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__HyperWeb 5D - Metavers Numérique centré sur l'Humain__
# __Human Centric Telecommunication System__
## [is Not an Astroport](./ANA)
The dream of an Internet without GAFAM, without Datacenter. Hosted and operated by all of us...
An asynchronous, anoptic, friend of friend (P2P) network.
## [c'est quoi?](https://astroport.frama.site/)
Le rêve d'un Internet sans GAFAM, sans Datacenter. Hébergé et opéré par nous tous...
Un réseau asynchrone, anoptique, qui fonctionne par ami d'ami (P2P).
| FR | EN | DE | ES | PT | IT | NL | RU | PL |
| ------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [Internet est cassé](./ANA/01.home/default.fr.md) | [The Internet is broken](./ANA/01.home/default.en.md) | [Das Internet ist kaputt](./ANA/01.home/default.de.md) | [La Internet está rota](./ANA/01.home/default.es.md) | [A Internet está quebrada](./ANA/01.home/default.pt.md) | [Internet è rotto](./ANA/01.home/default.it.md) | [Het internet is kapot](./ANA/01.home/default.nl.md) | [Интернет сломан](./ANA/01.home/default.ru.md) | [Internet jest zepsuty](./ANA/01.home/default.pl.md) |
## So what is Astroport ?
Astroport is an ecosystem of several open sources applications forming a global mesh of meshes restructuring the network from Humans point of view not Machine POV.
### It is autonomous, doesn't need permanent connectivity and is Human centered ONLY. [It behaves like The "BLOB creature"](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blob+creature)
It's using:
- **ScuttleButt** as friendship, personnal blockchain & disconnected communication (SSB) layer
- **IPFS** as distributed storage, media transport & file sharing layer
- **Duniter/Ḡ1** Libre currency monetary layer
Astroport is forging a Key compatible with this 3 digital tools and Universe.
So you can use them together with Oasis, Cesium and Gchange.
Some extra interface are being developped. NextCloud. Minetest.
And plenty other to come...
To join Alpha stage #Swarm0
## #SWARM0
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Activated and meshed layers, your node will create its #Swarm0
A special view and access to its network and data through friends only.
#swarm0 is the inner IPFS Metaverse structure and shape the same way our SSB friends are.
Main Task Manager is [run every minutes via cron](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/cron_MINUTE.sh)
By default, shared ipfs data are encrypted (ed25519), but is not "private"...
- Just "invisible" from IPFS Not Friends Nodes.
- Discoverable within SSB by friends of your friends.
Share the same ~/.ipfs/swarm.key with your friends to "HARDEN" your shield
## Installation: Debian 10 (armv7/arm64/amd64) and Ubuntu/Mint 64bits ONLY !
**WARNING: This is an alpha stage development! Please try... Open issues and help corrections PLEASE**
### 0 - OPTIONNAL : Create a new user "pi"
Only if you don't have "ipfs daemon" already running !!
continue the install with the user you are already using instead.
adduser pi
usermod -aG sudo pi
su - pi
### 1 - IPFS - **Install and start “ipfs daemon”**
* Semi manual (so you can read code)
# to do so
curl -s https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/raw/master/.install/ipfs_alone.sh -o /tmp/ipfsA.sh
xed /tmp/ipfsA.sh
# If you are happy with what you read and understood. RUN
chmod +x /tmp/ipfsA.sh && /tmp/ipfsA.sh
* Full automatic (you trust this git depot)
curl -s https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/raw/master/.install/ipfs_alone.sh | bash
[How your SSB and IPFS swarm are kept in sync](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/zen/ssb_IPFS_swarm.sh)?
### 2 - G1 SSB - **Create your “secrets” 🔑 from credentials and activate your Astroport Station 🛸**
[Look at the code generating your G1SSB Identity](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/zen/tools/make_G1SSB_secret.sh).
# ONCE YOU READ and AGREE. Run TrustFull QUICK Install !!
curl -s https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/raw/master/zen/tools/make_G1SSB_secret.sh | bash
**Astroport #Swarm0 makes you enter a "Virtual Private IPFS Swarm" shared with Scuttlebutt friends**
All files are in ```~/.zen``` and ```~/.ssb_astroport```
You Astroport Station is working as a "multi-channel switch"
Every minute, it "listen" to all its connected channels and run small routines to make actions between them.
During alpha period, your Station will ```git pull``` fresh code from this git every 5 mn.
**So you benefit from fresh code** located in ```~/.zen/astroport```
~/.ssb/secret ( + ".json's" for easier SSB recovery)
KEEP them safe.
This way you could recover your data from #Swarm0
### Portal - LOVELand - Interface
Local Web Control Interface (& [CopyLaRadio](https://www.copylaradio.com) Zicmama Layer)
curl -s https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/raw/master/.install/loveland.sh | bash
## Quick tour of "flavours" Astroport Stations could have:
- A 100 km local area Information System around your Cesium location
- [gchange_MONITOR!!](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/zen/gchange_MONITOR.sh) Connect to [Gchange](https://gchange.fr) market
- A Nextcloud / IPFS Hub [Rock64 experimental Station](https://rock64.p2p.legal/)
- Minetest Mini Worlds (SSB in sync) [Txmn.tk experimental Station](https://diaspora.normandie-libre.fr/posts/171127)
- **Explore ScuttleButt UNIVERSE**
- Choose your prefered ScuttleButt client to reach the Metaverse
- [Patchwork](http://dinosaur.is/patchwork-downloader/)
- [Oasis](https://github.com/fraction/oasis)
- [Feedless](https://github.com/rogeriochaves/feedless)
- [others](https://scuttlebot.io/apps/index.html) & plenty to come !!
- **Experimentations in SSB & G1 UNIVERSE**
- Reward SSB likes with [ssb-g1-tip](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/ssb-g1-tip)
- **Experimentations in IPFS UNIVERSE**
- Copy [Audio](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/zen/ssb_GET_zenyta.sh) and [Video](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/zen/ssb_GET_zenytv.sh) from Youtube.
- Publish [contracts in ZenTag](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/zen/zen_MAKE.sh) IPNS link to control ipfs availability of files.
Questions? Help needed? Post an issue...
Chat with us https://chat.axiom-team.fr/channel/astroport
[AXIOM-TEAM](https://axiom-team.fr/) | [Made In Zion](https://madeinzion.org) | [QWANTIC](https://qwantic.com)
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# [OASIS RULES, Docs and Roadmap](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/master/g1sms/Readme.md)
Participating @qo-op @attilax @poka @josselinchevalay ...
- [IPFS CLI commands](https://docs.ipfs.io/reference/api/cli/)
- [sbotc documentation and examples](https://pad.p2p.legal/scuttlebot#sbotc--documentation)
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### Astroport is Human centered & Nature inspired
- Similar to Organic Life Form : [Blob creature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_FaOWZQdz0)
- Devil/angel Game resolver :
- [SSB viewer link](https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/%25TzYboJss10k83csj3khLkGGc5km9zoR%2FAx6RG6z6yEo%3D.sha256)
- [Youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxiKlOK3EJY)
- [#Swarm0 link](
# [Open Collective DONATIONS](https://opencollective.com/monnaie-libre)
### Web 2.0 is dangerous!! You only have window and an apple already biten.
[How your many people you don't knwow are owning your data](https://monitor.firefox.com/) ?
> WE NEED YOU to build more "HyperWeb Cyberspace" Spacecraft(s).
[Enter "Zen Land" Metaverse](https://oasis.astroport.com)