
368 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

# Created by Alberto Betella
# This is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.
########### Security code, avoids cross-site scripting (Register Globals ON)
if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) OR isset($_REQUEST['absoluteurl']) OR isset($_REQUEST['amilogged']) OR isset($_REQUEST['theme_path'])) { exit; }
########### End
// check if user is already logged in
if(isUserLogged()) {
$PG_mainbody .= '<h3>'._("Change Podcast Generator Configuration").'</h3>
if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action']=="change") { // if action is set
$streaming = $_POST['streaming'];
if ($streaming != "") {
$enablestreaming = $streaming;
// social networks integration
$socialnetworks = $_POST['socialnetworks'];
if ($socialnetworks != "") {
$enablesocialnetworks = array($socialnetworks); //create an array with values 1 or 0 for each social networks
$fbox = $_POST['fbox'];
if ($fbox != "") {
$freebox = $fbox;
$cats = $_POST['cats'];
if ($cats != "") {
$categoriesenabled = $cats;
//news display
$newsinadmin = $_POST['newsinadmin'];
if ($newsinadmin != "") {
$enablepgnewsinadmin = $newsinadmin;
// strict rename
$strictfilename = $_POST['strictfilename'];
if ($strictfilename != "") {
$strictfilenamepolicy = $strictfilename;
// recent in home
$recent = $_POST['recent'];
if ($recent != "") {
$max_recent = $recent;
// recent in FEED
$recentinfeed = $_POST['recentinfeed'];
if ($recentinfeed != "") {
$recent_episode_in_feed = $recentinfeed;
// date format
$selectdateformat = $_POST['selectdateformat'];
if ($selectdateformat != "") {
$dateformat = $selectdateformat;
// script language
$scriptlanguage = $_POST['scriptlanguage'];
if ($scriptlanguage != "") {
$scriptlang = $scriptlanguage;
include ("$absoluteurl"."core/admin/createconfig.php"); //regenerate config.php
$PG_mainbody .= '<p>'._("The information has been successfully sent.").'</p>';
//include ("$absoluteurl"."core/admin/feedgenerate.php");
$episodesCounter = generatePodcastFeed(TRUE,NULL,FALSE); //Output in file
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br />';
else { // if action not set
$PG_mainbody .= '<form name="podcastdetails" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="?p=admin&do=config&action=change">';
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="streaming"><b>'._("Enable Audio and Video Player?").'</b></label></p>
<span class="alert">'._("Enable Audio and Video web player for supported files and browsers.").'</span>
<p>'._("Yes").' <input type="radio" name="streaming" value="yes" ';
if ($enablestreaming == "yes") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '>&nbsp;&nbsp; '._("No").' <input type="radio" name="streaming" value="no" ';
if ($enablestreaming == "no") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '></p>';
########## social networks integration
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="socialnetworks"><b>'._("Enable Social Networks Integration?").'</b></label></p>
<span class="alert">'._("Display Facebook, Twitter and Google+ buttons for each episode.").'</span>
<p>'._("Yes").' <input type="radio" name="socialnetworks" value="1,1,1" ';
if (in_array(TRUE,$enablesocialnetworks)) { //if at least one is true
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '>&nbsp;&nbsp; '._("No").' <input type="radio" name="socialnetworks" value="0,0,0" ';
if (!in_array(TRUE,$enablesocialnetworks)) { //if all false
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '></p>';
########## freebox
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="fbox"><b>'._("Enable Freebox?").'</b></label></p>
<span class="alert">'._("Freebox allows you to write freely what you wish, add links or text through a visual editor in the admin section.").'</span>
<p>'._("Yes").' <input type="radio" name="fbox" value="yes" ';
if ($freebox == "yes") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '>&nbsp;&nbsp; '._("No").' <input type="radio" name="fbox" value="no" ';
if ($freebox == "no") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '></p>';
########## categories
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><a name="setcategoriesfeature" id="setcategoriesfeature"></a><p><label for="cats"><b>'._("Enable categories?").'</b></label></p>
<span class="alert">'._("Enable categories feature to make thematic lists of your podcasts.").'</span>
<p>'._("Yes").' <input type="radio" name="cats" value="yes" ';
if ($categoriesenabled == "yes") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '>&nbsp;&nbsp; '._("No").' <input type="radio" name="cats" value="no" ';
if ($categoriesenabled == "no") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '></p>';
########## newsinadmin
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="newsinadmin"><b>'._("Enable news display?").'</b></label></p>
<span class="alert">'._("Displays Podcast Generator latest news in the main administration page of your podcast.").'</span>
<p>'._("Yes").' <input type="radio" name="newsinadmin" value="yes" ';
