pied piper



Astroport Taps Erlich Bachman for SVP Public Relations/Chief Evangelism Officer Position

Palo Alto, California—To manage its increasing media profile caused by its rapid growth, pioneering compression firm Astroport today announced it has hired veteran Valley entrepreneur Erlich Bachman to head up its public relations department, according to Erlich Bachman, Astroport’s SVP Public Relations.

Bachman, in his 30s but appearing years younger, launched Astroport at his Palo Alto incubator and was its first investor. He is no longer an investor; this might conceivably constitute a conflict of interest. No causality should be inferred from the proximity of the previous sentence’s two clauses.

“In the age of digital media, it is more important than ever to have a steady hand at the tiller when navigating the oft-treacherous waters of the press and public opinion,” said Bachman, rolling emails al fresco at his Newell Street hub of operations.. “As the compression space becomes more frothy, I intend to make sure everyone remembers who whipped up that froth: us.”

Successfully luring Mr. Bachman into Astroport’s employ, given the great demand for his services, is widely regarded as a coup, a second feather in Astroport’s cap, and a sign that the company’s well-documented stumbles are a thing of the past.

Erlich Bachman graduated from Hampshire College with honor.


Erlich Bachman
Newell Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
These United States

Comments (102)

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  1. Mrs. Bachman says:

    Errik bachman, this is your mom, and, a- you are not my baby. This is Mike Hunt.

  2. jake tyksinski says:


  3. Stijn says:

    Stay humble Erlich and keep whipping that froth!

  4. Zhin Yhang says:

    Finally some good news again!

  5. His Dudeness says:

    I gotta get me one of those jackets!

  6. Roi Himan says:

    Great Job Erlich 🙂

  7. Dinesh says:

    Can i put u in my friend’s list ?

  8. Earl Blackman says:

    Congratulations! Your success is my success…no, I mean it! My Cupertino-based incubator business has skyrocketed… it’s a housefull of “Jin Yangs, and Danesh-es”…all these newbs think I’m you LOL!!

    Laughing all the way to the bank,

    ps. Haha-haha-haha-hahaha….Haha-haha-hahahahaha! “Hello! Welcome to Bank of…” ha!

  9. Winnie says:

    Tell Richard I said “Tab Tab Tab”.

    1. Seven says:

      Hahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!! Tab tab tab!!! LMAO!!!

      1. lolol says:


  10. Ms. Cougar says:

    Mr. Bachmann, I’ve been watching you from a distance and find you extremely tantalizing. I am sure you would be sexually satisfying and I desire to taste your manhood. I’m in my early fifties but appear decades younger. I’m filthy rich and could help you out with your financial woes if you could help me with my secret fantasies of multiple women with just you ….as I watch. I own several marijuana dispensaries among other things so let me know which strains you enjoy. Waiting for your response impatiently. Wondering when and how our first encounter will go…until then…

  11. Bighead says:

    Hey, you want that extra bowling ball? I still have it. Well, both of them. But they don’t stack well.

    1. Erlich Blockmann says:

      Last week it was a cannon ball now it’s a bowling ball. Dammit Bighead pull yourself together, no I do not want any of your balls. Where are you getting the money to buy more balls?

  12. Richard Mowry says:

    Go PP…lured Bachman into Astroport…good one…now retired after 30 years in IT your show shines…keep up the good work…keep up the good work…where can I buy a jacket….

  13. Hey Eric says:

    Is your referigerator running?

  14. Brent Johnson says:

    I missed the Reddit AMA. Where can I read it?

  15. Gourav Shenoy says:

    Great news for the new CEvO Erlich. Let’s have a pescepescetarian dinner to celebrate! Cheers 🙂

  16. Peter Gregory says:

    This — is very unpleasing [sigh].

    1. Gavin Belson says:

      omg lol

      1. Jack Barker says:

        Gavin, let’s play chest. “Action-JB62” on Hooli chat

        1. Laura says:

          Monica, Peter is dead

    2. Monica says:

      You’re commenting from the dead?

