jacklis upgrade with Ad publish support

This commit is contained in:
qo-op 2021-02-24 16:13:19 +01:00
parent 698a7cd667
commit cb62cb720d
55 changed files with 2324 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,34 @@ fi
zenity --warning --width 300 --text "Ajoutez une vidéo à ASTROPORT/KODI" zenity --warning --width 300 --text "Ajoutez une vidéo à ASTROPORT/KODI"
CHOICE=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --title="Catégorie" --text="Choisissez la catégorie de votre vidéo" --entry-text="Film" Serie Anime Youtube)
[[ $CHOICE == "" ]] && exit 1
CAT=$(echo "${CHOICE}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
PREFIX=$(echo "${CAT}" | head -c 1 | awk '{ print toupper($0) }' ) # ex: F, S, A, Y
[[ $PREFIX == "" ]] && exit 1
case ${PREFIX} in
######################################################################## ########################################################################
[[ ! -d ~/astroport/youtube ]] && mkdir -p ~/astroport/youtube
YTURL=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --title "Lien ou identifiant à copier" --text "Copiez le lien (URL) ou l'ID de la vidéo" --entry-text="")
[[ $YTURL == "" ]] && exit 1
youtube-dl --no-mtime -o "~/astroport/youtube/%(id)s_%(title)s.%(ext)s" $YTURL
FILE=$(zenity --file-selection --title="Sélectionner le fichier à ajouter") FILE=$(zenity --file-selection --title="Sélectionner le fichier à ajouter")
echo "${FILE}" echo "${FILE}"
@ -80,22 +107,13 @@ FILE_EXT="${FILE_NAME##*.}"
# OPEN default browser and search TMDB # OPEN default browser and search TMDB
zenity --question --width 300 --text "IMPORTANT! Ouvrir le site themoviedb et récuperez son numéro d'identification" zenity --question --width 300 --text "IMPORTANT! Nous allons ouvrir le site themoviedb pour y récuperer le numéro d'identification"
[ $? == 1 ] && exit 1 [ $? == 1 ] && exit 1
xdg-open "https://www.themoviedb.org/search?query=${FILE_TITLE}" xdg-open "https://www.themoviedb.org/search?query=${FILE_TITLE}"
TMDB=$(zenity --entry --title="Identification TMDB" --text="Indiquez le numéro de la fiche du film. Exemple: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/301528-toy-story-4 => 301528" --entry-text="") TMDB=$(zenity --entry --title="Identification TMDB" --text="Indiquez le numéro de la fiche du film. Exemple: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/301528-toy-story-4 => 301528" --entry-text="")
[[ $TMDB == "" ]] && exit 1 [[ $TMDB == "" ]] && exit 1
CHOICE=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --title="Catégorie" --text="Choisissez la catégorie de la vidéo" --entry-text="Film" Serie Anime)
[[ $CHOICE == "" ]] && exit 1
CAT=$(echo "${CHOICE}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
PREFIX=$(echo "${CAT}" | head -c 1 | awk '{ print toupper($0) }' ) # ex: F, S, A
[[ $PREFIX == "" ]] && exit 1
TITLE=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --title "Titre" --text "Indiquez le titre de la vidéo" --entry-text="${FILE_TITLE}") TITLE=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --title "Titre" --text "Indiquez le titre de la vidéo" --entry-text="${FILE_TITLE}")
[[ $TITLE == "" ]] && exit 1 [[ $TITLE == "" ]] && exit 1
@ -184,3 +202,5 @@ mv "${FILE_PATH}/${FILE_NAME}" ~/astroport/${CAT}/${TMDB}/ && zenity --warning -
zenity --warning --width 300 --text "OK! Vidéo $FILE_NAME transférée dans Kodi/Vstream/Astroport" zenity --warning --width 300 --text "OK! Vidéo $FILE_NAME transférée dans Kodi/Vstream/Astroport"

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ sudo apt-get install git fail2ban inotify-tools curl net-tools libsodium* python
sudo apt-get install build-essential qrencode jq bc gawk ffmpeg sqlite dnsutils vlc -y sudo apt-get install build-essential qrencode jq bc gawk ffmpeg sqlite dnsutils vlc -y
[[ ! $(which kodi) ]] && sudo apt-get install kodi -y [[ ! $(which kodi) ]] && sudo apt-get install kodi -y
[[ "$USER" != "xbian" ]] && sudo apt-get install x11-utils zenity handbrake-gtk -y [[ "$USER" != "xbian" ]] && sudo apt-get install x11-utils zenity handbrake-gtk -y
# [[ ! $(which apache2) ]] && sudo apt-get install mariadb-server nginx ssl-cert php-imap php-cli php-curl php-sqlite3 php-gd php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-gettext php-mysql php-fpm -y # [[ ! $(which apache2) ]] && sudo apt-get install mariadb-server nginx python3-certbot-nginx certbot ssl-cert php-imap php-cli php-curl php-sqlite3 php-gd php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-gettext php-mysql php-fpm -y
pip3 install cryptography Ed25519 base58 google protobuf duniterpy pip3 install cryptography Ed25519 base58 google protobuf duniterpy

zen/jaklis.old/.env Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
DUNIKEY="/.zen/secret.dunikey" # Chemin du fichier de trousseau Ḡ1 de l'émetteur, au format PubSec
POD="https://data.gchange.fr" # Noeud Gchange utilisé pour l'envoi du message
#POD="https://g1.data.duniter.fr" # Noeud Cecium+ utilisé pour l'envoi du message
#POD="https://g1.data.le-sou.org" # Adresse du pod Cesium de secours

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
DUNIKEY="" # Chemin de la clé privé Ḡ1 de l'émetteur, au format PubSec
#POD="https://g1.data.duniter.fr" # Adresse du pod Cesium ou Gchange à utiliser
POD="https://g1.data.le-sou.org" # Adresse du pod Cesium de secours
#POD="https://data.gchange.fr" # Adresse du pod ḠChange à utiliser

zen/jaklis.old/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Client CLI for Cesium+/Ḡchange pod
## Installation
bash setup.sh
## Utilisation
Renseignez optionnellement le fichier **.env** (Généré lors de la première tentative d'execution, ou à copier depuis .env.template).
./jaklis.py -h
usage: jaklis.py [-h] [-v] [-k KEY] [-n NODE] {read,send,delete,get,set,erase,like,unlike,pay,history,balance} ...
Client CLI pour Cesium+ et Ḡchange
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Affiche la version actuelle du programme
-k KEY, --key KEY Chemin vers mon trousseau de clé (PubSec)
-n NODE, --node NODE Adresse du noeud Cesium+, Gchange ou Duniter à utiliser
Commandes de jaklis:
read Lecture des messages
send Envoi d'un message
delete Supression d'un message
get Voir un profile Cesium+
set Configurer son profile Cesium+
erase Effacer son profile Cesium+
like Voir les likes d'un profile / Liker un profile (option -s NOTE)
unlike Supprimer un like
pay Payer en Ḡ1
history Voir l'historique des transactions d'un compte Ḡ1
balance Voir le solde d'un compte Ḡ1
Utilisez `./jaklis CMD -h``CMD` est la commande souhaité pour obtenir l'aide détaillé de cette commande.
### Exemples:
Lire les 10 derniers messages de mon compte indiqué dans le fichier `.env` (par defaut 3 messages):
./jaklis read -n10
Envoyer un message à la clé publique `Do99s6wQR2JLfhirPdpAERSjNbmjjECzGxHNJMiNKT3P` avec un fichier de trousseau particulier:
./jaklis.py -k /home/saucisse/mon_fichier_de_trousseau.dunikey send -d Do99s6wQR2JLfhirPdpAERSjNbmjjECzGxHNJMiNKT3P -t "Objet du message" -m "Corps de mon message"
Noter 4 étoiles le profile `S9EJbjbaGPnp26VuV6fKjR7raE1YkNhUGDgoydHvAJ1` sur gchange:
./jaklis.py -n https://data.gchange.fr like -p S9EJbjbaGPnp26VuV6fKjR7raE1YkNhUGDgoydHvAJ1 -s 4
Paramétrer mon profile Cesium+:
./jaklis.py set -n "Sylvain Durif" -v "Bugarach" -a "42 route de Vénus" -d "Christ cosmique" -pos 48.539927 2.6608169 -s https://www.creationmonetaire.info -A mon_avatar.png
Effacer mon profile Gchange:
./jaklis.py -n https://data.gchange.fr erase

