2023-09-03 19:14:06 +02:00

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U Planet G1Visa - Land Ownership Documentation

Welcome to U Planet's G1Visa documentation for land ownership! This document will guide you through the process of claiming ownership of a portion of land within the U Planet ecosystem, where you can play and engage with the U Planet application.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Claiming Land Ownership
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Using the U Planet Application
  5. Security and Privacy
  6. Community Engagement
  7. Contact Information

1. Introduction

U Planet is an innovative application that allows you to explore, create, and engage with a community of like-minded individuals interested in DIY projects, cooking, and more. As part of the U Planet experience, you have the opportunity to claim ownership of a portion of land within the U Planet ecosystem. This land is your canvas to explore, document, and interact with others.

2. Claiming Land Ownership

To claim ownership of a portion of land within U Planet, follow these steps:

  1. Download the U Planet App: Start by downloading the U Planet application from your preferred app store.

  2. Create an Account: Launch the app and create an account by providing the necessary information.

  3. Select Your Territory: Explore the U Planet map and select the territory you wish to claim ownership of. Territories are divided into 0.01°x0.01° grids.

  4. Register Your Territory: Once you've chosen your territory, register it within the app. You are now the proud owner of that piece of land within the U Planet ecosystem.

3. Responsibilities

As a landowner within the U Planet ecosystem, you have certain responsibilities:

  • Maintain Peace and Harmony: You are responsible for maintaining your territory in peace and harmony, promoting a positive and collaborative environment.

  • Use the U Planet App Responsibly: Use the U Planet application to geolocate and identify ingredients/materials, document recipes/plans, and share information about kitchen equipment or interesting locations responsibly and respectfully.

4. Using the U Planet Application

The U Planet application offers a range of features, including:

  • Geolocating and identifying ingredients or materials.
  • Documenting recipes, DIY plans, and other instructions using text, audio, or video formats.
  • Geolocating and describing kitchen equipment or notable locations.
  • Secure communication using the blockchain Duniter or the federated network Cesium+Pod.

5. Security and Privacy

U Planet takes the security and privacy of your data seriously. We use advanced encryption techniques and privacy settings to protect your information. You have control over the visibility of your data, ensuring that you can share it selectively.

6. Community Engagement

U Planet aims to foster a vibrant community of makers, DIY enthusiasts, and individuals passionate about cooking and crafting. Engage with others, share your projects, and collaborate on exciting initiatives. Your contributions help build a shared database of common resources and knowledge among friends.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance with your U Planet G1Visa or land ownership, please reach out to our support team at support@qo-op.com.

Thank you for joining the U Planet community. We look forward to seeing your contributions and creativity flourish within your claimed territory. Enjoy your U Planet experience!