if ($enablepgnewsinadmin == "yes") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '>&nbsp;&nbsp; '._("No").' <input type="radio" name="newsinadmin" value="no" ';
if ($enablepgnewsinadmin == "no") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '></p>';
########## strictfilename
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="strictfilename"><b>'._("Enable strict episode renaming policy?").'</b></label></p>
<span class="alert">'._("The uploaded episode files will be automatically renamed using just alphanumeric characters and the current date.").'</span>
<p>'._("Yes").' <input type="radio" name="strictfilename" value="yes" ';
if ($strictfilenamepolicy == "yes") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '>&nbsp;&nbsp; '._("No").' <input type="radio" name="strictfilename" value="no" ';
if ($strictfilenamepolicy == "no") {
$PG_mainbody .= 'checked';
$PG_mainbody .= '></p>';
########## recent in home
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="recent"><b>'._("How many recent podcasts in the home page?").'</b></label></p>
<select name="recent" id="recent">
<option value=\'2\'';
if ($max_recent == 2) { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>2</option>
<option value=\'4\'';
if ($max_recent == 4) { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>4</option>
<option value=\'6\'';
if ($max_recent == 6) { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>6</option>
<option value=\'8\'';
if ($max_recent == 8) { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>8</option>
<option value=\'10\'';
if ($max_recent == 10) { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>10</option>
<option value=\'20\'';
if ($max_recent == 20) { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>20</option>
########## recent in feed
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><br /><p><label for="recentinfeed"><b>'._("How many episodes indexed in the podcast feeds?").'</b></label></p>
<select name="recentinfeed" id="recentinfeed">
<option value=\'5\'';
if ($recent_episode_in_feed == "5") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>5</option>
<option value=\'10\'';
if ($recent_episode_in_feed == "10") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>10</option>
<option value=\'15\'';
if ($recent_episode_in_feed == "15") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>15</option>
<option value=\'20\'';
if ($recent_episode_in_feed == "20") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>20</option>
<option value=\'All\'';
if ($recent_episode_in_feed == "All") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>'._("All").'</option>
########## date format
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><br /><p><label for="selectdateformat"><b>'._("Select date format").'</b></label></p>
<select name="selectdateformat" id="selectdateformat">
<option value=\'d-m-Y\'';
if ($dateformat == "d-m-Y") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>'._("Day").' / '._("Month").' / '._("Year").'</option>
<option value=\'m-d-Y\'';
if ($dateformat == "m-d-Y") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>'._("Month").' / '._("Day").' / '._("Year").'</option>
<option value=\'Y-m-d\'';
if ($dateformat == "Y-m-d") { $PG_mainbody .= ' selected'; }
$PG_mainbody .= '>'._("Year").' / '._("Month").' / '._("Day").'</option>
$listWithLanguages = languagesList($absoluteurl,TRUE);
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><br /><p><label for="scriptlanguage"><b>'._("Podcast Generator Language").'</b></label></p>
<p><span class="alert">'._("Choose among available languages *").'</span></p>
$PG_mainbody .= '<select name="scriptlanguage">';
natcasesort($listWithLanguages); // Natcasesort orders more naturally and is different from "sort", which is case sensitive
foreach ($listWithLanguages as $key => $val) {
$PG_mainbody .= '
<option value="' . $key. '"';
if ($scriptlang == languageISO639($key) OR $scriptlang == $key) {
$PG_mainbody .= ' selected';
$PG_mainbody .= '>' . $val . '</option>';
$PG_mainbody .= '</select>
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-hand-o-right"></i> '._("Looking for another language?").'</a></p>
if (isset($installationKey) AND isset($cronAutoIndex) AND $cronAutoIndex == TRUE){
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><p><label for="cronURL"><b>'._("Use cron to auto index episodes").'</b></label></p>
<p><span class="alert">'._("This feature is enabled.")." "._("By calling periodically Podcast Generator via a cron job, you can check automatically the media folder for new episodes and regenerate the RSS feed.").'</span></p>
<p>'._("Copy and paste the URL below (including your unique key):").'</p>
<input type="text" name="cronURL" value="'.$url.'pg-cron.php?key='.$installationKey.'" style="width:80%;" readonly>
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-hand-o-right"></i> '._("Visit the documentation for more information on how to setup a cron job").'</a></p>';
$PG_mainbody .= '<br /><br /><input type="submit" name="'._("Send").'" class="btn btn-success btn-small" value="'._("Send").'" onClick="showNotify(\''._("Updating").'\');"></p><br />