zen/jaklis.old/jaklis.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, sys, os, getpass, string, random
from os.path import join, dirname
from shutil import copyfile
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from duniterpy.key import SigningKey
__version__ = "0.0.2"
MY_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/'
# Get variables environment
if not os.path.isfile(MY_PATH + '.env'):
copyfile(MY_PATH + ".env.template",MY_PATH + ".env")
dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__),MY_PATH + '.env')
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Client CLI pour Cesium+ et Ḡchange")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help="Affiche la version actuelle du programme")
parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', help="Chemin vers mon trousseau de clé (PubSec)")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--node', help="Adresse du noeud Cesium+, Gchange ou Duniter à utiliser")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Commandes de jaklis", dest="cmd")
read_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('read', help="Lecture des messages")
send_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('send', help="Envoi d'un message")
delete_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('delete', help="Supression d'un message")
getProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('get', help="Voir un profile Cesium+")
setProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('set', help="Configurer son profile Cesium+")
eraseProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('erase', help="Effacer son profile Cesium+")
like_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('like', help="Voir les likes d'un profile / Liker un profile (option -s NOTE)")
unlike_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('unlike', help="Supprimer un like")
pay_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('pay', help="Payer en Ḡ1")
history_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('history', help="Voir l'historique des transactions d'un compte Ḡ1")
balance_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('balance', help="Voir le solde d'un compte Ḡ1")
# Messages management
read_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--number',type=int, default=3, help="Affiche les NUMBER derniers messages")
read_cmd.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Sort au format JSON")
read_cmd.add_argument('-o', '--outbox', action='store_true', help="Lit les messages envoyés")
send_cmd.add_argument('-d', '--destinataire', required=True, help="Destinataire du message")
send_cmd.add_argument('-t', '--titre', help="Titre du message à envoyer")
send_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--message', help="Message à envoyer")
send_cmd.add_argument('-f', '--fichier', help="Envoyer le message contenu dans le fichier 'FICHIER'")
send_cmd.add_argument('-o', '--outbox', action='store_true', help="Envoi le message sur la boite d'envoi")
delete_cmd.add_argument('-i', '--id', action='append', nargs='+', required=True, help="ID(s) du/des message(s) à supprimer")
delete_cmd.add_argument('-o', '--outbox', action='store_true', help="Suppression d'un message envoyé")
# Profiles management
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--name', help="Nom du profile")
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-d', '--description', help="Description du profile")
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-v', '--ville', help="Ville du profile")
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--adresse', help="Adresse du profile")
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-pos', '--position', nargs=2, help="Points géographiques (lat + lon)")
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-s', '--site', help="Site web du profile")
setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-A', '--avatar', help="Chemin vers mon avatar en PNG")
getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Nom du profile")
getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--avatar', action='store_true', help="Récupérer également l'avatar au format raw base64")
# Likes management
like_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile cible")
like_cmd.add_argument('-s', '--stars', type=int, help="Nombre d'étoile")
unlike_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile à déliker")
# GVA usage
pay_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Destinataire du paiement")
pay_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--amount', type=float, help="Montant de la transaction")
pay_cmd.add_argument('-c', '--comment', default="", help="Commentaire de la transaction")
pay_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--mempool', action='store_true', help="Utilise les sources en Mempool")
pay_cmd.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat JSON de la transaction")
history_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé")
history_cmd.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en format JSON")
history_cmd.add_argument('--nocolors', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en noir et blanc")
balance_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé")
balance_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--mempool', action='store_true', help="Utilise les sources en Mempool")
args = parser.parse_args()
cmd = args.cmd
if args.version:
if not cmd:
def createTmpDunikey():
# Generate pseudo-random nonce
for _ in range(32):
nonce.append(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits))
nonce = ''.join(nonce)
keyPath = "/tmp/secret.dunikey-" + nonce
key = SigningKey.from_credentials(getpass.getpass("Identifiant: "), getpass.getpass("Mot de passe: "), None)
return keyPath
# Check if we need dunikey
pubkey = args.pubkey
pubkey = False
profile = args.profile
profile = False
if cmd in ('history','balance','get') and (pubkey or profile):
noNeedDunikey = True
keyPath = False
dunikey = args.pubkey
dunikey = args.profile
noNeedDunikey = False
if args.key:
dunikey = args.key
keyPath = False
dunikey = os.getenv('DUNIKEY')
if not dunikey:
keyPath = createTmpDunikey()
dunikey = keyPath
keyPath = False
if not os.path.isfile(dunikey):
HOME = os.getenv("HOME")
dunikey = HOME + dunikey
if not os.path.isfile(dunikey):
sys.stderr.write('Le fichier de trousseau {0} est introuvable.\n'.format(dunikey))
# Construct CesiumPlus object
if cmd in ("read","send","delete","set","get","erase","like","unlike"):
from lib.cesium import CesiumPlus
if args.node:
pod = args.node
pod = os.getenv('POD')
if not pod:
cesium = CesiumPlus(dunikey, pod, noNeedDunikey)
# Messaging
if cmd == "read":
cesium.read(args.number, args.outbox, args.json)
elif cmd == "send":
if args.fichier:
with open(args.fichier, 'r') as f:
msgT = f.read()
titre = msgT.splitlines(True)[0].replace('\n', '')
msg = ''.join(msgT.splitlines(True)[1:])
if args.titre:
titre = args.titre
msg = msgT
elif args.titre and args.message:
titre = args.titre
msg = args.message
titre = input("Indiquez le titre du message: ")
msg = input("Indiquez le contenu du message: ")
cesium.send(titre, msg, args.destinataire, args.outbox)
elif cmd == "delete":
cesium.delete(args.id[0], args.outbox)
# Profiles
elif cmd == "set":
cesium.set(args.name, args.description, args.ville, args.adresse, args.position, args.site, args.avatar)
elif cmd == "get":
cesium.get(args.profile, args.avatar)
elif cmd == "erase":
# Likes
elif cmd == "like":
if args.stars or args.stars == 0:
cesium.like(args.stars, args.profile)
elif cmd == "unlike":
# Construct GVA object
elif cmd in ("pay","history","balance"):
from lib.gva import GvaApi
if args.node:
node = args.node
node = os.getenv('NODE')
if not node:
if args.pubkey:
destPubkey = args.pubkey
destPubkey = False
gva = GvaApi(dunikey, node, destPubkey, noNeedDunikey)
if cmd == "pay":
gva.pay(args.amount, args.comment, args.mempool, args.verbose)
if cmd == "history":
gva.history(args.json, args.nocolors)
if cmd == "balance":
if keyPath:

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import re, string, random, base64
from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX
from lib.messaging import ReadFromCesium, SendToCesium, DeleteFromCesium
from lib.profiles import Profiles
from lib.likes import ReadLikes, SendLikes, UnLikes
class CesiumPlus(CesiumCommon):
#################### Messaging ####################
def read(self, nbrMsg, outbox, isJSON):
readCesium = ReadFromCesium(self.dunikey, self.pod)
jsonMsg = readCesium.sendDocument(nbrMsg, outbox)
if isJSON:
jsonFormat = readCesium.jsonMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg, outbox)
readCesium.readMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg, outbox)
def send(self, title, msg, recipient, outbox):
sendCesium = SendToCesium(self.dunikey, self.pod)
sendCesium.recipient = recipient
# Generate pseudo-random nonce
for _ in range(32):
nonce.append(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits))
sendCesium.nonce = base64.b64decode(''.join(nonce))
finalDoc = sendCesium.configDoc(sendCesium.encryptMsg(title), sendCesium.encryptMsg(msg)) # Configure JSON document to send
sendCesium.sendDocument(finalDoc, outbox) # Send final signed document
def delete(self, idsMsgList, outbox):
deleteCesium = DeleteFromCesium(self.dunikey, self.pod)
# deleteCesium.issuer = recipient
for idMsg in idsMsgList:
finalDoc = deleteCesium.configDoc(idMsg, outbox)
deleteCesium.sendDocument(finalDoc, idMsg)
#################### Profiles ####################
def set(self, name=None, description=None, ville=None, adresse=None, position=None, site=None, avatar=None):
setProfile = Profiles(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = setProfile.configDocSet(name, description, ville, adresse, position, site, avatar)
result = setProfile.sendDocument(document,'set')
return result
def get(self, profile=None, avatar=None):
getProfile = Profiles(self.dunikey, self.pod, self.noNeedDunikey)
if not profile:
profile = self.pubkey
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, profile) or len(profile) > 45:
scope = 'title'
scope = '_id'
document = getProfile.configDocGet(profile, scope, avatar)
resultJSON = getProfile.sendDocument(document, 'get')
result = getProfile.parseJSON(resultJSON)
def erase(self):
eraseProfile = Profiles(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = eraseProfile.configDocErase()
result = eraseProfile.sendDocument(document,'erase')
#################### Likes ####################
def readLikes(self, profile=False):
likes = ReadLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod, self.noNeedDunikey)
document = likes.configDoc(profile)
result = likes.sendDocument(document)
result = likes.parseResult(result)
def like(self, stars, profile=False):
likes = SendLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = likes.configDoc(profile, stars)
if document:
likes.sendDocument(document, profile)
def unLike(self, pubkey, silent=False):
likes = UnLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod)
idLike = likes.checkLike(pubkey)
if idLike:
document = likes.configDoc(idLike)
likes.sendDocument(document, silent)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import sys, re, json
from hashlib import sha256
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey
PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}"
def pp_json(json_thing, sort=True, indents=4):
# Print beautifull JSON
if type(json_thing) is str:
print(json.dumps(json.loads(json_thing), sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
print(json.dumps(json_thing, sort_keys=sort, indent=indents))
return None
class CesiumCommon:
def __init__(self, dunikey, pod, noNeedDunikey=False):
self.pod = pod
self.noNeedDunikey = noNeedDunikey
# Get my pubkey from my private key
self.dunikey = dunikey
if not dunikey:
raise ValueError("Dunikey is empty")
sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n")
if noNeedDunikey:
self.pubkey = self.dunikey
self.pubkey = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45:
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
def signDoc(self, document):
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
data = {}
data['hash'] = hashDoc
data['signature'] = signature
signJSON = json.dumps(data)
finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)}
return json.dumps(finalJSON)

