
299 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-11-30 16:03:47 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys, ast, requests, json, base58, base64, time, string, random, re
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt
from hashlib import sha256
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
VERSION = "0.1.1"
PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}"
def pp_json(json_thing, sort=True, indents=4):
# Print beautifull JSON
if type(json_thing) is str:
print(json.dumps(json.loads(json_thing), sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
print(json.dumps(json_thing, sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
return None
class ReadFromCesium:
def __init__(self, dunikey, pod):
# Get my pubkey from my private key
self.dunikey = dunikey
if not dunikey:
raise ValueError("Dunikey is empty")
sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n")
self.recipient = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
self.pod = pod
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.recipient) or len(self.recipient) > 45:
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, nbrMsg, outbox):
boxType = "issuer" if outbox else "recipient"
data = {}
data['sort'] = { "time": "desc" }
data['from'] = 0
data['size'] = nbrMsg
data['_source'] = ['issuer','recipient','title','content','time','nonce','read_signature']
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter']['term'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter']['term'][boxType] = self.recipient
document = json.dumps(data)
return document
def sendDocument(self, nbrMsg, outbox):
boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox"
document = self.configDoc(nbrMsg, outbox)
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}/_search'.format(self.pod, boxType), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
return result.json()["hits"]
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text)
# Parse JSON result and display messages
def readMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg, outbox):
def decrypt(msg):
msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg)
return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode()
# Get terminal size
rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
totalMsg = msgJSON["total"]
if nbrMsg > totalMsg:
nbrMsg = totalMsg
if totalMsg == 0:
print(colored("Aucun message à afficher.", 'yellow'))
return True
infoTotal = " Nombre de messages: " + str(nbrMsg) + "/" + str(totalMsg) + " "
print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow"))
for hits in msgJSON["hits"]:
self.idMsg = hits["_id"]
msgSrc = hits["_source"]
self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"]
nonce = msgSrc["nonce"]
nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce)
self.dateS = msgSrc["time"]
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dateS).strftime(", le %d/%m/%Y à %H:%M ")
if outbox:
startHeader = " À " + msgSrc["recipient"]
startHeader = " De " + self.issuer
headerMsg = startHeader + date + "(ID: {})".format(self.idMsg) + " "
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
print(colored(headerMsg, "blue").center(rows+9, '-'))
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
self.title = decrypt(msgSrc["title"])
self.content = decrypt(msgSrc["content"])
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(colored(str(e), 'red') + '\n')
print("Objet: " + self.title)
# pp_json(hits)
def read(self, nbrMsg, outbox):
jsonMsg = self.sendDocument(nbrMsg, outbox)
self.readMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg, outbox)
#################### Sending class ####################
class SendToCesium:
def __init__(self, dunikey, pod, recipient, outbox):
# Get my pubkey from my private key
self.dunikey = dunikey
if not dunikey:
raise ValueError("Dunikey is empty")
sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n")
self.issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
self.pod = pod
self.recipient = recipient
self.outbox = outbox
# Generate pseudo-random nonce
for i in range(32):
nonce.append(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits))
self.nonce = base64.b64decode(''.join(nonce))
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, recipient) or len(recipient) > 45:
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
def encryptMsg(self, msg):
return fmt["64"](box_encrypt(msg.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.recipient, self.nonce)).decode()
def configDoc(self, title, msg):
b58nonce = base58.b58encode(self.nonce).decode()
# Get current timestamp
timeSent = int(time.time())
# Generate custom JSON
data = {}
data['issuer'] = self.issuer
data['recipient'] = self.recipient
data['title'] = title
data['content'] = msg
data['time'] = timeSent
data['nonce'] = b58nonce
data['version'] = 2
document = json.dumps(data)
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
finalDoc = '{' + '"hash":"{0}","signature":"{1}",'.format(hashDoc, signature) + document[1:]
return finalDoc
def sendDocument(self, document):
boxType = "outbox" if self.outbox else "inbox"
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get result
result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}?pubkey={2}'.format(self.pod, boxType, self.recipient), headers=headers, data=document)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Impossible d'envoyer le message:\n" + str(e))
if result.status_code == 200:
print(colored("Message envoyé avec succès !", "green"))
print("ID: " + result.text)
return result
sys.stderr.write("Erreur inconnue:" + '\n')
print(str(pp_json(result.text)) + '\n')
def send(self, title, msg):
finalDoc = self.configDoc(self.encryptMsg(title), self.encryptMsg(msg)) # Configure JSON document to send
self.sendDocument(finalDoc) # Send final signed document
#################### Deleting class ####################
class DeleteFromCesium:
def __init__(self, dunikey, pod, outbox):
# Get my pubkey from my private key
self.dunikey = dunikey
if not dunikey:
raise ValueError("Dunikey is empty")
sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n")
self.issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
self.pod = pod
self.outbox = outbox
def configDoc(self, idMsg):
# Get current timestamp
timeSent = int(time.time())
boxType = "outbox" if self.outbox else "inbox"
# Generate document to customize
data = {}
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "message"
data['type'] = boxType
data['id'] = idMsg
data['issuer'] = self.issuer
data['time'] = timeSent
document = json.dumps(data)
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
data = {}
data['hash'] = hashDoc
data['signature'] = signature
signJSON = json.dumps(data)
finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)}
finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON)
return finalDoc
def sendDocument(self, document, idMsg):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get result
result = requests.post('{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 404:
raise ValueError("Message introuvable")
elif result.status_code == 403:
raise ValueError("Vous n'êtes pas l'auteur de ce message.")
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(colored("Impossible de supprimer le message {0}:\n".format(idMsg), 'red') + str(e) + "\n")
return False
if result.status_code == 200:
print(colored("Message {0} supprimé avec succès !".format(idMsg), "green"))
return result
sys.stderr.write("Erreur inconnue.")
def delete(self, idsMsgList):
for idMsg in idsMsgList:
finalDoc = self.configDoc(idMsg)
self.sendDocument(finalDoc, idMsg)