2020-05-16 14:30:19 +02:00

5.1 KiB



This document must be read and accepted before onboarding. Meaning installing the core astoport code accepting selected processes (and official flavours)

All code is AGPL, you are not authorise to fork it and modify it without refering to us. We will publish original team release from this (to come) IPNS reference in that #Swarm0 /ipns/Qm***

This Software makes you Responsible of your Digital and Social behaviour(s) ! It could make you evolve to a new level of consciouness. Are you ready.?

Astroport is a Free Framework and Learning digital Oasis maker.

International Entrance

For now, only french "+33" is accepted in $ASTROPORT/g1sm/ bash code suite (G1SMS flavour Node). It is the most widely available communication system. Used for market alerts...

It could be internationnal making some code evolution... To help finding where to apply patches a convenient way is to use the '$ASTROPORT/tools/search' command.


cd $ASTROPORT/g1sms
search '\+33' '\+_YOUR_COUNTRY_CODE'

TODO : SMS texts in a multi language templating system!

TODO Add new ENV variable in /etc/profile

so bash writing for adding new protocol / channel is simple!

# @qo-op 
# Astroport System user linked to "ipfs daemon"
export YOU=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) || er+=" ipfs daemon not running"

# IPFS layer ID is $YOU Swarm peer ID
export IPFSNODEID=$(ipfs id -f='<id>\n') || er+=" ipfs id problem"

# SSB layer ID is $YOU Social identity
export WHOAMI=$(sbotc whoami | jq -r .id) || er+=" sbotc whoami problem"

# G1PUB is $YOU Zen Wallet (#libremoney)
export G1PUB=$(cat ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey | grep 'pub:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) || er+=" ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey problem"

# IDCARD for Augmented Conscious Digital Ghost born date.
# G_BORN  1st about timestamp (sbotc command ?)
# G_BORN_H  sha256 $(GBORN)
export ASTROPORT="/home/$YOU/.zen/astroport"
export ZEN_PATH="/home/$YOU/.zen"
export IPFS_PATH="/home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs"
export SWARM_PATH="/home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm"
export GHOST="/home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs/.$IPFSNODEID/G1SSB"

The Ghost and Gobblins school & market

  • lolcat is made with ruby
  • duniterpy and silkaj are pyhton
  • sbotc is C
  • ssb is nodejs, vuejs, rust, go, ...

All "Digital Channels" are open to new protocols and specific relay one page bash. You access to the "Fat Layer" and Protocols through tools.

@tuxmain has a made ofr us a wonderful toolbox for crypt/decrypt/sign/verify ed25519 libsodium crypto $ASTROPORT/tools/natools.sh

Use it to save private data in your IPFS #Swarm0

Create. $IPFS_PATH/_the_name_of_your_channel_ $IPFS_PATH/.IPFSNODEID/$_your_channel_indexe(s)_ $ZEN_PATH/_the_name_of_your_channel_/command.sh

All data writen there will published every minute in #Swarm0 $ASTROPORT/cron_MINUTE.sh is the nervous system of a digital Blob creature you cultivate. $ASTROPORT/cron_VRFY.sh is the cron injector

$YOU relative security level depends on Trust levels within your friends and their friends!

TODO: shell microservices

Transmit files as SSB private message. markdown_ + audio_ video_ Attach "natools" crypt files to any $G1PUB Identity Only with public SSB message.

This brings you HyperWeb PowerS. (ipfs p2p --help) Real time TX in LAN. Forward any TCP port of your $ASTROPORT Station, and publish it to one are all #SwarmM Every One is the Network!

Then if $YOU=YOU. $YOU become a LOVE and Zen Blacksmith Zen Economy is a built-in channel $ASTROPORT/tag Inside is contained an accounting system. Where $NANODATE stamped blockchained ipfs file datastucture is made.

Papire salamalek script are acting between $IPFSNODEID tansfered through $IPFS_PATH/.IPFSNODEID/TASK swarm protocol

Receive / Give faces are on your Wallet key necklace (LaPunta)

G1Dab can print created Tags G1Tx terminals can read QRCode and input amount of TX happening

The Carrot Example. A wants Carrots. CarrotsTech(-) B sells Carrots. CarrotsTech(-) C makes Carrots. CarrotsTech(+)

D have Carrots Seeds. E have Carrots growing Land.

A can buy Carrots from B it is taking from C. #IRL

A can contact C, if C is closer than B, A gets Carrots from C. A can contact C, LEARNING he needs Seed and Land to become (+)Carrots

Most of the time, this TX loops are not optimized. And bring a lot of first choice only available.

Now, change A,B,C,D,E into Paul, Rachid, Mary, John, Pierre add more friends if you want to build a more complex (+) Connect the Oasis through "Syndicate Pubs" and start working together. Collectively. Without competition but the one you choose to organise as a treasure game if you whish (you are the master of the Zen).

Activate The 100km MetaverseWorld radar mode and filter information from Transiscope/Gchange Filter map layers by Basic Needs or Makers categories.

 But is built Resilient. Asynchronous. Disconnected. Resistant*. ANoptic?!! You are the master of your Libre Digital Castle (made of sand).

(*) Share the same swarm.key to harden your Friend Of Friend Community ```/home/$YOU/.ipfs/swarm.key```


Contact support.qo-op.com if you wish help.