zen/jaklis.old/lib/crypt.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import base64, base58, sys, string, random
from natools import get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt, fmt
def getargv(arg:str, default:str="", n:int=1, args:list=sys.argv) -> str:
if arg in args and len(args) > args.index(arg)+n:
return args[args.index(arg)+n]
return default
cmd = sys.argv[1]
dunikey = getargv("-k", "private.dunikey")
msg = getargv("-m", "test")
pubkey = getargv("-p")
def decrypt(msg):
msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg)
return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec"), pubkey).decode()
def encrypt(msg):
return fmt["64"](box_encrypt(msg.encode(), get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec"), pubkey)).decode()
if cmd == 'decrypt':
clear = decrypt(msg)
elif cmd == 'encrypt':
clear = encrypt(msg)

zen/jaklis.old/lib/gva.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import sys, re
from lib.natools import get_privkey
from lib.gvaPay import Transaction, PUBKEY_REGEX
from lib.gvaHistory import History
from lib.gvaBalance import Balance
class GvaApi():
def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey, noNeedDunikey=False):
self.noNeedDunikey = noNeedDunikey
self.dunikey = dunikey
self.node = node
if noNeedDunikey:
self.pubkey = self.dunikey
self.pubkey = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
if pubkey:
self.destPubkey = pubkey
self.destPubkey = self.pubkey
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45:
raise ValueError("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.")
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.destPubkey) or len(self.destPubkey) > 45:
raise ValueError("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.")
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
#################### Payments ####################
def pay(self, amount, comment, mempool, verbose):
gva = Transaction(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey, amount, comment, mempool, verbose)
return gva.sendTXDoc()
def history(self, isJSON=False, noColors=False):
gva = History(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey)
transList = gva.parseHistory()
if isJSON:
transJson = gva.jsonHistory(transList)
gva.printHistory(transList, noColors)
def balance(self, useMempool):
gva = Balance(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey, useMempool)
balanceValue = gva.sendDoc()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, re, os.path, json, ast
from termcolor import colored
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey
from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}"
class Balance:
def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey, useMempool=False):
self.dunikey = dunikey
self.pubkey = pubkey if pubkey else get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
self.useMempool = useMempool
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45:
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
# Define Duniter GVA node
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node)
self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
def sendDoc(self):
# Build balance generation document
queryBuild = gql(
query ($pubkey: String!){
balance(script: $pubkey) {
paramsBuild = {
"pubkey": self.pubkey
# Send balance document
balanceResult = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild)
except Exception as e:
message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"]
sys.stderr.write("Echec de récupération du solde:\n" + message + "\n")
balanceValue = balanceResult['balance']['amount']/100
# print(balanceValue)
return balanceValue

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, re, os.path, json, ast, time
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey
from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}"
class History:
def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey):
self.dunikey = dunikey
self.pubkey = pubkey if pubkey else get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
self.node = node
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45:
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
# Define Duniter GVA node
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node)
self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
def sendDoc(self):
# Build history generation document
queryBuild = gql(
query ($pubkey: String!){
transactionsHistory(pubkey: $pubkey) {
received {
sent {
receiving {
sending {
balance(script: $pubkey) {
node {
peer {
currentUd {
paramsBuild = {
"pubkey": self.pubkey
# Send history document
self.historyDoc = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild)
except Exception as e:
message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"]
sys.stderr.write("Echec de récupération de l'historique:\n" + message + "\n")
def parseHistory(self):
trans = []
i = 0
currentBase = int(self.historyDoc['currentUd']['base'])
self.UD = self.historyDoc['currentUd']['amount']/100
for sens in 'received','sent','receiving','sending':
res = self.historyDoc['transactionsHistory'][sens]
for bloc in res:
output = bloc['outputs'][0]
outPubkey = output.split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','')
if sens in ('received','receiving') or self.pubkey != outPubkey:
trans[i] = []
if sens in ('receiving','sending'):
if sens in ('sent','sending'):
amount = int('-' + output.split(':')[0])
amount = int(output.split(':')[0])
base = int(output.split(':')[1])
applyBase = base-currentBase
amount = round(amount*pow(10,applyBase)/100, 2)
# if referential == 'DU': amount = round(amount/UD, 2)
trans[i].append(round(amount/self.UD, 2))
i += 1
# Order transactions by date
trans.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
# Keep only base if there is base change
lastBase = 0
for i in trans:
if i[6] == lastBase: i[6] = None
else: lastBase = i[6]
return trans
def printHistory(self, trans, noColors):
# Get balance
balance = self.historyDoc['balance']['amount']/100
balanceUD = round(balance/self.UD, 2)
# Get currency
currency = self.historyDoc['node']['peer']['currency']
if currency == 'g1': currency = 'Ḡ1'
elif currency == 'g1-test': currency = 'GT'
# if referential == 'DU': currency = 'DU/' + currency.lower()
# Get terminal size
rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
# Display history
print('+', end='')
print('-'.center(rows-1, '-'))
if noColors: isBold = isBoldEnd = ''
isBold = '\033[1m'
isBoldEnd = '\033[0m'
print(isBold + "|{: <19} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(" Date"," De / À"," {0}".format(currency)," DU/{0}".format(currency.lower()),"Commentaire") + isBoldEnd)
print('|', end='')
for t in trans:
if t[0] == "received": color = "green"
elif t[0] == "receiving": color = "yellow"
elif t[0] == "sending": color = "red"
else: color = "blue"
if noColors:
color = None
if t[0] in ('receiving','sending'):
comment = '(EN ATTENTE) ' + t[5]
comment = t[5]
comment = t[5]
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(t[1]).strftime("%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M")
print('-'.center(rows-1, '-'))
if t[6]:
print('|', end='')
print(' Changement de base : {0} '.format(t[6]).center(rows-1, '#'))
print('|', end='')
print('-'.center(rows-1, '-'))
print('|', end='')
printKey = t[2][0:8] + '\u2026' + t[2][-3:]
if noColors:
print(" {: <18} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(date, printKey, t[3], t[4], comment))
print(colored(" {: <18} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(date, printKey, t[3], t[4], comment), color))
print('|', end='')
print('-'.center(rows-1, '-'))
print('|', end='')
print(isBold + 'Solde du compte: {0} {1} ({2} DU/{3})'.format(balance, currency, balanceUD, currency.lower()).center(rows-1, ' ') + isBoldEnd)
print('+', end='')
print(''.center(rows-1, '-'))
if not noColors:
print(colored('Reçus', 'green'), '-', colored('En cours de réception', 'yellow'), '-', colored('Envoyé', 'blue'), '-', colored("En cours d'envoi", 'red'))
return trans
def jsonHistory(self, transList):
dailyJSON = []
for i, trans in enumerate(transList):
dailyJSON[i] = {}
dailyJSON[i]['date'] = trans[1]
dailyJSON[i]['pubkey'] = trans[2]
dailyJSON[i]['amount'] = trans[3]
dailyJSON[i]['amountUD'] = trans[4]
dailyJSON[i]['comment'] = trans[5]
dailyJSON = json.dumps(dailyJSON, indent=2)
# If we want to write JSON to a file
#jsonFile = open("history-{0}.json".format(self.pubkey[0:8]), "w")
#jsonFile.writelines(dailyJSON + '\n')
return dailyJSON

