Fork 0

312 lines
12 KiB

include ("includes/vars.php");
include ("includes/functions.php");
require_once ("utils/imagefunctions.php");
include ("backends/sql/backend.php");
include ("includes/spotifyauth.php");
include ("getid3/getid3.php");
logger::shout("GETALBUMCOVER", "------- Searching For Album Art --------");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
if ($k == 'base64data') {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", "We have base64 data");
} else {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", $k, '=', $v);
$albumimage = new albumImage($_REQUEST);
$delaytime = 1;
$ignore_local = (array_key_exists('ignorelocal', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['ignorelocal'] == 'true') ? true : false;
if ($albumimage->mbid != "") {
$searchfunctions = array( 'tryLocal', 'trySpotify', 'tryMusicBrainz', 'tryLastFM', 'tryGoogle' );
} else {
// Try LastFM twice - first time just to get an MBID since coverartarchive images tend to be bigger
$searchfunctions = array( 'tryLocal', 'trySpotify', 'tryLastFM', 'tryMusicBrainz', 'tryLastFM', 'tryGoogle' );
$result = $albumimage->download_image();
if (!$albumimage->has_source()) {
while (count($searchfunctions) > 0 && $result === false) {
$fn = array_shift($searchfunctions);
$src = $fn($albumimage);
if ($src != "") {
$result = $albumimage->download_image();
if ($result === false) {
$result = $albumimage->set_default();
if ($result === false) {
logger::shout("GETALBUMCOVER", "No art was found. Try the Tate Modern");
$result = array();
$result['delaytime'] = $delaytime;
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
print json_encode($result);
logger::shout("GETALBUMCOVER", "--------------------------------------------");
function tryLocal($albumimage) {
global $ignore_local;
global $delaytime;
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Checking for local images");
$covernames = array("cover", "albumart", "thumb", "albumartsmall", "front");
if ($albumimage->albumpath == "" || $albumimage->albumpath == "." || $albumimage->albumpath === null || $ignore_local) {
return "";
$files = scan_for_images($albumimage->albumpath);
foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
$info = pathinfo($file);
if (array_key_exists('extension', $info)) {
$file_name = strtolower(rawurldecode(html_entity_decode(basename($file,'.'.$info['extension']))));
if ($file_name == $albumimage->get_image_key()) {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Returning archived image");
return $file;
foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
$info = pathinfo($file);
if (array_key_exists('extension', $info)) {
$file_name = strtolower(rawurldecode(html_entity_decode(basename($file,'.'.$info['extension']))));
if ($file_name == strtolower($albumimage->artist." - ".$albumimage->album) ||
$file_name == strtolower($albumimage->album)) {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Returning file matching album name");
return $file;
foreach ($covernames as $j => $name) {
foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
$info = pathinfo($file);
if (array_key_exists('extension', $info)) {
$file_name = strtolower(rawurldecode(html_entity_decode(basename($file,'.'.$info['extension']))));
if ($file_name == $name) {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Returning ".$file);
return $file;
if (count($files) > 1) {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Returning ".$files[0]);
$delaytime = 1;
return $files[0];
return "";
function trySpotify($albumimage) {
global $delaytime;
if ($albumimage->albumuri === null || substr($albumimage->albumuri, 0, 8) != 'spotify:') {
return "";
$image = "";
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Trying Spotify for ".$albumimage->albumuri);
// php strict prevents me from doing end(explode()) because
// only variables can be passed by reference. Stupid php.
$spaffy = explode(":", $albumimage->albumuri);
$spiffy = end($spaffy);
$boop = $spaffy[1];
$url = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/'.$boop.'s/'.$spiffy;
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Getting ".$url);
list($success, $content, $status) = get_spotify_data($url);
if ($success) {
$data = json_decode($content);
if (property_exists($data, 'images')) {
$width = 0;
foreach ($data->images as $img) {
if ($img->width > $width) {
$width = $img->width;
$image = $img->url;
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Found image with width ".$width);
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " URL is ".$image);
} else {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " No Spotify Data Found");
} else {
logger::warn("GETALBUMCOVER", " Spotify API data not retrieved");
$delaytime = 1000;
if ($image == "" && $boop == 'artist') {
// Hackety Hack
$image = "newimages/artist-icon.png";
$o = array( 'small' => $image, 'medium' => $image, 'asdownloaded' => $image, 'delaytime' => $delaytime);
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
print json_encode($o);
logger::shout("GETALBUMCOVER", "--------------------------------------------");
return $image;
function tryLastFM($albumimage) {
global $delaytime, $mysqlc;
static $tried_lastfm_once = false;
if ($tried_lastfm_once) { return ""; }
$retval = "";
