contact him/her easily, and to be able to spot a double account made by a person certified by yourself, or other types of problems (disappearance...), by cross-checking that will reveal the problem if necessary.
**Strongly recommended advice**
Knowing a person well implies that you are able to contact him/her by several different means (physical, electronic, other...) but also that you know several people who know him/her just as well and are therefore also able to contact him/her in the same way. Especially if you don't know any of the other certifiers well it is a strong indication that you don't know the person well and a certification of this type triggers an alert to the whole Ğ1 community. In case of insufficient knowledge it is advisable not to certify.
Never certify alone, but accompanied by at least one other member of the TdC Ğ1 in order to avoid any error of manipulation. In case of error, immediately inform other members of the TdC Ğ1.
Before any certification, make sure to check if his account (whether he is in the process of validation or already a member) has already received one or more certifications. If necessary, ask for information to contact these other certifiers in order to check together that you know the person concerned by the creation of the new account, as well as the corresponding public key.
Verify that the future certified person has a good command of his/her account: a good way to verify this is to transfer some Ğ1 to the target account, and then ask for a link to your own account, this ensures that the future certified person has a good command of his/her private key.
Check that your contacts have studied and understood the Ğ1 license and that it is up to date.
If you realize that an actual or potential certifier of the account concerned does not know the person concerned, immediately alert experts in the subject within your knowledge of the TdC Ğ1, so that the validation procedure can be verified by the TdC Ğ1.
When you are a member of the TdC Ğ1 and you are about to certify a new account:
**You are assured:**
1°) To know well enough (not only to know it "de visu") the person who declares to manage this public key (new account). See the advice strongly recommended above to make sure you "know" well.
2°) To have personally verified with him/her that it is indeed this public key that you are about to certify (see advice above).
3°) To have checked with the person concerned that he/she has generated his/her Duniter account revocation document, which will allow him/her to deactivate his/her membership status if necessary (in case of account theft, change of ID, account created wrongly, etc.).
4a°) To meet the person physically to make sure that it is the person you know well and who manages this public key.
4b°) Or to remotely verify the person / public key link by contacting the person by several different means of communication, such as paper mail + social network + forum + mail + video conference + telephone (voice recognition). Because if one can hack an email account or a forum account, it will be much more difficult to imagine hacking four distinct means of communication, and imitate the appearance (video) as well as the voice of the person in addition.
However, 4a°) is still preferable to 4b°), while points 1°) 2°) and 3°) are essential.
**Abbreviated rules of the ToC :**
Each member has a stock of 100 possible certifications, which can only be issued at the rate of 1 certification / 5 days.
Valid 2 months, a certification for a new member is definitively adopted only if the certified has at least 4 other certifications at the end of these 2 months, otherwise the entry process will have to be relaunched.
To become a new member of the TdC Ğ1 it is therefore necessary to obtain 5 certifications and to be at a distance <= 5 steps from 80% of the referring members of the TdC.
A member of the TdC Ğ1 is a referent member when it has received and issued at least Y[N] certifications where N is the number of TdC members and Y[N] = N^(1/5) ceiling. Examples are :
For 1024 < N 3125 we have Y[N] = 5
For 7776 < N 16807 we have Y[N] = 7
for 59049 < N 100 000 we have Y[N] = 10
Once the new member is part of the TdC Ğ1 his certifications remain valid for 2 years.
To remain a member you must renew your agreement regularly with your private key (every 12 months) and make sure you still have at least 5 valid certifications beyond the 2 years.
# Currency Ğ1
Ğ1 occurs via a Universal Dividend (UD) for every human being who is a member of the Web of Trust Ğ1, which is in the form :
- 1 DU per person per day
Currency Code Ğ1
The amount in Ğ1 of DU is identical every day until the next equinox where DU will then be revalued according to the formula (with 1 day = 86,400 seconds):
- DUday(next equinox) = DUday(equinox) + c² (M/N)(equinox) / (182,625 days)
With the following parameters:
c = 4.88% / equinox
DU(0) = 10.00 Ğ1
And as variables:
M is the total money supply at the equinox...
N the number of members at the equinox
# Software Ğ1 and license Ğ1
The Ğ1 software allowing users to manage their use of Ğ1 must transmit this license with the software as well as all the technical parameters of the Ğ1 currency and the Ğ1 TdC which are registered in block 0 of Ğ1. A software which would not fulfill these obligations of the license is not compatible Ğ1.
For more details in the technical details it is possible to consult directly the code of Duniter which is a free software as well as the data of the blockchain Ğ1 by retrieving it via an instance (or node) Duniter Ğ1.
More information on the Duniter team website https://duniter.org