
230 lines
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## 1.8.0-beta.2
- `search.getVideos` now returns a `Video` instance.
## 1.8.0-beta.1
- Removed deprecation of `Video`.
- Exported `SearchList`.
## 1.8.0-beta.0
- Fix video search:
Now `getVideos` returns `SearchList` holding 20 videos. `SearchList.nextPage()` can be called to get the next batch of videos.
## 1.7.5
- Fix auto translated closed captions ( #50 )
- Deprecated `autoGenerated` from `getManifest`.
- Added `autoGenerated` parameter to `manifest.getByLanguage(...)`
## 1.7.4
- Fix slow download ( #92 )
- Fix stream retrieving on some videos ( #90 )
- Updates tests
## 1.7.3
- Fix exceptions on some videos.
- Closes #89, #88
## 1.7.2
- Export Closed Captions Members.
- Fix #86
## 1.7.1
- `ClosedCaptionTrackInfo` and it's members are now json serializable.
## 1.7.0
- BREAKING CHANGES: `ClosedCaptionManifest.getByLanguage` now returns a List.
- New Enum-Like class: `ClosedCaptionFormat`, which holds all the available YouTube subtiles format.
- `ClosedCaptionManifest.getByLanguage` now has a parameter named `format`.
- `ClosedCaptionClient.getManifest` now has a parameter named `autoGenerated`
- Fix: #82, #83
## 1.6.2
- Bug fixes: #80
## 1.6.1
- Add thumbnail to `SearchVideo` thanks to @shinyford !
## 1.6.0
- BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed `getVideosAsync` to `getVideos`.
- Implemented `getVideosFromPage` which supersedes `queryFromPage`.
- Implemented JSON Classes for reverse engineer.
- Added `forceWatchPage` to the video client to assure the fetching of the video page. (ATM useful only if using the comments api)
- Remove adaptive streams. These are not used anymore.
- Implement `channelClient.getAboutPage` and `getAboutPageByUsername` to fetch data from a channel's about page.
## 1.5.2
- Fix extraction for same videos (#76)
## 1.5.1
- Fix Video Search:
## 1.5.0
- BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed `Container` class to `StreamContainer` to avoid conflicting with Flutter `Container`. See #66
## 1.4.4
- Expose HttpClient in APIs
- Fix #55: Typo in
- Fix #61: DartVM when the YouTube explode client is closed.
## 1.4.3
- Fix #59
- Implement for tests #47
- Better performance for VideoClient.get
## 1.4.2
- Fix Decipher error #53
## 1.4.1+3
- Fix decipherer
## 1.4.1+2
- Implement Container.toString()
## 1.4.1+1
- Bug fixes
## 1.4.1
- Implement `getUploadsFromPage` to a channel uploaded videos directly from the YouTube page.
## 1.4.0
- Add ChannelId property to Video class.
- Implement `thumbnails` for playlists. The playlist's thumbnail is the same as the thumbnail of its first video. If the playlist is empty, then this property is `null`.
- Update for age restricted videos.
## 1.3.3
- Error handling when using `getStream` if the connection fails. If it fails more than 5 times on the same request the exception will be thrown anyways.
- Caching of player source for 10 minutes.
## 1.3.2
- Minor caching changes.
## 1.3.1
- Implement caching of some results.
## 1.3.0
- Added api get youtube comments of a video.
## 1.2.3
- Fix duplicated bytes when downloading a stream. See [#41][Comment41]
## 1.2.2
- Momentarily ignore `isRateLimited()` when getting streams.
## 1.2.1
- Fixed `SearchPage.nextPage`.
- Added more tests.
## 1.2.0
- Improved documentation.
- Deprecated `StreamInfoExt.getHighestBitrate`, use list.`sortByBitrate`.
- Implemented `withHighestBitrate` and `sortByBitrate` for `StreamInfo` iterables.
- Implemented `withHighestBitrate` for `VideoStreamInfo` iterables.
- Now `sortByVideoQuality` returns a List of `T`.
- `SearchQuery.nextPage` now returns null if there is no next page.
## 1.1.0
- Implement parsing of the search page to retrieve information from youtube searches. See `SearchQuery`.
## 1.0.0
- Stable release
## 1.0.0-beta
- Updated to v5 of YouTube Explode for C#
## 1.0.1-beta
- Implement `SearchClient`.
- Implement `VideoStreamInfoExtension` for Iterables.
- Update `xml` dependency.
- Fixed closed caption api.
## 1.0.2-beta
- Fix video likes and dislikes count. #30
## 0.0.1
- Initial version, created by Stagehand
## 0.0.2
- Implement channel api
## 0.0.3
- Remove `dart:io` dependency.
## 0.0.4
- Fix #3 : Head request to ge the content length
- Fix error when getting videos without any keyword.
## 0.0.5
- Implement Search Api (`SearchExtension`)
## 0.0.6
- Implement Caption Api ('CaptionExtension`)
- Add Custom Exceptions
## 0.0.7
- Implement Video Purchase error
- Implement Equatable for models
## 0.0.8
- Downgrade xml to `^3.5.0`
## 0.0.9
- Bug Fix(PR [11][11]): Use url when retrieving the video's content length.
## 0.0.10
- Bug fix: Don't throw when captions are not present.
- New extension: CaptionListExtension adding `getByTime` function.
## 0.0.11
- New extension: DownloadExtension adding `downloadStream` function.
## 0.0.12
- Bug fix(#15): Fix invalid upload date.
## 0.0.13
- Bug fix(#15): Fix valid channel expression
## 0.0.14
- getChannelWatchPage and getVideoWatchPage methods are now public
- New method: getChannelIdFromVideo
## 0.0.15
- Workaround (#15): Now when a video is not available a `VideoUnavailable` exception is thrown
- Removed disable_polymer parameter when requests ( )
- Removed `dart:io` dependency
## 0.0.16
- When a video is not available(403) a `VideoStreamUnavailableException`
## 0.0.17
- Fixed bug in #23