Fork 0

47 lines
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// Nasty, hacky, but very effective way to convert the New-Dark-Circled icontheme into a different colour.
// ONLY start with a CLEAN copy of New-Dark-Circled
$dir = 'Slush-Dark';
# cyan
# $newcolour = '#3ED3D5';
# white
# $newcolour = '#FFFFFF';
$files = glob($dir.'/*.svg');
foreach ($files as $file) {
print $file."\n";
// $newcolour = $newcolours[rand(0, count($newcolours)-1)];
$hack = file_get_contents($file);
// $hack = preg_replace('/stroke:#000000/', 'stroke:'.$newcolour, $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/fill:#000000/', 'fill:'.$newcolour, $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/fill:#010002/', 'fill:'.$newcolour, $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/fill:#020202/', 'fill:'.$newcolour, $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/fill:#333333/', 'fill:'.$newcolour, $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/fill="#000"/', 'fill="'.$newcolour.'"', $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/stroke="#000"/', 'stroke="'.$newcolour.'"', $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/(style="stroke-width:\d\.*\d*p*x*\%*)"/', '$1;fill:'.$newcolour.';fill-opacity:1"', $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/<\/svg>/', '<style id="stylebodge1" type="text/css">[id^="polygon"]{fill:'.$newcolour.';fill-opacity:1}</style></svg>', $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/<\/svg>/', '<style id="stylebodge2" type="text/css">[id^="path"]{fill:'.$newcolour.';fill-opacity:1}</style></svg>', $hack);
// These lines convert the gradient as used in Fiery
// $hack = preg_replace('/#fff663/i', '#DDDDDD', $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/#fb8626/i', '#333333', $hack);
// $hack = preg_replace('/#fb8a26/i', '#333333', $hack);
// These lines convert the gradient as used in Slush-Dark.
// Don't forget to edit (or remove) the #pset and #pmaxset in theme.css
$hack = preg_replace('/#656565/i', '#654321', $hack);
$hack = preg_replace('/#000000/i', '#123456', $hack);
file_put_contents($file, $hack);