View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, re, os.path, json, ast
from termcolor import colored
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey
from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}"
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, dunikey, node, recipient, amount, comment='', useMempool=False, verbose=False):
self.dunikey = dunikey
self.recipient = recipient
self.amount = int(amount*100)
self.comment = comment
self.issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
self.useMempool = useMempool
self.verbose = verbose
self.node = node
self._isChange = False
if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, recipient) or len(recipient) > 45:
raise ValueError("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.")
sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n")
if recipient == self.issuer:
raise ValueError('Le destinataire ne peut pas être vous même.')
sys.stderr.write("Le destinataire ne peut pas être vous même.\n")
# Define Duniter GVA node
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node)
self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
def genDoc(self):
# Build TX generation document
if self.verbose: print("useMempool:", str(self.useMempool))
queryBuild = gql(
query ($recipient: String!, $issuer: String!, $amount: Int!, $comment: String!, $useMempool: Boolean!){ genTx(
amount: $amount
comment: $comment
issuer: $issuer
recipient: $recipient
useMempoolSources: $useMempool
paramsBuild = {
"recipient": self.recipient,
"issuer": self.issuer,
"amount": int(self.amount),
"comment": self.comment,
"useMempool": self.useMempool
# Send TX document
# self.txDoc = []
self.txDoc = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild)['genTx']
if self.verbose: print(self.txDoc[0])
return self.txDoc
except Exception as e:
message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"]
sys.stderr.write("Echec de la génération du document:\n" + message + "\n")
# Check document
def checkTXDoc(self):
for docs in self.txDoc:
docList = docs.splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(docList):
if re.search("Issuers:", line):
issuerRaw.append(docList[(i + 1) % len(docList)])
if re.search("Outputs:", line):
outputRaw = docList[(i + 1) % len(docList)].split(":")
if re.search("Comment:", line):
commentRaw.append(line.split(': ', 1)[1])
# Check if it's only a change transaction
if all(i == self.issuer for i in outPubkey):
print("Le document contient une transaction de change")
self.isChange = True
# Check validity of the document
elif all(i != self.issuer for i in issuerRaw) or sum(outAmount) != self.amount or all(i != self.recipient for i in outPubkey) or all(i != self.comment for i in commentRaw):
sys.stderr.write(colored("Le document généré est corrompu !\nLe noeud " + self.node + "a peut être un dysfonctionnement.\n", 'red'))
sys.stderr.write(colored(issuerRaw[0] + " envoi " + str(outAmount[0]) + " vers " + outPubkey[0] + " with comment: " + commentRaw[0] + "\n", "yellow"))
raise ValueError('Le document généré est corrompu !')
print("Le document généré est conforme.")
self.isChange = False
return self.txDoc
def signDoc(self):
# Sign TX documents
for i, docs in enumerate(self.txDoc):
signature.append(fmt["64"](sign(docs.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(docs.encode())]))
self.signedDoc.append(docs + signature[i].decode())
return self.signedDoc
def sendTXDoc(self):
# Build TX documents
for docs in self.signedDoc:
querySign = gql(
mutation ($signedDoc: String!){ tx(
rawTx: $signedDoc
) {
paramsSign = {
"signedDoc": docs
# Send TX Signed document
txResult.append(str(self.client.execute(querySign, variable_values=paramsSign)))
except Exception as e:
message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"]
sys.stderr.write("Echec de la transaction:\n" + message + "\n")
if self.verbose:
sys.stderr.write("Document final:\n" + docs)
raise ValueError(message)
if self.isChange:
print(colored("Transaction effectué avec succès !", "green"))
if self.verbose:
return txResult
def _getIsChange(self):
return self._isChange
def _setIsChange(self, newChange):
if self.verbose: print("_setIsChange: ", str(newChange))
self._isChange = newChange
if newChange: self.useMempool == True
isChange = property(_getIsChange, _setIsChange)
def send(self):
result = self.genDoc()
result = self.checkTXDoc()
result = self.signDoc()
result = self.sendTXDoc()
return result

zen/jaklis.old/lib/likes.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
import os, sys, ast, requests, json, base58, base64, time, string, random, re
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt
from time import sleep
from hashlib import sha256
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX
class ReadLikes(CesiumCommon):
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, profile):
if not profile: profile = self.pubkey
data = {}
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter'] = [
{'term': {'index': 'user'}},
{'term': {'type': 'profile'}},
{'term': {'id': profile}},
{'term': {'kind': 'STAR'}}
# data['query']['bool']['should'] = {'term':{'issuer': self.issuer}}
data['size'] = 5000
data['_source'] = ['issuer','level']
data['aggs'] = {
'level_sum': {
'sum': {
'field': 'level'
return json.dumps(data)
def sendDocument(self, document):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result = requests.post('{0}/like/record/_search'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
# print(result.text)
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text + '\n')
def parseResult(self, result):
result = json.loads(result)
totalLikes = result['hits']['total']
totalValue = result['aggregations']['level_sum']['value']
if totalLikes:
score = totalValue/totalLikes
score = 0
raw = result['hits']['hits']
finalPrint = {}
finalPrint['likes'] = []
for i in raw:
issuer = i['_source']['issuer']
# print(issuer)
gProfile = self.getProfile(issuer)
pseudo = gProfile['title']
pseudo = ''
payTo = gProfile['pubkey']
payTo = ''
id = i['_id']
level = i['_source']['level']
if issuer == self.pubkey:
finalPrint['yours'] = { 'id' : id, 'pseudo' : pseudo, 'payTo' : payTo, 'level' : level }
finalPrint['likes'].append({ 'issuer' : issuer, 'pseudo' : pseudo, 'payTo' : payTo, 'level' : level })
finalPrint['score'] = score
return json.dumps(finalPrint)
def getProfile(self, profile):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
data = {}
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter'] = [
{'term': {'_index': 'user'}},
{'term': {'_type': 'profile'}},
{'term': {'_id': profile}}
data['_source'] = ['title','pubkey']
data = json.dumps(data)
result = requests.post('{0}/user/profile/_search'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=data)
result = json.loads(result.text)['hits']['hits']
for i in result:
return i['_source']
#################### Like class ####################
class SendLikes(CesiumCommon):
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, profile, likes):
if not profile: profile = self.pubkey
if likes not in range(0, 6):
sys.stderr.write(colored('Votre like doit être compris entre 0 et 5.\n', 'red'))
return False
timeSent = int(time.time())
data = {}
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "user"
data['type'] = "profile"
data['id'] = profile
data['kind'] = "STAR"
data['level'] = likes
data['time'] = timeSent
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
document = json.dumps(data)
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
data = {}
data['hash'] = hashDoc
data['signature'] = signature
signJSON = json.dumps(data)
finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)}
finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON)
return finalDoc
def sendDocument(self, document, pubkey):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result = requests.post('{0}/user/profile/:id/_like'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
print(colored("Profile liké avec succès !", 'green'))
return result.text
elif result.status_code == 400:
resultJson = json.loads(result.text)
if 'DuplicatedDocumentException' in resultJson['error']:
rmLike = UnLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod)
idLike = rmLike.checkLike(pubkey)
if idLike:
document = rmLike.configDoc(idLike)
rmLike.sendDocument(document, True)
self.sendDocument(document, pubkey)
return resultJson['error']
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + resultJson['error'] + '\n')
resultJson = json.loads(result.text)
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + resultJson['error'] + '\n')
#################### Unlike class ####################
class UnLikes(CesiumCommon):
# Check if you liked this profile
def checkLike(self, pubkey):
readProfileLikes = ReadLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = readProfileLikes.configDoc(pubkey)
result = readProfileLikes.sendDocument(document)
result = readProfileLikes.parseResult(result)
result = json.loads(result)
if 'yours' in result:
myLike = result['yours']['id']
return myLike
sys.stderr.write("Vous n'avez pas liké ce profile\n")
return False
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, idLike):
timeSent = int(time.time())
data = {}
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "like"
data['type'] = "record"
data['id'] = idLike
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
data['time'] = timeSent
document = json.dumps(data)
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
data = {}
data['hash'] = hashDoc
data['signature'] = signature
signJSON = json.dumps(data)
finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)}
finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON)
return finalDoc
def sendDocument(self, document, silent):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result = requests.post('{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
if not silent:
print(colored("Like supprimé avec succès !", 'green'))
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text + '\n')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
import os, sys, ast, requests, json, base58, base64
from time import time
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
from lib.natools import fmt, get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt
from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, pp_json, PUBKEY_REGEX
#################### Reading class ####################
class ReadFromCesium(CesiumCommon):
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, nbrMsg, outbox):
boxType = "issuer" if outbox else "recipient"
data = {}
data['sort'] = { "time": "desc" }
data['from'] = 0
data['size'] = nbrMsg
data['_source'] = ['issuer','recipient','title','content','time','nonce','read_signature']
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter']['term'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter']['term'][boxType] = self.pubkey
document = json.dumps(data)
return document
def sendDocument(self, nbrMsg, outbox):
boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox"
document = self.configDoc(nbrMsg, outbox)
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}/_search'.format(self.pod, boxType), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
return result.json()["hits"]
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text)
# Parse JSON result and display messages
def readMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg, outbox):
def decrypt(msg):
msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg)
return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode()
# Get terminal size
rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
totalMsg = msgJSON["total"]
if nbrMsg > totalMsg:
nbrMsg = totalMsg
if totalMsg == 0:
print(colored("Aucun message à afficher.", 'yellow'))
return True
infoTotal = " Nombre de messages: " + str(nbrMsg) + "/" + str(totalMsg) + " "
print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow"))
for hits in msgJSON["hits"]:
self.idMsg = hits["_id"]
msgSrc = hits["_source"]
self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"]
nonce = msgSrc["nonce"]
nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce)
self.dateS = msgSrc["time"]
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dateS).strftime(", le %d/%m/%Y à %H:%M ")
if outbox:
startHeader = " À " + msgSrc["recipient"]
startHeader = " De " + self.issuer
headerMsg = startHeader + date + "(ID: {})".format(self.idMsg) + " "
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
print(colored(headerMsg, "blue").center(rows+9, '-'))
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
self.title = decrypt(msgSrc["title"])
self.content = decrypt(msgSrc["content"])
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(colored(str(e), 'red') + '\n')
print('\033[1m' + self.title + '\033[0m')
print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow"))
# Parse JSON result and display messages
def jsonMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg, outbox):
def decrypt(msg):
msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg)
return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode()
totalMsg = msgJSON["total"]
if nbrMsg > totalMsg:
nbrMsg = totalMsg
if totalMsg == 0:
print("Aucun message à afficher")
return True
data = []
# data.append({})
# data[0]['total'] = totalMsg
for i, hits in enumerate(msgJSON["hits"]):
self.idMsg = hits["_id"]
msgSrc = hits["_source"]
self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"]
nonce = msgSrc["nonce"]
nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce)
self.date = msgSrc["time"]
if outbox:
pubkey = msgSrc["recipient"]
pubkey = self.issuer
self.title = decrypt(msgSrc["title"])
self.content = decrypt(msgSrc["content"])
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(colored(str(e), 'red') + '\n')
data[i] = {}
data[i]['id'] = self.idMsg
data[i]['date'] = self.date
data[i]['pubkey'] = pubkey
data[i]['title'] = self.title
data[i]['content'] = self.content
data = json.dumps(data, indent=2)
return data
#################### Sending class ####################
class SendToCesium(CesiumCommon):
def encryptMsg(self, msg):
return fmt["64"](box_encrypt(msg.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.recipient, self.nonce)).decode()
def configDoc(self, title, msg):
b58nonce = base58.b58encode(self.nonce).decode()
# Get current timestamp
timeSent = int(time())
# Generate custom JSON
data = {}
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
data['recipient'] = self.recipient
data['title'] = title
data['content'] = msg
data['time'] = timeSent
data['nonce'] = b58nonce
data['version'] = 2
document = json.dumps(data)
return self.signDoc(document)
def sendDocument(self, document, outbox):
boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox"
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get result
result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}?pubkey={2}'.format(self.pod, boxType, self.recipient), headers=headers, data=document)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Impossible d'envoyer le message:\n" + str(e))
if result.status_code == 200:
print(colored("Message envoyé avec succès !", "green"))
print("ID: " + result.text)
return result
sys.stderr.write("Erreur inconnue:" + '\n')
print(str(pp_json(result.text)) + '\n')
#################### Deleting class ####################
class DeleteFromCesium(CesiumCommon):
def configDoc(self, idMsg, outbox):
# Get current timestamp
timeSent = int(time())
boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox"
# Generate document to customize
data = {}
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "message"
data['type'] = boxType
data['id'] = idMsg
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
data['time'] = timeSent
document = json.dumps(data)
return self.signDoc(document)
def sendDocument(self, document, idMsg):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get result
result = requests.post('{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 404:
raise ValueError("Message introuvable")
elif result.status_code == 403:
raise ValueError("Vous n'êtes pas l'auteur de ce message.")
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(colored("Impossible de supprimer le message {0}:\n".format(idMsg), 'red') + str(e) + "\n")
return False
if result.status_code == 200:
print(colored("Message {0} supprimé avec succès !".format(idMsg), "green"))
return result
sys.stderr.write("Erreur inconnue.")