$pic = "";
$cs = -1;
$sizeorder = array( 0 => 'small', 1 => 'medium', 2 => 'large', 3=> 'extralarge', 4 => 'mega');
$al = munge_album_name($albumimage->album);
$sa = $albumimage->get_artist_for_search();
if ($sa == '') {
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Trying last.FM for ".$al);
$json = loadJSON('lastfm', "https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?album=".rawurlencode($al)."&api_key=15f7532dff0b8d84635c757f9f18aaa3&autocorrect=0&method=album.getinfo&format=json");
} else if ($sa == 'Podcast') {
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Trying last.FM for ".$al);
// Last.FM sometimes works for podcasts if you use Artist
$json = loadJSON('lastfm', "https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?artist=".rawurlencode($al)."&method=album.getinfo&autocorrect=0&api_key=15f7532dff0b8d84635c757f9f18aaa3&format=json");
} else {
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Trying last.FM for ".$sa." ".$al);
$json = loadJSON('lastfm', "https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?artist=".rawurlencode($sa)."&album=".rawurlencode($al)."&api_key=15f7532dff0b8d84635c757f9f18aaa3&autocorrect=0&method=album.getinfo&format=json");
if ($json === false) {
logger::fail("GETALBUMCOVER", " Received error response from Last.FM");
$tried_lastfm_once = true;
return "";
} else {
if (property_exists($json, 'album')) {
if (property_exists($json->album, 'mbid') && $albumimage->mbid === null && $json->album->mbid) {
$albumimage->mbid = (string) $json->album->mbid;
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Last.FM gave us the MBID of '".$albumimage->mbid."'");
if ($mysqlc) {
if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "UPDATE Albumtable SET mbid = ? WHERE ImgKey = ? AND mbid IS NULL", $albumimage->mbid, $albumimage->get_image_key())) {
logger::trace("GETALBUMCOVER", " Updated collection with new MBID");
} else {
logger::fail("GETALBUMCOVER", " Failed trying to update collection with new MBID");
// return nothing here so we can try musicbrainz first
return "";
if (property_exists($json->album, 'image')) {
foreach ($json->album->image as $image) {
if ($image->{'#text'}) { $pic = $image->{'#text'}; }
$s = array_search($image->size, $sizeorder);
if ($s > $cs) {
logger::trace("GETALBUMCOVER", " Image ".$image->size." '".$image->{'#text'}."'");
$retval = $image->{'#text'};
$cs = $s;
if ($retval == "") {
$retval = $pic;
if ($retval != "") {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Last.FM gave us ".$retval);
} else {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " No cover found on Last.FM");
$delaytime = 1000;
$tried_lastfm_once = true;
return $retval;
function tryGoogle($albumimage) {
global $delaytime;
global $prefs;
$retval = "";
if ($prefs['google_api_key'] != '' && $prefs['google_search_engine_id'] != '') {
$nureek = "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=".$prefs['google_api_key']."&cx=".$prefs['google_search_engine_id']."&searchType=image&alt=json";
$sa = trim($albumimage->get_artist_for_search());
$ma = munge_album_name($albumimage->album);
if ($sa == '') {
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Trying Google for",$ma);
$uri = $nureek."&q=".urlencode($ma);
} else {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Trying Google for",$sa,$ma);
$uri = $nureek."&q=".urlencode($sa.' '.$ma);
$d = new url_downloader(array(
'url' => $uri,
'cache' => 'google',
'return_data' => true
$json = json_decode($d->get_data(), true);
if (array_key_exists('items', $json)) {
foreach($json['items'] as $item) {
$retval = $item['link'];
} else if (array_key_exists('error', $json)) {
logger::fail("GETALBUMCOVER", " Error response from Google : ".$json['error']['errors'][0]['reason']);
if ($retval != '') {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Found image ".$retval." from Google");
$delaytime = 1000;
} else {
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Not trying Google because no API Key or Search Engine ID");
return $retval;
function tryMusicBrainz($albumimage) {
global $delaytime;
$delaytime = 600;
if ($albumimage->mbid === null) {
return "";
$retval = "";
// Let's get some information from musicbrainz about this album
logger::mark("GETALBUMCOVER", " Getting MusicBrainz release info for ".$albumimage->mbid);
$url = 'http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release/'.$albumimage->mbid.'?inc=release-groups';
$d = new url_downloader(array(
'url' => $url,
'cache' => 'musicbrainz',
'return_data' => true
if ($d->get_data_to_file()) {
$x = simplexml_load_string($d->get_data(), 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
if ($x->{'release'}->{'cover-art-archive'}->{'artwork'} == "true" &&
$x->{'release'}->{'cover-art-archive'}->{'front'} == "true") {
logger::log("GETALBUMCOVER", " Musicbrainz has artwork for this release");
$retval = "http://coverartarchive.org/release/".$albumimage->mbid."/front";
} else {
logger::fail("GETALBUMCOVER", " Status code ".$d->get_status()." from Musicbrainz");
return $retval;
function loadJSON($domain, $path) {
$d = new url_downloader(array(
'url' => $path,
'cache' => $domain,
'return_data' => true
if ($d->get_data_to_file()) {
return json_decode($d->get_data());
} else {
return false;