I have $friend_of_mine_count friends amoung $liking_me_count liking me people

This commit is contained in:
qo-op 2020-12-03 13:37:24 +01:00
parent cc45584292
commit 26f658b4fb
2 changed files with 35 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ diskperf=$(dd if=/dev/zero of=~/.ipfs/test.disk bs=10M count=1 oflag=dsync 2>&1
mkdir -p ~/.zen/ipfs/.$IPFSNODEID/G1SSB mkdir -p ~/.zen/ipfs/.$IPFSNODEID/G1SSB
# find IPFSTRYME public address # find IPFSTRYME public address
echo "ipfstryme" > ~/.zen/ipfs/.${IPFSNODEID}/tryme.addr echo "" > ~/.zen/ipfs/.${IPFSNODEID}/tryme.addr
for tryme in $(ipfs id | jq -r .Addresses[]); for tryme in $(ipfs id | jq -r .Addresses[]);
do do
isLAN=$(echo $tryme | cut -f3 -d '/' | grep -E "(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^fd42\:)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/") isLAN=$(echo $tryme | cut -f3 -d '/' | grep -E "(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^fd42\:)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/")
@ -105,14 +105,12 @@ NODEIPNS=$(ipfs name publish --allow-offline --quieter /ipfs/$IWALLETS)
cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/cesium-messaging cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/cesium-messaging
# GET LIST of issuer(s) who likes me # GET LIST of issuer(s) who likes me
LIKEIN=$(./jaklis.py like | jq -r '.likes[].issuer') for friend in $(./jaklis.py like | jq -r '.likes[].issuer')
for friend in $LIKEIN
do do
echo "sending IPFSTRYME message to my $friend" echo "Sending IPFSTRYME message to $friend"
./jaklis.py send -d $friend -f ~/.zen/ipfs/.${IPFSNODEID}/tryme.addr ./jaklis.py send -d $friend -t "ipfstryme" -f ~/.zen/ipfs/.${IPFSNODEID}/tryme.addr
done done
cd -
# TODO: This message should be regularly deleted by receiver and sent again to refresh changing IP
exit 0 exit 0

View File

@ -36,50 +36,38 @@ IPFSNODEID=$(ipfs id -f='<id>\n')
[[ $IPFSNODEID == "" ]] && echo "ERROR missing IPFS Node id !! IPFS is not installed !?" && exit 1 [[ $IPFSNODEID == "" ]] && echo "ERROR missing IPFS Node id !! IPFS is not installed !?" && exit 1
######################################################################## ########################################################################
#TODO: # Force Strict #swarm0 !!?
# 1. Get gchange in-friends list # ipfs bootstrap rm --all
# 2. Read gchange+ message from them and find their IPFS tryme address
# 3. Compare with out-friends list and add their address to bootstrap, connect swarm peers
# 4. Send message to not yet in-friends to install Astroport.
count=1 liking_me_count=0
######################################################################## ########################################################################
# Let's look if our SSB Friends ARE "IPFS swarm connected" # Let's look for Friends and "IPFS swarm connect" with them
######################################################################## ########################################################################
echo "" > /tmp/This_NOTfriends_are_astroport cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/cesium-messaging
echo "" > /tmp/This_friends_connect_astroport # 1. Get Gchange "liking_me" list
echo "" > /tmp/This_friends_should_install_astroport for liking_me in $(./jaklis.py like | jq -r '.likes[].issuer');
### TODO -> send gchange message (private or zip attached?) with this reports do
friend_of_mine=$(./jaklis.py like -p $liking_me | jq -r '.yours');
for SSBFRIEND in $(uniq /tmp/ssb-friends.txt); do # 2. Searching "ipfstryme" message from friend_of_mine
[[ $friend_of_mine != null ]] && echo "Try to connect to my friend $liking_me" && friend_of_mine_count=$((friend_of_mine_count+1)) && ipfsadd=0 \
# Force Strict #swarm0 !! && for adresse in $(./jaklis.py read -n50 -j | jq -r --arg friendKEY "$liking_me" '.[] | select(.pubkey == $friendKEY)' | jq 'select(.title == "ipfstryme")' | jq -r '.content');
[[ $count == 1 ]] && ipfs bootstrap rm --all do
# 3. liking_me friend_of_mine can join my swarm & bootstrap
### sbotc $SSBFRIEND name ipfs swarm connect $adresse;
MYFRIEND=$(sbotc query.read '{"query":[{"$filter":{"value":{"author": "'"$SSBFRIEND"'", "content":{"type":"about", "about": "'"$SSBFRIEND"'"}}}}]}' | jq -r .value?.content?.name | grep -v null | tail -n 1) ipfs bootstrap add $adresse;
### GET SSB "ipfstryme" message type !!! Astroport Node should have publish it during "ssb_INIT.sh" ipfsadd=$((ipfsadd+1))
TRYME=$(sbotc query.read '{"query":[{"$filter":{"value":{"author": "'"$SSBFRIEND"'", "content":{"type":"ipfstryme"}}}}]}' | jq -r .value?.content?.text | tail -n 1) done;
[[ $ipfsadd == 0 ]] && echo "My friend did not sent ipfstryme message..." # && ./jaklis.py send -d $liking_me -t "Gchange IPFS" -m "Rejoins moi sur https://qo-op.com"
## !! REMOVE NOTfriends from IPFS swarm # 4. liking_me IS NOT a friend_of_mine!!
[[ $TRYME ]] && [[ $(grep -Rwl "$SSBFRIEND" /tmp/ssb-NOTfriends.txt) ]] && MES="($count) HUMMMM $MYFRIEND ($SSBFRIEND) IS NOT my friend disconnecting" && ipfs swarm disconnect $TRYME && ipfs bootstrap rm $TRYME && echo $MES >> /tmp/This_NOTfriends_are_astroport && continue [[ $friend_of_mine == null ]] && echo "I am NOT LIKING $liking_me";
## Ici, on peut décider de demander à faire supprimer la couche astroport à son PAS AMI liking_me_count=$((liking_me_count+1))
## ADD Friend to our IPFS swarm
[[ $TRYME ]] && MES="($count) $MYFRIEND ($SSBFRIEND) connect OK $TRYME" && ipfs swarm connect $TRYME && ipfs bootstrap add $TRYME && echo $MES >> /tmp/This_friends_connect_astroport
## Ce pote est connecté IPFS avec moi
## This_friends_should_install_astroport
[[ ! $TRYME ]] && MES="($count) $MYFRIEND ($SSBFRIEND) is NOT running ASTROPORT !!!" && echo $MES >> /tmp/This_friends_should_install_astroport
### WHAT HAPPENED this loop on my ssb friends
echo $MES
echo "_________________________________________________"
done done
cd -
echo "I have $friend_of_mine_count friends amoung $liking_me_count liking me people
echo "__________________________________________ __________________________________________
$WHOAMI ipfs peers are:" HERE IS MY #SWARM0"
ipfs swarm peers ipfs swarm peers