zen/jaklis.old/lib/natools.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
CopyLeft 2020 Pascal Engélibert <tuxmain@zettascript.org>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__version__ = "1.3.1"
import os, sys, duniterpy.key, libnacl, base58, base64, getpass
def getargv(arg:str, default:str="", n:int=1, args:list=sys.argv) -> str:
if arg in args and len(args) > args.index(arg)+n:
return args[args.index(arg)+n]
return default
def read_data(data_path, b=True):
if data_path == "-":
if b:
return sys.stdin.buffer.read()
return sys.stdin.read()
return open(os.path.expanduser(data_path), "rb" if b else "r").read()
def write_data(data, result_path):
if result_path == "-":
os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb').write(data)
open(os.path.expanduser(result_path), "wb").write(data)
def encrypt(data, pubkey):
return duniterpy.key.PublicKey(pubkey).encrypt_seal(data)
def decrypt(data, privkey):
return privkey.decrypt_seal(data)
def box_encrypt(data, privkey, pubkey, nonce=None, attach_nonce=False):
signer = libnacl.sign.Signer(privkey.seed)
sk = libnacl.public.SecretKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(signer.sk))
verifier = libnacl.sign.Verifier(base58.b58decode(pubkey).hex())
pk = libnacl.public.PublicKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(verifier.vk))
box = libnacl.public.Box(sk.sk, pk.pk)
data = box.encrypt(data, nonce) if nonce else box.encrypt(data)
return data if attach_nonce else data[24:]
def box_decrypt(data, privkey, pubkey, nonce=None):
signer = libnacl.sign.Signer(privkey.seed)
sk = libnacl.public.SecretKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(signer.sk))
verifier = libnacl.sign.Verifier(base58.b58decode(pubkey).hex())
pk = libnacl.public.PublicKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(verifier.vk))
box = libnacl.public.Box(sk.sk, pk.pk)
return box.decrypt(data, nonce) if nonce else box.decrypt(data)
def sign(data, privkey):
return privkey.sign(data)
def verify(data, pubkey):
ret = libnacl.sign.Verifier(duniterpy.key.PublicKey(pubkey).hex_pk()).verify(data)
sys.stderr.write("Signature OK!\n")
return ret
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("Bad signature!\n")
def get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format):
if privkey_format == "pubsec":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "privkey.pubsec"
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_pubsec_file(privkey_path)
elif privkey_format == "cred":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "-"
if privkey_path == "-":
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_credentials(getpass.getpass("Password: "), getpass.getpass("Salt: "))
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_credentials_file(privkey_path)
elif privkey_format == "seedh":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "authfile.seedhex"
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_seedhex(read_data(privkey_path, False))
elif privkey_format == "wif":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "authfile.wif"
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_file(privkey_path)
elif privkey_format == "wifh":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "authfile.wif"
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_hex(privkey_path)
elif privkey_format == "ssb":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "secret"
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_ssb_file(privkey_path)
elif privkey_format == "key":
if privkey_path == "*":
privkey_path = "authfile.key"
return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_private_key(privkey_path)
print("Error: unknown privkey format")
def fill_pubkey(pubkey, length=32):
while pubkey[0] == 0:
pubkey = pubkey[1:]
return b"\x00"*(length-len(pubkey)) + pubkey
def pubkey_checksum(pubkey, length=32, clength=3):
return base58.b58encode(libnacl.crypto_hash_sha256(libnacl.crypto_hash_sha256(fill_pubkey(base58.b58decode(pubkey), length)))).decode()[:clength]
# returns (pubkey:bytes|None, deprecated_length:bool)
def check_pubkey(pubkey):
if ":" in pubkey:
parts = pubkey.split(":")
if len(parts[1]) < 3 or len(parts[1]) > 32:
return (None, False)
for i in range(32, 0, -1):
if pubkey_checksum(parts[0], i, len(parts[1])) == parts[1]:
return (parts[0], i < 32)
return (None, False)
return (pubkey, False)
fmt = {
"raw": lambda data: data,
"16": lambda data: data.hex().encode(),
"32": lambda data: base64.b32encode(data),
"58": lambda data: base58.b58encode(data),
"64": lambda data: base64.b64encode(data),
"64u": lambda data: base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data),
"85": lambda data: base64.b85encode(data),
defmt = {
"raw": lambda data: data,
"16": lambda data: bytes.fromhex(data),
"32": lambda data: base64.b32decode(data),
"58": lambda data: base58.b58decode(data),
"64": lambda data: base64.b64decode(data),
"85": lambda data: base64.b85decode(data),
def show_help():
python3 natools.py <command> [options]
encrypt Encrypt data
decrypt Decrypt data
box-encrypt Encrypt data (NaCl box)
box-decrypt Decrypt data (NaCl box)
sign Sign data
verify Verify data
pubkey Display pubkey
pk Display b58 pubkey shorthand
-c Display pubkey checksum
-f <fmt> Private key format (default: cred)
key cred pubsec seedh ssb wif wifh
-i <path> Input file path (default: -)
-I <fmt> Input format: raw 16 32 58 64 85 (default: raw)
-k <path> Privkey file path (* for auto) (default: *)
-n <nonce> Nonce (b64, 24 bytes) (for NaCl box)
-N Attach nonce to output (for NaCl box encryption)
--noinc Do not include msg after signature
-o <path> Output file path (default: -)
-O <fmt> Output format: raw 16 32 58 64 64u 85 (default: raw)
-p <str> Pubkey (base58)
--help Show help
--version Show version
--debug Debug mode (display full errors)
Note: "-" means stdin or stdout.
if __name__ == "__main__":
if "--help" in sys.argv:
if "--version" in sys.argv:
privkey_format = getargv("-f", "cred")
data_path = getargv("-i", "-")
privkey_path = getargv("-k", "*")
pubkey = getargv("-p")
result_path = getargv("-o", "-")
output_format = getargv("-O", "raw")
input_format = getargv("-I", "raw")
if pubkey:
pubkey, len_deprecated = check_pubkey(pubkey)
if not pubkey:
print("Invalid pubkey checksum! Please check spelling.")
if len(base58.b58decode(pubkey)) > 32:
print("Invalid pubkey: too long!")
if len_deprecated:
print("Warning: valid pubkey checksum, but deprecated format (truncating zeros)")
if sys.argv[1] == "encrypt":
if not pubkey:
print("Please provide pubkey!")
write_data(fmt[output_format](encrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), pubkey)), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "decrypt":
write_data(fmt[output_format](decrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format))), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "box-encrypt":
if not pubkey:
print("Please provide pubkey!")
nonce = getargv("-n", None)
if nonce:
nonce = base64.b64decode(nonce)
attach_nonce = "-N" in sys.argv
write_data(fmt[output_format](box_encrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format), pubkey, nonce, attach_nonce)), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "box-decrypt":
if not pubkey:
print("Please provide pubkey!")
nonce = getargv("-n", None)
if nonce:
nonce = base64.b64decode(nonce)
write_data(fmt[output_format](box_decrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format), pubkey, nonce)), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "sign":
data = defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path))
signed = sign(data, get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format))
if "--noinc" in sys.argv:
signed = signed[:len(signed)-len(data)]
write_data(fmt[output_format](signed), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "verify":
if not pubkey:
print("Please provide pubkey!")
write_data(fmt[output_format](verify(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), pubkey)), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "pubkey":
if pubkey:
if "-c" in sys.argv and output_format == "58":
write_data("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)).encode(), result_path)
write_data(fmt[output_format](base58.b58decode(pubkey)), result_path)
pubkey = get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format).pubkey
if "-c" in sys.argv and output_format == "58":
write_data("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)).encode(), result_path)
write_data(fmt[output_format](base58.b58decode(pubkey)), result_path)
elif sys.argv[1] == "pk":
if not pubkey:
pubkey = get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format).pubkey
if "-c" in sys.argv:
print("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)))
except Exception as e:
if "--debug" in sys.argv:
0/0 # DEBUG MODE (raise error when handling error to display backtrace)
sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(e))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import sys, re, json, requests, base64
from time import time
from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX
class Profiles(CesiumCommon):
# Configure JSON document SET to send
def configDocSet(self, name, description, city, address, pos, socials, avatar):
timeSent = int(time())
data = {}
if name: data['title'] = name
if description: data['description'] = description
if address: data['address'] = address
if city: data['city'] = city
if pos:
geoPoint = {}
geoPoint['lat'] = pos[0]
geoPoint['lon'] = pos[1]
data['geoPoint'] = geoPoint
if socials:
data['socials'] = []
data['socials'][0]['type'] = "web"
data['socials'][0]['url'] = socials
if avatar:
avatar = open(avatar, 'rb').read()
avatar = base64.b64encode(avatar).decode()
data['avatar'] = {}
data['avatar']['_content'] = avatar
data['avatar']['_content_type'] = "image/png"
data['time'] = timeSent
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
data['version'] = 2
data['tags'] = []
document = json.dumps(data)
return self.signDoc(document)
# Configure JSON document GET to send
def configDocGet(self, profile, scope='title', getAvatar=None):
if getAvatar:
avatar = "avatar"
avatar = "avatar._content_type"
data = {
"query": {
"bool": {
"query": profile,"boost":2
"prefix": {scope: profile}
},"highlight": {
"fields": {
"_source":["title", avatar,"description","city","address","socials.url","creationTime","membersCount","type"],
document = json.dumps(data)
return document
# Configure JSON document SET to send
def configDocErase(self):
timeSent = int(time())
data = {}
data['time'] = timeSent
data['id'] = self.pubkey
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "user"
data['type'] = "profile"
document = json.dumps(data)
return self.signDoc(document)
def sendDocument(self, document, type):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
if type == 'set':
reqQuery = '{0}/user/profile?pubkey={1}/_update?pubkey={1}'.format(self.pod, self.pubkey)
elif type == 'get':
reqQuery = '{0}/user,page,group/profile,record/_search'.format(self.pod)
elif type == 'erase':
reqQuery = '{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod)
result = requests.post(reqQuery, headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
# print(result.text)
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + '\n')
def parseJSON(self, doc):
doc = json.loads(doc)['hits']['hits']
if doc:
pubkey = { "pubkey": doc[0]['_id'] }
rest = doc[0]['_source']
final = {**pubkey, **rest}
return json.dumps(final, indent=2)
return 'Profile vide'

