[REC]'; zcopylink += ' *'; lines[0].text += zcopylink; // ZEEBOX HACK ZONE */ // RUN CLI if($argc>1) parse_str(implode('&',array_slice($argv, 1)), $_REQUEST); $search=$radio=$artist=$title=$lnk=$lnkform=$cmd=$len=""; $search = trim(urldecode($_REQUEST['q'])); $radio = urldecode($_REQUEST['radio']); $artist = urldecode($_REQUEST['artist']); $title = urldecode($_REQUEST['title']); $lnk = trim(urldecode($_REQUEST['lnk'])); $cmd="$radio|$artist|$title"; $len=strlen($artist.$title); //$result='
'; $result='
'; if( $radio == "" ) { $radio = "CopyLaRadio"; } if( $radio == "Nova zz" ) { $artist = "undefined"; $title = "undefined"; } // Write request for copy.sh triggering if( $search == "REC" ) { $result.='

♫ '.$radio.' ♫

'; // LINK RECEIVED if ($lnk) { $artist=""; // Not making double request if( ! exec('grep '.escapeshellarg($lnk).' /tmp/ytdl.list') ) { // file_put_contents("/tmp/ytdl.list","CopyLibre||$lnk\n", FILE_APPEND); // instead of using a relay daemon to monitor a /tmp shared file, we are going to send sbot message to make it. #zenyta SSB message. shell_exec('/var/www/loveland/_CopyLaRadio/sbotc_zenyta.sh'. $lnk); } $result.='

LIEN: '.$lnk.'

'; // TRACK COPY (not for undefined or local file) } else if ($radio && $artist != $title && $artist != "undefined" && $title != "undefined" && strlen(explode(".", $title)[1]) != 3 && explode(".", $title)[1] != "opus" ) { // Not making double request if( ! exec('grep '.escapeshellarg($cmd).' /tmp/ytdl.list') ) { // shell_exec('/home/pi/G1sms+/_CopyLaRadio/parle.sh "Enregistrement ajouté."'); shell_exec('/var/www/loveland/_CopyLaRadio/artist_song_to_sbotc_zenyta.sh "'. $artist . '" "' . $title .'"'); } else { shell_exec('/var/www/loveland/_CopyLaRadio/parle.sh "Copie déjà lancée"'); } $result.='

'.$artist.' / '.$title.'

'; // RADIO EXTERNAL TRACK SCRAPERs .... } else if($radio != "" && $artist == "undefined" && $title == "undefined" ){ shell_exec('/var/www/loveland/_CopyLaRadio/parle.sh "Recherche externe pour '.$radio.'"'); file_put_contents("/tmp/youtube-dl.log", "/home/pi/G1sms+/_CopyLaRadio/libradio/".escapeshellcmd($radio).".php".PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); if ( file_exists("/home/pi/G1sms+/_CopyLaRadio/libradio/".escapeshellcmd($radio).".php") ) { file_put_contents("/tmp/ytdl.list","$radio||".PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); } else { shell_exec('/var/www/loveland/_CopyLaRadio/parle.sh "Aucun module"'); } } else { shell_exec('/var/www/loveland/_CopyLaRadio/parle.sh "Identification imprécise. Podcast? Fichier local?"'); } } $ytform = '



'; $lnkform.='


- Sites compatibles -

'; ?> <?php echo $search;?> - Recherche YouTube & Copie privée