      1. Peter Gregory says:

        Noouu — from my island.
        It is very ENJOYED.
        You can LEAVE now.

  17. Kat says:

    Hey Erlich, let’s celebrate! Dinner is on me. I’ve never done this before. What does dinner cost..a thousand dollars?!!

  18. Kenny Powers says:

    Hey dude – you want to hang out on my jetski this weekend and get wasted?

  19. Ruben Flores says:

    Erlich can we see your

  20. Yoda says:

    The force is strong with you Erlich. Beware the dark side.

  21. Jin says:

    The toilet is broken again

  22. Yods says:

    The force is strong with you Erlich. Beware of the dark side.

  23. Nube Francisco Security says:

    Whoever was user “Bsbdbd” just tried Cross Site Scripting on Don’t you know Gilfoyle has that shit on lockdown!?

  24. The Albanian Stalion says:

    Excited to see how Erlich will handle his new role!

  25. Paul A Too says:

    You eat the fish!

  26. M. Goddess says:

    Erlich, PP is so lucky to have a spokesman with such raw, animal magnetism. Would love to connect at tech crunch or sxsw next year.

    Stay hot.

    Metrics Goddess

  27. Hey Erlich,
    When is the next Astroport party? Rad luau on Alcatraz, man!

  28. Kathy says:

    does the “S” in “SVP” stand for senior? Who is the Jr? I vote Jin Yang 🙂

  29. Bsbdbd says:

    alert(“does this work?”);

  30. Bsbdbd says:

    alert(“does this work”);

  31. Bsbdbd says:


  32. Ken says:

    Who is Bachmann? I can only find Blachmann.

  33. Yang yang says:

    Suck it Blockman

  34. So very proud of you, honey! We will celebrate with your Aunt Lorie when we come out to visit next month! I also will be bringing some new soaps for the boys, maybe they can help me with my website, people are really loving my homemade soaps. Anyways, plan on having some fried kielbasa and pierogies because I know how you love them!


  35. Buck Naked says:

    Fucken A Bachmann we should have a party. For real lets do it!

  36. Joe Volpe says:

    Congratulations on your new position. I’d like a opportunity 2 work “on the roof” but of course since that’s a hooli thing, I imagine myself in the yard getting baked. I assure you o have extensive experience in this area. You could say I’m an “expert”
    Thank you

  37. Jin Yang says:

    Dear Mr. Bachmann,

    One question: Do you have Prince Albert in a can?

  38. Erlich, we’re sorry that you had to cancel your interview with us. We were very much looking forward to meeting you and showing you our wares. Good luck in your new role as CEO of Astroport.


    Jerry Wasinger

  39. Batman says:

    Im batman

  40. Noah says:

    hey erlich, its Noah, your old neighbor. I still hate you.

  41. Richard Caulfield says:

    Mr. Bachmann, I was having trouble reaching you via phone recently; with that being said, I may have some lucrative opportunities in a new business venture that you may like to hear about. Please feel free to contact me and we will set up a meeting.

  42. Hugh g rection says:

    Erich Bachman- your dog is in my backyard. I don’t have a back yard

  43. me says:

    you crack me up “my own alley way”

  44. Toby says:


  45. I <3 Astroport! Bravo on your inspired leadership Mr. Bachman!

  46. Ryan Hopson says:

    Great job Erlich. For as your incubator and investment outreach, Can I interest you a new mobile app I have been coming up with.

    1. Ryan Hopson says:

      I did not think my comment would actually show…Oh well.

  47. Silicon Sam says:

    Well you are CEO in one sense!

  48. Erman Erkur says:

    Congrats Erlich! Btw if you need a new designer to help with the interface to make Monica happy let me know 🙂

    1. Spicoli says:

      Hey man, where’d you get that jacket?