zen/jaklis.old/paiements.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
ZetCode Tkinter tutorial
In this example, we use the pack
manager to create a review example.
Author: Jan Bodnar
Website: www.zetcode.com
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from lib.gva import GvaApi
import sys, os, threading
from shutil import copyfile
from os.path import join, dirname
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from lib.natools import get_privkey
import requests
class StdoutRedirector(object):
def __init__(self, text_widget):
self.text_widget = text_widget
def write(self, s):
self.text_widget.insert('end', s)
def flush(self):
MY_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/'
# Get variables environment
if not os.path.isfile(MY_PATH + '.env'):
copyfile(MY_PATH + ".env.template",MY_PATH + ".env")
dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__),MY_PATH + '.env')
dunikey = os.getenv('DUNIKEY')
if not os.path.isfile(dunikey):
HOME = os.getenv("HOME")
dunikey = HOME + dunikey
if not os.path.isfile(dunikey):
sys.stderr.write('Le fichier de trousseau {0} est introuvable.\n'.format(dunikey))
node = os.getenv('NODE')
issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey
def ProceedPaiement(recipient, amount, comment):
if not recipient:
raise ValueError("Veuillez indiquer un destinataire de paiement")
elif not amount:
raise ValueError("Veuillez indiquer le montant de la transaction")
amount = int(float(amount.replace(',','.'))*100)
print("Paiement en cours vers", recipient)
gva = GvaApi(dunikey, node, recipient)
gva.pay(amount, comment, False, False)
recipient = amount = comment = None
layout = [ [sg.Text('Noeud utilisé: ' + node)],
[sg.Text('Votre clé publique: ' + issuer)],
[sg.Text('Destinataire: '), sg.InputText(size=(55, None),default_text=issuer)],
[sg.Text('Montant: '), sg.InputText(size=(7, None)), sg.Text('Ḡ1')],
[sg.Text('Commentaire:'), sg.InputText(size=(55, None))],
[sg.Button('Envoyer')] ]
# Create the Window
window = sg.Window('Paiement Ḡ1 - GVA', layout)
# availablePubkeys = requests.get('https://g1-stats.axiom-team.fr/data/wallets-g1.txt')
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if event == 'Envoyer':
ProceedPaiement(values[0], values[1], values[2])
except Exception as e:
loc = window.CurrentLocation()
sg.popup(e, title="ERREUR", button_color=('black','red'), location=(loc))
loc = window.CurrentLocation()
sg.popup(f'Transaction effectué avec succès !', title="Envoyé", location=(loc))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

zen/jaklis.old/setup.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
for i in gcc python3-pip python3-setuptools libpq-dev python3-dev python3-wheel; do
if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $i 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then
[[ ! $j ]] && sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y $i
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod u+x jaklis.py

