
32 lines
855 B

# Kriptopter
mini web app to use WebCrypto
## Install
git clone https//
## Usage
### Standalone
Open the file `kriptopter` in a browser.
_(Tested only under Iron/Chromium 63.0.3300.0, please do the test in other browser and submit an issue, with a minimum stack trace, if you want to help )_
### Bookmarklet
To compile the app to be used as `javascrip:` url in a bookmark, some characters need to be escaped,
you can use `kompilo.js` with nodejs:
node kompilo
it will generate a `kriptoptlet` file containing the text to copy/paste in a new bookmark.
<a href="javascript:'','','titlebar=no,location=no'); fetch('https'+'://').then(res=>res.text()).then(app=>win.document.write(app) ))">bookmarklet online</a>
## Roadmap