2020-05-10 21:30:23 +02:00

247 lines
8.7 KiB

function faveFinder(returnall) {
// faveFinder is used to find tracks which have just been tagged or rated but don't have a URI.
// These would be tracks from a radio station. It's also used by lastFMImporter.
var self = this;
var queue = new Array();
var throttle = null;
var priority = [];
var checkdb = true;
var exact = false;
// Prioritize - local, beetslocal, beets, spotify, gmusic - in that order
// There's currently no way to change these for tracks that are rated from radio stations
// which means that these are the only domains that will be searched, but this is better
// than including podcasts and radio stations, which we'll never want
// I'm also not including SoundCloud because it produces far too many false positives
if (prefs.player_backend == 'mopidy') {
priority = ["gmusic", "spotify", "beets", "beetslocal", "local"];
function brk(b) {
if (b) {
return '<br />';
} else {
return ' ';
function getImageUrl(list) {
var im = null;
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i] != "") {
im = list[i];
if (im && im.substr(0,4) == "http") {
im = "getRemoteImage.php?url="+im;
return im;
function compare_tracks(lookingfor, found) {
if (found.title == null) {
return false;
} else if (lookingfor.title == null || lookingfor.title.removePunctuation().toLowerCase() == found.title.removePunctuation().toLowerCase()) {
return true;
return false;
function compare_tracks_with_artist(lookingfor, found) {
if (lookingfor.title !== null && lookingfor.artist !== null) {
if (lookingfor.title.removePunctuation().toLowerCase() == found.title.removePunctuation().toLowerCase() &&
lookingfor.artist.removePunctuation().toLowerCase() == found.artist.removePunctuation().toLowerCase()) {
return true;
} else if (lookingfor.title === null) {
if (lookingfor.artist.removePunctuation().toLowerCase() == found.artist.removePunctuation().toLowerCase()) {
return true;
} else if (lookingfor.artist === null) {
if (lookingfor.title.removePunctuation().toLowerCase() == found.title.removePunctuation().toLowerCase()) {
return true;
return false;
function foundNothing(req) {
debug.log("FAVEFINDER","Nothing found",req);
if (returnall) {
} else {
this.getPriorities = function() {
return priority.reverse();
this.setPriorities = function(p) {
priority = p;
debug.log("FAVEFINDER","Domains We Will Search",priority);
this.queueLength = function() {
return queue.length;
this.handleResults = function(data) {
if (queue.length == 0) {
return false;
var req = queue[0];
debug.trace("FAVEFINDER","Raw Results for",req,data);
var results = new Array();
var best_matches = new Array();
var medium_matches = new Array();
var worst_matches = new Array();
// Sort the results
for (var i in data) {
if (data[i].tracks) {
for (var k = 0; k < data[i].tracks.length; k++) {
if (data[i].tracks[k].uri.isArtistOrAlbum()) {
debug.trace("FAVEFINDER", "Ignoring non-track ",data[i].tracks[k].uri);
} else {
debug.trace("FAVEFINDER","Found Track",data[i].tracks[k]);
var r = cloneObject(req);
for (var g in data[i].tracks[k]) {
r.data[g] = data[i].tracks[k][g];
if (r.data.title == null && r.data.artist == null) {
} else {
if (r.data.albumartist != "Various Artists") {
if (compare_tracks_with_artist(req.data, r.data)) {
// Exactly matching track and artist are preferred...
} else if (compare_tracks(req.data, r.data)) {
// .. over matching track title only ...
} else {
// .. over non-matching track titles ..
} else {
// .. and compilation albums ..
results = results.concat(best_matches, medium_matches, worst_matches);
debug.debug("FAVEFINDER","Prioritised Results are",results);
if (results.length == 0) {
} else {
if (returnall) {
} else {
var f = false;
for (var i in results) {
if (results.length == 1 || compare_tracks_with_artist(req.data, results[i])) {
for (var g in results[i]) {
req.data[g] = results[i][g];
f = true;
debug.log("FAVEFINDER","Single track asked for, returning",req.data);
if (!f) {
throttle = setTimeout(self.next, 1000);
this.findThisOne = function(data, callback) {
debug.log("FAVEFINDER","New thing to look for",data);
queue.push({data: data, callback: callback});
if (throttle == null && queue.length == 1) {
this.next = function() {
var req = queue[0];
if (req) {
} else {
throttle = null;
this.stop = function() {
queue = new Array();
this.searchForTrack = function() {
var req = queue[0];
var st = {};
if (req.data.title) {
st.title = [req.data.title];
if (req.data.artist) {
st.artist = [req.data.artist];
if (req.data.album) {
st.album = [req.data.album];
debug.log("FAVEFINDER","Performing search",st,priority);
player.controller.rawsearch(st, priority, exact, self.handleResults, checkdb);
this.trackHtml = function(data, breaks) {
var html = "";
// html += '<i class="icon-no-response-playbutton clickicon playable collectionicon" name="'+data.uri+'"></i>';
var u = data.uri;
if (u.match(/spotify:/)) {
html += '<i class="icon-spotify-circled collectionicon"></i>';
} else if (u.match(/soundcloud:/)) {
html += '<i class="icon-soundcloud-circled collectionicon"></i>';
} else if (u.match(/youtube:/)) {
html += '<i class="icon-youtube-circled collectionicon"></i>';
} else if (u.match(/gmusic:/)) {
html += '<i class="icon-gmusic-circled collectionicon"></i>';
} else if (u.match(/^podcast/)) {
html += '<i class="icon-podcast-circled collectionicon"></i>';
html += '<b>'+data.title+'</b>'+brk(breaks);
if (data.artist) {
html += '<i>by </i>'+data.artist+brk(breaks);
html += '<i>on </i>'+data.album;
var arse = data.uri;
if (arse.indexOf(":") > 0) {
html += ' <i>(' + arse.substr(0, arse.indexOf(":")) + ')</i>';
return html;
this.setCheckDb = function(d) {
checkdb = d;
this.setExact = function(e) {
exact = e;