zen/jaklis/.env.template Normal file → Executable file
View File

zen/jaklis/README.md Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Débrouillez-vous.
## Utilisation ## Utilisation
*Python 3.9 minimum*
Renseignez optionnellement le fichier **.env** (Généré lors de la première tentative d'execution, ou à copier depuis .env.template). Renseignez optionnellement le fichier **.env** (Généré lors de la première tentative d'execution, ou à copier depuis .env.template).
``` ```

View File

@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ delete_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('delete', help="Supression d'un message")
getProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('get', help="Voir un profile Cesium+") getProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('get', help="Voir un profile Cesium+")
setProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('set', help="Configurer son profile Cesium+") setProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('set', help="Configurer son profile Cesium+")
eraseProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('erase', help="Effacer son profile Cesium+") eraseProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('erase', help="Effacer son profile Cesium+")
like_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('like', help="Voir les likes d'un profile / Liker un profile (option -s NOTE)") stars_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('stars', help="Voir les étoiles d'un profile / Noter un profile (option -s NOTE)")
unlike_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('unlike', help="Supprimer un like") unstars_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('unstars', help="Supprimer un star")
getoffer_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('getoffer', help="Obtenir les informations d'une annonce gchange")
setoffer_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('setoffer', help="Créer une annonce gchange")
deleteoffer_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('deleteoffer', help="Supprimer une annonce gchange")
pay_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('pay', help="Payer en Ḡ1") pay_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('pay', help="Payer en Ḡ1")
history_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('history', help="Voir l'historique des transactions d'un compte Ḡ1") history_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('history', help="Voir l'historique des transactions d'un compte Ḡ1")
balance_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('balance', help="Voir le solde d'un compte Ḡ1") balance_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('balance', help="Voir le solde d'un compte Ḡ1")
@ -62,9 +65,20 @@ getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Nom du profile")
getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--avatar', action='store_true', help="Récupérer également l'avatar au format raw base64") getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--avatar', action='store_true', help="Récupérer également l'avatar au format raw base64")
# Likes management # Likes management
like_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile cible") stars_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile cible")
like_cmd.add_argument('-s', '--stars', type=int, help="Nombre d'étoile") stars_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--number', type=int, help="Nombre d'étoile")
unlike_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile à déliker") unstars_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile à dénoter")
# Offers management
getoffer_cmd.add_argument('-i', '--id', help="Annonce cible à récupérer")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-t', '--title', help="Titre de l'annonce à créer")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-d', '--description', help="Description de l'annonce à créer")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-c', '--category', help="Categorie de l'annonce à créer")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-l', '--localisation', nargs=2, help="Localisation de l'annonce à créer (lat + lon)")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--picture', help="Image de l'annonce à créer")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-ci', '--city', help="Ville de l'annonce à créer")
setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-pr', '--price', help="Prix de l'annonce à créer")
deleteoffer_cmd.add_argument('-i', '--id', help="Annonce cible à supprimer")
# GVA usage # GVA usage
pay_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Destinataire du paiement") pay_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Destinataire du paiement")
@ -74,6 +88,7 @@ pay_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--mempool', action='store_true', help="Utilise les s
pay_cmd.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat JSON de la transaction") pay_cmd.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat JSON de la transaction")
history_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé") history_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé")
history_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--number',type=int, default=10, help="Affiche les NUMBER dernières transactions")
history_cmd.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en format JSON") history_cmd.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en format JSON")
history_cmd.add_argument('--nocolors', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en noir et blanc") history_cmd.add_argument('--nocolors', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en noir et blanc")
@ -143,7 +158,7 @@ else:
# Construct CesiumPlus object # Construct CesiumPlus object
if cmd in ("read","send","delete","set","get","erase","like","unlike"): if cmd in ("read","send","delete","set","get","erase","stars","unstars","getoffer","setoffer","deleteoffer"):
from lib.cesium import CesiumPlus from lib.cesium import CesiumPlus
if args.node: if args.node:
@ -187,15 +202,23 @@ if cmd in ("read","send","delete","set","get","erase","like","unlike"):
elif cmd == "erase": elif cmd == "erase":
cesium.erase() cesium.erase()
# Likes # Stars
elif cmd == "like": elif cmd == "stars":
if args.stars or args.stars == 0: if args.number or args.number == 0:
cesium.like(args.stars, args.profile) cesium.like(args.number, args.profile)
else: else:
cesium.readLikes(args.profile) cesium.readLikes(args.profile)
elif cmd == "unlike": elif cmd == "unstars":
cesium.unLike(args.profile) cesium.unLike(args.profile)
# Offers
elif cmd == "getoffer":
elif cmd == "setoffer":
cesium.setOffer(args.title, args.description, args.city, args.localisation, args.category, args.price, args.picture)
elif cmd == "deleteoffer":
# Construct GVA object # Construct GVA object
elif cmd in ("pay","history","balance"): elif cmd in ("pay","history","balance"):
from lib.gva import GvaApi from lib.gva import GvaApi
@ -217,7 +240,7 @@ elif cmd in ("pay","history","balance"):
if cmd == "pay": if cmd == "pay":
gva.pay(args.amount, args.comment, args.mempool, args.verbose) gva.pay(args.amount, args.comment, args.mempool, args.verbose)
if cmd == "history": if cmd == "history":
gva.history(args.json, args.nocolors) gva.history(args.json, args.nocolors, args.number)
if cmd == "balance": if cmd == "balance":
gva.balance(args.mempool) gva.balance(args.mempool)

Binary file not shown.

zen/jaklis/lib/cesium.py Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX
from lib.messaging import ReadFromCesium, SendToCesium, DeleteFromCesium from lib.messaging import ReadFromCesium, SendToCesium, DeleteFromCesium
from lib.profiles import Profiles from lib.profiles import Profiles
from lib.likes import ReadLikes, SendLikes, UnLikes from lib.likes import ReadLikes, SendLikes, UnLikes
from lib.offers import Offers
class CesiumPlus(CesiumCommon): class CesiumPlus(CesiumCommon):
@ -91,3 +92,28 @@ class CesiumPlus(CesiumCommon):
if idLike: if idLike:
document = likes.configDoc(idLike) document = likes.configDoc(idLike)
likes.sendDocument(document, silent) likes.sendDocument(document, silent)
#################### Offer ####################
def setOffer(self, title=None, description=None, city=None, localisation=None, category=None, price=None, picture=None):
setOffer = Offers(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = setOffer.configDocSet(title, description, city, localisation, category, price, picture)
result = setOffer.sendDocumentSet(document,'set')
return result
def getOffer(self, id, avatar=None):
getOffer = Offers(self.dunikey, self.pod, self.noNeedDunikey)
resultJSON = getOffer.sendDocumentGet(id, 'get')
result = getOffer.parseJSON(resultJSON)
def deleteOffer(self, id):
eraseOffer = Offers(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = eraseOffer.configDocErase(id)
result = eraseOffer.sendDocumentSet(document,'delete', id)

zen/jaklis/lib/cesiumCommon.py Normal file → Executable file
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zen/jaklis/lib/gva.py Normal file → Executable file
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@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class GvaApi():
gva.signDoc() gva.signDoc()
return gva.sendTXDoc() return gva.sendTXDoc()
def history(self, isJSON=False, noColors=False): def history(self, isJSON=False, noColors=False, number=10):
gva = History(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey) gva = History(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey)
gva.sendDoc() gva.sendDoc(number)
transList = gva.parseHistory() transList = gva.parseHistory()
if isJSON: if isJSON:

zen/jaklis/lib/gvaBalance.py Normal file → Executable file
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zen/jaklis/lib/gvaHistory.py Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -23,33 +23,46 @@ class History:
