Fork 0

284 lines
14 KiB

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function isDate(&$date, $format){
$champsDate = date_parse_from_format($format, $date);
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date);
return checkdate($champsDate['month'], $champsDate['day'], $champsDate['year']);
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if ($filename) {
$imgbinary = fread(fopen($filename, "r"), filesize($filename));
return 'data:image/' . $filetype . ';base64,' . base64_encode($imgbinary);
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$api_node = 'g1.duniter.fr';
$format_pubkey = '#^[123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]{43,44}$#';
$units = ['quantitative','relative'];
$today = new DateTime();
$format = 'Y-m-d';
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// Vérification des dates et calcul du nombre de jours entre la date du jour et la date de fin
if (!empty($_GET['start_date'])){
$start_date = $_GET['start_date'];
$nb_col = 3;
if (!isDate($start_date, $format)){
echo '<div>'.tr('error_date_start_invalid').'</div>';
if (!empty($_GET['end_date'])){
if ($_GET['end_date'] !=0){
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if (!isDate($end_date, $format)){
echo '<div>'.tr('error_date_end_invalid').'</div>';
}elseif ($end_date < $start_date) {
echo '<div>'.tr('error_date_end_invalid').'</div>';
// Si pas de start_date, on prend le mois courant
$start_date = new DateTime('first day of this month');
$end_date = new DateTime('last day of this month');
if (isset($end_date)){
$nb_col = 4;
if ($end_date < $today){
$days_left = 0;
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$days_left = $dteDiff->format('%a');
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// Vérification du format de la pubkey
if (!empty($_GET['pubkey'])){
if (preg_match($format_pubkey, $_GET['pubkey'])){
$pubkey = $_GET['pubkey'];
$contribution_url = 'https://' . $api_node . '/api/#/v1/payment/' . $pubkey . '?amount=10|20|50|100|1000&amp;comment=don&amp;redirect_url=https%3A%252F%252F' . $api_node . '&amp;cancel_url=https%3A%252F%252F' . $api_node;
$display_pubkey = (!empty($_GET['display_pubkey']));
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// Génération du QRcode
if ($display_qrcode){
$qrcode_path = 'img/qrcodes/' . $pubkey . '.svg';
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QRcode::svg($pubkey, $qrcode_path);
$qrcode_width = 111;
$svg_width += $qrcode_width + $whitespace;
else {
echo '<div>'.tr('error_pubkey_invalid').'</div>';
echo '<div>'.tr('error_pubkey_missing').'</div>';
// Vérification du format de la valeur cible à atteindre
if (!empty($_GET['target'])){
$target = (int)$_GET['target'];
if (!is_int($target)){
echo '<div>'.tr('error_target_not_int').'</div>';
}elseif ($target<=0){
echo '<div>'.tr('error_target_negative').'</div>';
echo '<div>'.tr('error_target_missing').'</div>';
// Récupération des transactions entrantes entre la date de début et la date du jour
$start_timestamp = $start_date->getTimestamp();
$today_timestamp = $today->getTimestamp();
$url_json = 'https://' . $node . '/tx/history/' . $pubkey . '/times/' . $start_timestamp . '/' . $today_timestamp;
$json = @file_get_contents($url_json);
if ($json === false){
echo '<div>'.tr('error_connect_node').'</div>';
$json = json_decode($json);
$transactions = $json->history->received;
$total = 0;
$donneurs = [];
$tmp_timestamp = $start_timestamp;
$array_final = [];
foreach ($transactions as $transaction){
$donneur = $transaction->issuers[0];
if ($donneur != $pubkey){
if(!in_array($donneur, $donneurs)){
array_push($donneurs, $donneur);
$outputs = $transaction->outputs;
foreach ($outputs as $output){
if (strstr($output,$pubkey)){
$timestamp = $transaction->blockstampTime;
$output = explode(':', $output);
$montant_transaction = $output[0]/100;
if ($timestamp != $tmp_timestamp){
array_push($array_final, ['t'=>$tmp_timestamp*1000, 'y'=>(string) $total]);
$total += $montant_transaction;
$tmp_timestamp = $timestamp;
$donors = count($donneurs);
// Vérification de l'unité
$unit = (!empty($_GET['unit']))
? ((!in_array($_GET['unit'], $units)) ? 'quantitative' : $_GET['unit'])
: 'quantitative';
// Si l'unité est relative
if ($unit == 'relative'){
// On récupère le dernier block qui contient le DU
$url_json = 'https://' . $node . '/blockchain/with/ud';
$json = file_get_contents($url_json);
$json = json_decode($json);
$last_block_with_ud = end($json->result->blocks);
// Puis on récupère le montant du DU pour mettre à jour les données
$url_json = 'https://' . $node . '/blockchain/block/' . $last_block_with_ud;
$json = file_get_contents($url_json);
$json = json_decode($json);
$ud = $json->dividend/100;
$total = round($total/$ud);
$percentage = round($total/$target,2);
$percentage_bar = ($percentage>1) ? 1 : $percentage;
$bar_innerfill = $percentage_bar*($bar_width - 2*$bar_border);
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y="<?php echo $origin_y; ?>"><?php echo $titre; ?></text>
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x="<?php echo $origin_x; ?>"
y="<?php echo $origin_y + $whitespace; ?>">Pubkey : <?php echo $pubkey; ?></text>
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<text style="font-size:1.2rem;" x="50%" y="<?php echo $stats_y; ?>" dominant-baseline="central" text-anchor="middle"><?php echo $days_left; ?></text>
<text style="font-size:.9rem;" x="50%" y="<?php echo $stats_y+$whitespace; ?>" dominant-baseline="central" text-anchor="middle"><?php echo tr('label_remaining_d'); ?></text>
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