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node) transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node)
self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
def sendDoc(self): def sendDoc(self, number):
# Build history generation document # Build history generation document
queryBuild = gql( queryBuild = gql(
""" """
query ($pubkey: String!){ query ($pubkey: String!, $number: Int!){
transactionsHistory(pubkey: $pubkey) { txsHistoryBc(
received { pubkeyOrScript: $pubkey
writtenTime pagination: { pageSize: $number, ord: DESC }
issuers ) {
outputs both {
comment pageInfo {
} }
sent { edges {
writtenTime direction
node {
issuers issuers
outputs outputs
comment comment
txsHistoryMp(pubkey: $pubkey) {
receiving {
} }
receiving { receiving {
issuers issuers
comment comment
sending {
outputs outputs
comment writtenTime
} }
} }
balance(script: $pubkey) { balance(script: $pubkey) {
@ -69,7 +82,8 @@ class History:
""" """
) )
paramsBuild = { paramsBuild = {
"pubkey": self.pubkey "pubkey": self.pubkey,
"number": number
} }
# Send history document # Send history document
@ -88,24 +102,26 @@ class History:
currentBase = int(self.historyDoc['currentUd']['base']) currentBase = int(self.historyDoc['currentUd']['base'])
self.UD = self.historyDoc['currentUd']['amount']/100 self.UD = self.historyDoc['currentUd']['amount']/100
for sens in 'received','sent','receiving','sending':
res = self.historyDoc['transactionsHistory'][sens] # Parse transactions in blockchain
for bloc in res: resBc = []
output = bloc['outputs'][0] resBc = self.historyDoc['txsHistoryBc']['both']['edges']
for j, transaction in enumerate(resBc):
# print(transaction)
direction = resBc[j]['direction']
transaction = resBc[j]['node']
output = transaction['outputs'][0]
outPubkey = output.split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','') outPubkey = output.split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','')
if sens in ('received','receiving') or self.pubkey != outPubkey: # if direction == 'RECEIVED' or self.pubkey != outPubkey:
trans.append(i) trans.append(i)
trans[i] = [] trans[i] = []
trans[i].append(sens) trans[i].append(direction)
if sens in ('receiving','sending'): trans[i].append(transaction['writtenTime'])
trans[i].append(int(time.time())) if direction == 'SENT':
if sens in ('sent','sending'):
trans[i].append(outPubkey) trans[i].append(outPubkey)
amount = int('-' + output.split(':')[0]) amount = int('-' + output.split(':')[0])
else: else:
trans[i].append(bloc['issuers'][0]) trans[i].append(transaction['issuers'][0])
amount = int(output.split(':')[0]) amount = int(output.split(':')[0])
base = int(output.split(':')[1]) base = int(output.split(':')[1])
applyBase = base-currentBase applyBase = base-currentBase
@ -113,7 +129,37 @@ class History:
# if referential == 'DU': amount = round(amount/UD, 2) # if referential == 'DU': amount = round(amount/UD, 2)
trans[i].append(amount) trans[i].append(amount)
trans[i].append(round(amount/self.UD, 2)) trans[i].append(round(amount/self.UD, 2))
trans[i].append(bloc['comment']) trans[i].append(transaction['comment'])
i += 1
# Parse transactions in mempool
for direction in self.historyDoc['txsHistoryMp']:
resBc = []
resBc = self.historyDoc['txsHistoryMp'][direction]
for j, transaction in enumerate(resBc):
# print(transaction)
transaction = resBc[j]
output = transaction['outputs'][0]
outPubkey = output.split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','')
# if direction == 'RECEIVING' or self.pubkey != outPubkey:
trans[i] = []
if direction == 'SENDING':
amount = int('-' + output.split(':')[0])
amount = int(output.split(':')[0])
base = int(output.split(':')[1])
applyBase = base-currentBase
amount = round(amount*pow(10,applyBase)/100, 2)
# if referential == 'DU': amount = round(amount/UD, 2)
trans[i].append(round(amount/self.UD, 2))
trans[i].append(base) trans[i].append(base)
i += 1 i += 1
@ -152,13 +198,14 @@ class History:
print(isBold + "|{: <19} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(" Date"," De / À"," {0}".format(currency)," DU/{0}".format(currency.lower()),"Commentaire") + isBoldEnd) print(isBold + "|{: <19} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(" Date"," De / À"," {0}".format(currency)," DU/{0}".format(currency.lower()),"Commentaire") + isBoldEnd)
print('|', end='') print('|', end='')
for t in trans: for t in trans:
if t[0] == "received": color = "green" if t[0] == "RECEIVED": color = "green"
elif t[0] == "SENT": color = "blue"
elif t[0] == "receiving": color = "yellow" elif t[0] == "receiving": color = "yellow"
elif t[0] == "sending": color = "red" elif t[0] == "sending": color = "red"
else: color = "blue" else: color = None
if noColors: if noColors:
color = None color = None
if t[0] in ('receiving','sending'): if t[0] in ('RECEIVING','SENDING'):
comment = '(EN ATTENTE) ' + t[5] comment = '(EN ATTENTE) ' + t[5]
else: else:
comment = t[5] comment = t[5]

zen/jaklis/lib/gvaPay.py Normal file → Executable file
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zen/jaklis/lib/likes.py Normal file → Executable file
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zen/jaklis/lib/messaging.py Normal file → Executable file
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zen/jaklis/lib/offers.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
import sys, re, json, requests, base64
from time import time
from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX
class Offers(CesiumCommon):
# Configure JSON document SET to send
def configDocSet(self, title, description, city, localisation, category, price: float, picture):
timeSent = int(time())
# {"parent":"cat90","localizedNames":{"en":"Fruits &amp; Vegetables","es-ES":"Frutas y Vegetales","fr-FR":"Fruits &amp; Légumes"},"name":"Fruits &amp; Légumes","id":"cat92"}
data = {}
if title: data['title'] = title
if description: data['description'] = description
if city: data['city'] = city
if localisation:
geoPoint = {}
geoPoint['lat'] = localisation[0]
geoPoint['lon'] = localisation[1]
data['geoPoint'] = geoPoint
if picture:
picture = open(picture, 'rb').read()
picture = base64.b64encode(picture).decode()
data['thumbnail'] = {}
data['thumbnail']['_content'] = picture
data['thumbnail']['_content_type'] = "image/png"
# if category: data['category'] = category
# else: data['category'] = {"parent":"cat24","localizedNames":{"en":"CD / Music","es-ES":"CDs / M\u00fasica","fr-FR":"CD / Musique"},"name":"CD / Musique","id":"cat26"}
# data['category'] = {"parent":"cat90","localizedNames":{"en":"Fruits &amp; Vegetables","es-ES":"Frutas y Vegetales","fr-FR":"Fruits &amp; Légumes"},"name":"Fruits &amp; Légumes","id":"cat92"}
data['category'] = {"parent":"cat24","localizedNames":{"en":"DVD / Films","es-ES":"DVDs / Cine","fr-FR":"DVD / Films"},"name":"DVD / Films","id":"cat25"}
if price: data['price'] = float(price) * 100
data['type'] = 'offer'
data['time'] = timeSent
data['creationTime'] = timeSent
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
data['pubkey'] = self.pubkey
data['version'] = 2
data['currency'] = 'g1'
data['unit'] = None
data['fees'] = None
data['feesCurrency'] = None
if picture: data['picturesCount'] = 1
else: data['picturesCount'] = 0
data['stock'] = 1
data['tags'] = []
document = json.dumps(data)
return self.signDoc(document)
# Configure JSON document SET to send
def configDocErase(self, id):
timeSent = int(time())
# "currency":"g1","unit":null,"fees":null,"feesCurrency":null,"picturesCount":0,"stock":0,"tags":[],"id":"AXehXeyZaml2THvBAeS5","creationTime":1613320117}
offerToDeleteBrut = self.sendDocumentGet(id, 'get')
offerToDelete = json.loads(self.parseJSON(offerToDeleteBrut))
title = offerToDelete['title']
creationTime = offerToDelete['time']
issuer = offerToDelete['issuer']
pubkey = offerToDelete['pubkey']
data = {}
data['title'] = title
data['time'] = timeSent
data['creationTime'] = creationTime
data['id'] = id
data['issuer'] = issuer
data['pubkey'] = pubkey
data['version'] = 2
data['type'] = "offer"
data['currency'] = "g1"
data['unit'] = None
data['fees'] = None
data['feesCurrency'] = None
data['picturesCount'] = 0
data['stock'] = 0
data['tags'] = []
document = json.dumps(data)
return self.signDoc(document)
def sendDocumentGet(self, id, type):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
if type == 'set':
reqQuery = '{0}/market/record'.format(self.pod)
elif type == 'get':
reqQuery = '{0}/market/record/{1}?_source=category,title,description,issuer,time,creationTime,location,address,city,price,unit,currency,thumbnail._content_type,picturesCount,type,stock,fees,feesCurrency,geoPoint,pubkey,freePrice'.format(self.pod, id)
elif type == 'erase':
reqQuery = '{0}/market/delete'.format(self.pod)
result = requests.get(reqQuery, headers=headers)
if result.status_code == 200:
# print(result.text)
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + '\n')
def sendDocumentSet(self, document, type, id=None):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
if type == 'set':
reqQuery = '{0}/market/record'.format(self.pod)
if type == 'delete':
reqQuery = '{0}/market/record/{1}/_update'.format(self.pod, id)
result = requests.post(reqQuery, headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
# print(result.text)
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + '\n')
def parseJSON(self, doc):
doc = json.loads(doc)['_source']
if doc:
# pubkey = { "pubkey": doc['issuer'] }
# rest = { "description": doc['description'] }
# final = {**pubkey, **rest}
return json.dumps(doc, indent=2)
return 'Profile vide'

zen/jaklis/lib/profiles.py Normal file → Executable file
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zen/jaklis/requirements.txt Normal file → Executable file
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@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ duniterpy
termcolor termcolor
python-dotenv python-dotenv
gql gql